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Aug 26, 2022
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Tren is probably the one compound I've never used but find reading about the most interesting. It stands apart from every other injectable by far. I have considered trying it at 10mg a dat Ace to limit the sides, which are the biggest turn off.

I have massive sleep issues, last thing I need is worse sleep. But I so want to experience this God like feeling, just to see if the claims are real. The reflux sounds bad too.
Yeah I was thinking of going with 10mg ace per day too and possibly going up to 20. Then I thought, I've put so much work into fixing my mental health and brain injury bullshit. Do I really want to open that can of worms again? Probably not. And the sleep issues I barely sleep as it is. I think I'm gonna stick to my no tren rule. Now Mtren I'll probably give a shot to


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May 27, 2022
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It’s always been my favorite. It wasn’t what I was expecting after studying up and reading other people’s reports on it. Almost all the psychological sides are positive for me. Love the quiet confidence. I get heartburn and decent insomnia on 300mg of Tren ace weekly. It turns me into the man I feel I should be all the time. Sometimes I will get the crazy thoughts from it. But if you are a level headed person and smart enough to use gear responsibly, then you quickly and easily realize that the crazy thoughts are just the tren! You learn to not entertain them and actually appreciate the ridiculousness of them and can even get a chuckle from them before casting them out of your head. I’m in my 40s and still use it a few times a year. I’m as healthy as a mule deer with zero health concerns.


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Mar 20, 2023
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This might not be the best spot so feel free to correct me but I figure this forum has a collection of people that have all been on tren. What dosages do you feel work best for you? I’ve done 150 mg a week and tolerated it well. Mild sides, definitely no paranoia or mood swings but I recognize it’s pretty low dose. Considering a 350 mg per week cycle soon. Thoughts?


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2022
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This might not be the best spot so feel free to correct me but I figure this forum has a collection of people that have all been on tren. What dosages do you feel work best for you? I’ve done 150 mg a week and tolerated it well. Mild sides, definitely no paranoia or mood swings but I recognize it’s pretty low dose. Considering a 350 mg per week cycle soon. Thoughts?
Like with all AAS, you get diminishing returns and increasing side effects with higher doses. I’ve never seen the point in going past 400 mg of Tren per week myself. I noticed no additional fat loss etc benefits and a ton more sides (severe trensomnia, rage, etc.)

When the quality of your life begins to deteriorate with the escalation of the dose of the drug, you know it’s time to quit.


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Feb 28, 2019
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I really don't think anyone that has not taken it before to understand but it's the most insane result anabolic you can take. I always try to mimic the studies used on animals so that I can get similar results, with that being said I started my first cycle of tren ace at 100mg twice a week mixed with my sust 250 and shoot that did that for 4 weeks and leaned out real nice with my weight staying the same. Every muscle is more defined and popped. The negatives are crazy tho you feel the whole world against you and it drives you insane to the point to no matter how well you think you can control it, you know you have to come off to make the feelings go away.


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Jun 4, 2022
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I really don't think anyone that has not taken it before to understand but it's the most insane result anabolic you can take. I always try to mimic the studies used on animals so that I can get similar results, with that being said I started my first cycle of tren ace at 100mg twice a week mixed with my sust 250 and shoot that did that for 4 weeks and leaned out real nice with my weight staying the same. Every muscle is more defined and popped. The negatives are crazy tho you feel the whole world against you and it drives you insane to the point to no matter how well you think you can control it, you know you have to come off to make the feelings go away.
You got that from 200mg/week?


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Oct 29, 2020
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God I love what tren does but the more I run this shit, the more I tend to believe the hype about it being neurotoxic, and if not neurotoxic just fucking not good for you period.

Was intending to run it for 8 weeks at about 420mg/week, but between the anxiety and sexual deviancy I had to pull it about a month. Can’t believe I used to run this shit for 12 weeks at that dose and keep it together.

Cycle before last (or thereabouts) I ran it at about 280mg/ week with primo and test and that was very bearable and provided everything I needed. I don’t compete or anything, just love training and the look.

