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The Bodybuilding Admin
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Feb 18, 2018
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Post your experiences with the compound listed in the title here. Anything from doses, sides, gains made, gains kept, mental sides, etc. Try and think to write your post from the perspective that someone totally new to AAS is reading this post.


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Oct 29, 2022
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I love me some trenbolone acetate! My experience with this steroid is it’s great for cutting cycles due to its anti catabolic effects. It’s also good to use for a recomp cycle too. I get weekly changes on this compound either with gaining strength or appearing dryer and harder. My fiancé can tell when I’m running this compound because she’ll notice I’m horny as fuck all the time. It’s nice but can get annoying at the same time. It does have some sides for me such as irritability, heartburn, mood swings, acne, and headache. Sides for me aren’t near as bad when I inject ed though.

Edit: Something new I’ve noticed on my current run is mental issues like paranoia and anxiety. This has caused me a couple issues with my Fiancé but we talked through it and I’ve been managing better. On the plus side I think the tren has helped me feel more emotionally connected to her.
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Active member
Nov 2, 2022
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Ran tren A for 8 weeks in a deep calorie deficit

- strength increased even on extremely low cal
- body fat dropped tremendously
- physique stayed full
- rounder muscle belly appearance
- great pumps

- terrible for sleep
- mood swings

I enjoyed it but don’t plan on running it again in a deficit. I’d rather use it for a recomp if anything.


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Oct 29, 2020
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Love/hate relationship with tren (more love though than anything)

Tren is like epic pussy coupled with a destructive personality that will kill you in the long term. You will enjoy every bit of it along the way questioning exactly when you should pull the plug on the cycle. I totally get why some guys run the shit year round. Fucking crazy but I get it.

It is so, so incredibly versatile. Decent for bulking if you can handle the sides for that long. I prefer it to NPP honestly but it’s a bitch to run in high doses (500mg+) for 12-16 weeks but that’s just me.

Like most others, I’ve found it to be an excellent recomp and cutting compound. I started bulking with it (in my ignorance) then recomping, and now I just use it for cutting now. I like to run a test and primo cycle in my off season, cruise for a month or so and then cut on 300/400/300 mg/week test/primo/tren. I’ve found these ratios effective with no needed ai or need to inhibit prolactin and effects are amazing. Definitely a synergy with this combo too. I also prefer it to orals on a cut as I’ve found it to be more forgiving on lipids

Never really got the night sweats, but the heartburn and the constant jacking off is what gets me. Never thought about fucking trannies like I’ve heard, but I get how guys arrive there. Shit just feels like it warps your brain. There’s reports on it doing neurological damage and I absolutely believe them. Anxiety can be a bitch but your mileage may vary. I have a history of hard drug use and psychedelics so I feel I’m able to manage the psychological aspects well.

I do not believe it is a fat burner. Maybe if you’re running T3 or your thyroid is running full bore but you can absolutely get fat on this shit. If anything with the nutrient partitioning I would say some people be more susceptible to fat gain and if anything one may want to limit their calories a bit because it’s so effective at retaining tissue.

Strength gains are good. Not like orals but doesn’t beat up your health markers like an oral - fuck knows what it’s doing to your brain though?

This post is all over the place and I’m probably leaving shit out, but it’s a great compound. 10/10 and a personal favorite.


Active member
Aug 26, 2022
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Ran tren A for 8 weeks in a deep calorie deficit

- strength increased even on extremely low cal
- body fat dropped tremendously
- physique stayed full
- rounder muscle belly appearance
- great pumps

- terrible for sleep
- mood swings

I enjoyed it but don’t plan on running it again in a deficit. I’d rather use it for a recomp if anything.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2023
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I have only ever dosed tren up to 350 Mg/wk. I will only ever use tren ace if I do. Used it several times had bad sweats, insomnia, all the listed things above.
However I have found that I can get a lot out the compound running as little as 40/50 Mg 3x a week, and the sides are much more tolerable. I think the higher doses may yield better results for when I’m In the gym on my lifts/ how I am feeling, but the lack of sleep I get negates the end result of me growing / looking better/ feeling better in my day to day life.
I never Set my doseages on a piece of paper and say this week I’m doing this much then at 8 weeks I’m adding that.. I believe that’s pretty common & a mistake. I Go week to week tracking sleep, progress, health markers, gains, lifts to decide whether I should add or stay where I’m at because there’s no point in upping the dosages if I’m making progress in those areas. That’s where I feel I myself & many others have gone wrong in my lifting & AAS usage previously.

You can get it done w 120/210 mg a week of tren.. almost like cocaine… it’s a hell of a drug!


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Oct 15, 2021
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I really like what Tren makes me look like, nearly effortlessly at that. I can't swing the mood changes and strange thoughts it can produce (almost feels like being possessed fr).

If using acetate, no more than 150mg weekly. Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate I tolerated very well at 60mg weekly, same strength and 3D appearance, almost tempted to run it again.

Almost! :sneaky:

Never used tren enanthate, as I hear mixed reviews on the mental sides being better/worse than acetate. Had 3 friends try Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate at 70mg tops weekly, they all felt way better and have used any other form of tren.

I will say I have a love for tren base; anger and special-needs level strength for up to 5hrs? Damn right I want that!


Active member
Jun 4, 2022
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I really like what Tren makes me look like, nearly effortlessly at that. I can't swing the mood changes and strange thoughts it can produce (almost feels like being possessed fr).