As time goes on I’m really realizing that it is very much a less is more compound.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2023
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ive ran 500mg tren e twice, 15wks and 12wks, and 300 tren a once at 12 wks.
For strength and aggression tren is awesome, you can put up some serious numbers on it. However, it also introduces a lot of problems that restrict you from fully being able to realize those gains. Number one would be loss of appetite and or heart burn. This makes it incredibly hard to gain weight and can be very uncomfortable. Along with a lower appetite you’re also very dry. I can lose a solid 6lbs+ easily just by taking tren. This dryness contributes a lot to injuries and cramping which can be especially hard to deal with in a competition setting. If you take tren and dont have your hydration on point you will cramp, especially because you’re going to be sweating out all your water every night because of the insane night sweats. Aside from these issues I feel generally stiff on tren and can have a hard time getting loose, which can further cause injuries and hurt lifts.
Mentally its also pretty hard, personally I just say whatever on tren even if its totally rude. I’m not an angry person on gear, but on tren im just mean. This gets worse because you barely sleep on it and are constantly tired unless you’re napping a lot. You’re also horny to the point of going insane which can cause its own problems. Overall, I would say being on tren is a battle when it comes to dealing with the sides, its by far the most miserable drug to be on.
However, I did take it three times for a reason. It’s really fucking good at making you strong, but when other drugs exist that can do the same thing I honestly don’t recommend it unless you very specifically want the tren look and effects. If you do take it, I would go with tren ace so its in and out of your system fast and I would do it for as short as you think will work. I know guys who do as little as 4 weeks of it just for that extra boost. Currently I’m trying npp as a replacement in my cycle as well as ment and so far it’s much more manageable.


Jul 12, 2020
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Never used enanthate, but yes pushing hexahydrobenzylcarbonate to high doses (for me 90mg per week made me nutty AF) can still make someone loopy.

It's trial/error at that point, I tolerate ace at 150mg weekly and hex at 70mg weekly but that's just me. I know a guy who got away with 90mg a week, and felt fine but the same amount of ace made him insufferable.
I asked Syn about tren ace vs hex. I told him that I heard that ace is really rough on the sides, and hex is a little more tolerable. He said that's wrong, but this seemed to be the case for you right?

I'm asking because, I want to try tren but I'm terrified of the bad sides like no sleep, anxiety/paranoia, and wondering if you can get less bad sides from hex compared to ace. Like is it possible for someone to have horrible sleep on ace, but nearly perfect sleep on hex?


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2023
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I asked Syn about tren ace vs hex. I told him that I heard that ace is really rough on the sides, and hex is a little more tolerable. He said that's wrong, but this seemed to be the case for you right?

I'm asking because, I want to try tren but I'm terrified of the bad sides like no sleep, anxiety/paranoia, and wondering if you can get less bad sides from hex compared to ace. Like is it possible for someone to have horrible sleep on ace, but nearly perfect sleep on hex?
hex is just a slightly different ester all its going to do is be different in how much is being released at a time. its still tren regardless so youre gonna have the sides youre gonna have
hex isnt any better or worse its just expensive
ive done ace and e and had basically the same experience
id recommend use ace if you do use tren and to pin it frequently so theres no spikes or drops
ace also means its in and out faster at the beginning and end of your cycle
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Active member
Oct 15, 2021
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hex is just a slightly different ester all its going to do is be different in how much is being released at a time. its still tren regardless so youre gonna have the sides youre gonna have
hex isnt any better or worse its just expensive
ive done ace and e and had basically the same experience
id recommend use ace if you do use tren and to pin it frequently so theres no spikes or drops
ace also means its in and out faster at the beginning and end of your cycle
I can only speak on what I've experienced, and what I've seen others with their use. I haven't used Enanthate so I can't comment but Hex for me using way less per shot gave me similar gains to Ace. I do know some one who has used all 4 forms (tren base, my fave) and felt better per dose on hex like I did. 🤷‍♂️

I do appreciate the quick bump in anger from tren base, pin 50mg pre-workout and just be angry at the weights for an hour.
Aug 8, 2023
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Used Tren (Base) for the first time this cycle (Test/Primo/Var). Like everyone, I've read the horror stories and built a boogeyman out of it. "Wait until you've done at least 5 cycles..." "I was on the bathroom floor hallucinating..." etc. so I picked what I thought would be in/out the quickest for me to gauge it.

I've been pinning 20-40 mg PWO on long workout days (inconsistently) and tbh I gotta say it's really not bad at all (Gnarly PIP tho) in terms of sides or any of the horror I've read about.

I don't get solid "agression" quite like people seem to report but I do gain a weird ability to just pump out rep after rep. I did my 1RM deadlift (PR) then dropped down to a working set and said fuck it and busted out the 1RM again. Pumps last most of the day and veins are more pronounced as well. The workouts that should hurt you for the rest of the day take a brief rest and you can literally workout again or go have a full active day. Cycle already had my libido pretty high so it's hard to tell the effect but seemed slightly elevated.
I expected hunger to dwindle but I was still ready to eat. (But it's never been a challenge for me to eat.)

I think it's been messing with my sleep a bit. If I take it PWO 2x days in a row I get pretty restless on the 2nd night, bit of night sweats and I wake up often. Like RLS but with none of the drive/need to stretch the legs? It may have to do with how intense my workouts get but I think the pattern is becoming clear with dosing. I can mitigate this by taking it early (5a before my 6a w/o) and doing it with at least 2 days between uses but otherwise it kinda sucks. Melatonin helps for a night or two then doesn't - same with diphenahydramine etc.
I think my brain also gets a bit foggy after successive days of use of Tren Base too. Bit of lethargy outside of the gym.

It's pretty powerful stuff but at least with the base and my dose I haven't seen many sides. I might be interested in trying a low dose ace ester but the sleep issues are a concern. Otherwise I'd say the stuff is pretty tame at low doses - at least in comparison to the horror stories online.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2023
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I've used tren ace, enanth, and hex over the years. Even tren ace made from cattl finaplix tablets. Dosages from 100mg a week to 700mg a week.

I get all the benefits of tren at 100mg a week with no side effects. At 700mg side effects are unbearable for no extra benefits.

I would only recommend it at 100mg to 200mg a week and only during contest prep scenarios.


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May 23, 2021
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Never used enanthate, but yes pushing hexahydrobenzylcarbonate to high doses (for me 90mg per week made me nutty AF) can still make someone loopy.

It's trial/error at that point, I tolerate ace at 150mg weekly and hex at 70mg weekly but that's just me. I know a guy who got away with 90mg a week, and felt fine but the same amount of ace made him insufferable.

I've run a few Tren esters. For me, sides are a little worse on longer esters (Tren E & hex) than acetate (currently running Tren E on a blast). Insomnia about the same on all three. Not every night but way more frequently than when not on tren; more tossing and turning, etc.

Tren cough is random for me but feels more like the opposite of asthma. Like taking deep breaths make me cough, so I try to take shallow breaths until it passes. Could be 100% placebo effect lol



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Dec 18, 2021
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I’ve ran Tren ace anywhere from 100-350 mg/week always daily administration. I’ve gotten results from all doses within that range. In my experience, tren should optimally be used for maintaining muscle in a caloric deficit and strength. I usually try to keep my runs with it to 6-8 weeks anymore, but I’ve ran it up to 12 in the higher range I mentioned earlier. Worst sides for me are the night sweats, like girlfriends wanted the tren run to be over bc they were tired of changing the bedsheets daily night sweats, every time I eat sweats, super high libido for the first 3-4 weeks, followed by 1-2 weeks of normal libido, followed by hardly even caring about sex until the run is over. I’ve had tren cough a few times, was interesting. Tren always dries me out and nothing makes me look like Tren does. I also find that it’s impossible for me to bulk on Tren bc I can’t out eat it, especially at high doses. After all my experiences with it, I just stick to 15mg/day for 4-6 weeks during cuts after a bulk blast.


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Jun 18, 2023
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I have only ever used 200 mg tren e with 180 mg test cyp in 12 week cycles. Idk if it was the low dosages but I had no noticeable mental side effects, and cardio suffered but not horribly. The heartburn was absolutely unreal though and the only reason I don’t use it more. Strength was unreal even struggling to eat enough due to the heartburn. Definitely like this cycle for pushing strength into meets.


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Jan 30, 2024
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hex is just a slightly different ester all its going to do is be different in how much is being released at a time. its still tren regardless so youre gonna have the sides youre gonna have
hex isnt any better or worse its just expensive
ive done ace and e and had basically the same experience
id recommend use ace if you do use tren and to pin it frequently so theres no spikes or drops
ace also means its in and out faster at the beginning and end of your cycle
Theres a reason why Hex is more expensive, so shouldn't say it's not better or worse in terms of sides. How a hormone is released will dictate alot on how sides are taken. Tren Hex has always been a more expensive option as the release is between ace and eth, and has for whatever reasons, had less sides for basically anyone that has used it.


Oct 23, 2023
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Ah Tren .. the super hot blonde college cheerleader with a raging case of herpes.....I love you tonight but I'll never forget how you made me feel and what you left me with.

My experience with Tren was both phenomenal, like having Zazie Skymm
walk up to you in an airport bar and tell you she just needs to sit on your face for 12 hours and horrifying like watching a kitten get run over by a school bus at 5mph. I'll explain (yes I'm fucking long winded. I have both ADD and OCD so my brain works a Lil different gimme a break. I see the point and I want to get to it, but I also see all these other things I have to address. Systematically. Thoroughly. With great detail. Maybe repeatedly).

Always wanted to try ever since I met "Spike". A 5'3" jacked leprechaun at my old gym. Leprechaun because he had fire red hair and an Irish accent, not because we was short. Dude was an (even more) miniature version off Lee Priest. Super strong, super cut, super hard (yeah Im a shoulder smacker "hey brother!" Guy. Concrete. I'm 6'6" and always hover around 260-280 and im in less that shitty shape for 43, but I wanted that. I did a ton of research and I was like "nope, nope, no way. Not gonna do it". And then I did.

Unfortunately at the time the only source I had was a dude in my gym who "had a guy". So for the nominal fee of $120 I bought a piss yellow, unlabeled vial of oil with sharpie written on the bottom "TRNA75". After sitting the the cabinet for 3 weeks I decided to give it a go. I was such a pussy, I started with approximately 25mg (and wrote my wife a note saying " if I'm dead, I took Tren. The bottle is in my stash. Its the one I would never take. Tell (my son) I'll haunt his dreams if he ever takes it).

For some reason post first injection I got a raging hard on, still a mystery today. I get ragers when I get mad too, but I might just have some wires crossed.

Gains were unbelievable, quick and steady even at 25. I'm a low dose guy. I'll grow the same at 200/150 Test/NPP as I would at 500/300. I see no need to superdose but my opinion.

So went up to 50, "dayum" mode. Dropped a little fat, gained a farmer's bucket in muscle. Then to 75 and that's when the bolts came loose

I literally turned into another person. I was super aggressive. Super emotionally unstable. Super duper sexually deviant. It was bad. From my side I was all good. But the day my sweet little wife who never raised her voice threw a piggy bank at my face and called me a motherfucker, something was wrong. After she calmed down and I apologized she said "I know you take testosterone and the mandrolone (as she called it) but what else are you taking? You are not my funny, loving husband. You're an asshole". I immediately stopped.

Within 2 weeks I started having panic attacks. I thought I was dying. They got so bad I would have to go walk with headphones on for an hour outside and breath. Was this from the Tren? I don't know. But I've never had them before and the timing coincides. I ended up getting on a short stent of anxiety meds.

Then the palpitations started. Felt like I was free falling for half a second. Heart would beat real fast, then one time real hard, then stop. Had a stress test. All clean. Holster monitor, was diagnosed with LVH and told to stop lifting heavy and taking ababolics. I have a family so I did.

Fast forward to now (5 years). Anxiety is no more. I'm me, professional, mature husband when I need to be and at all other times a goofy, light hearted dad who likes to have fun. I'm on low dose Test/NPP now and I feel awesome. I started coaching and training football players, renovating a massive 5090 sq ft house on 20 acres so I'm a little sloppy right now but serious is just a few days away

Point is this is my story, not the same as others. I will never do Tren again. I obviously don't have the personality to support such a powerful androgen. Doesn't mean it will be the same for you. I know people who take it regularly and are fine. I also know people who have had heart failure and are not fine. Could have been a shitty batch, but its just not for me. Its like that kinky ex you see from time to time. It was fun, and she is super hot but you still remember how bad she fucked you over. I stay with my bread and butter now. May grab some epistane if and when I find. I love that shit so if anyone knows where this guy can get some you are my new best friend.

Anyway, so. Yeah. Pros and Cons

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