If using acetate, no more than 150mg weekly. Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate I tolerated very well at 60mg weekly, same strength and 3D appearance, almost tempted to run it again.

Almost! :sneaky:

Never used tren enanthate, as I hear mixed reviews on the mental sides being better/worse than acetate. Had 3 friends try Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate at 70mg tops weekly, they all felt way better and have used any other form of tren.

I will say I have a love for tren base; anger and special-needs level strength for up to 5hrs? Damn right I want that!
Is it possible to find parabolan through ugl?


Active member
Oct 15, 2021
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Similar side effects as the E and Ace version?

Never used enanthate, but yes pushing hexahydrobenzylcarbonate to high doses (for me 90mg per week made me nutty AF) can still make someone loopy.

It's trial/error at that point, I tolerate ace at 150mg weekly and hex at 70mg weekly but that's just me. I know a guy who got away with 90mg a week, and felt fine but the same amount of ace made him insufferable.
Oct 22, 2022
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Feel amazing look amazing... if you find your sweet spot (when the benefits out weigh the side effects, obv person dependent). I found for me 25mg of tren ace inj daily so 175 mg weekly I get minimal sides and usually run it up to 12 weeks. Daily injections for me are completely necessary. EOD and I get horrible sides my guess is because of the fluctuation in blood serum concentration. If my test is below 250 (rarely the case) than I have no problems with prolactin, test above 250 + tren and I need caber otherwise crazy mood swings. If prolactin is in check I feel like a fucking god no anxiety just crazy aggression in the gym and temper controlled decently well controlled outside of the gym.


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2022
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Tren. I once heard someone say Tren is like “Being God with mental illness”.

That’s pretty much the most accurate description of this wild ass compound I’ve ever come across.

Using Tren will make you feel godly at first. Then, after about 3 weeks, the mental issues begin to pile on like crazy.

If it’s not aggression it’s jealously, anxiety, or paranoia. You eventually begin to hate the thought of food because:

1) Tren gives you horrendous heartburn the likes of which even OTC meds can’t fully tame


2) You sweat like a motherfucker any time you have even one gram of carbs.

Eventually, your cognition begins to go to shit from sleeping 3-4 hours per night as you slowly develop Alzheimer’s. All the meanwhile, the drug makes you think everything is okay. It turns you into an arrogant asshole who believes he’s in the right about everything.

You don’t even realize how much you’ve changed until the cycle ends and you start feeling and sleeping much better.


Mar 30, 2022
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Tren. I once heard someone say Tren is like “Being God with mental illness”.

That’s pretty much the most accurate description of this wild ass compound I’ve ever come across.

Using Tren will make you feel godly at first. Then, after about 3 weeks, the mental issues begin to pile on like crazy.

If it’s not aggression it’s jealously, anxiety, or paranoia. You eventually begin to hate the thought of food because:

1) Tren gives you horrendous heartburn the likes of which even OTC meds can’t fully tame


2) You sweat like a motherfucker any time you have even one gram of carbs.

Eventually, your cognition begins to go to shit from sleeping 3-4 hours per night as you slowly develop Alzheimer’s. All the meanwhile, the drug makes you think everything is okay. It turns you into an arrogant asshole who believes he’s in the right about everything.

You don’t even realize how much you’ve changed until the cycle ends and you start feeling and sleeping much better.
I literally laughed out loud when I read that top line. The heartburn and underlying aggression of this compound are undoubtedly kicking for me. I can also verify that Tren is "a cardio killer" b/c as soon as I hoped on this train, my cardio went to shit. I feel like I have the endurance of when I was walking around 30lbs. heavier and only lifting 12 oz. cans of beer.... BUT THE WORKOUTS and STREGTH GAINZ are pretty awesome upsides. I feel stronger and more aggressive than I did in my 20s on Tren. I'd hate to stay on a cycle of this for more than 3 months.


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2022
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I literally laughed out loud when I read that top line. The heartburn and underlying aggression of this compound are undoubtedly kicking for me. I can also verify that Tren is "a cardio killer" b/c as soon as I hoped on this train, my cardio went to shit. I feel like I have the endurance of when I was walking around 30lbs. heavier and only lifting 12 oz. cans of beer.... BUT THE WORKOUTS and STREGTH GAINZ are pretty awesome upsides. I feel stronger and more aggressive than I did in my 20s on Tren. I'd hate to stay on a cycle of this for more than 3 months.
Haha it was a pretty amusing descriptor I must say!

I second the cardio impediment. Tren could also just as easily be called “obesity cardio simulation in a bottle”


New member
Apr 13, 2023
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So I'm 7 weeks off my first tren cycle I ran it for only 6 weeks to just test the waters too see how my body reacts to it. Well I responded very well to it prolly better than any other I've ran before and I kept all my size gains so far which I usually dont with other gear. I started out at 300mg week then lowered it after 2 weeks to just 200mg and the sides were mild after that. I got all the usual tren sides but one that I didnt expect was how insanely hungry it made me. It's like no matter how much I ate I was always was hungry. I would eat a huge meal right before bed and wake up starving next day. It wasnt easy for me to control I dont believe I could ever cut on this drug without powerful appetite suppressants. But even though I was eating so much I didnt gain hardly if any body fat which was also surprising. Gained around 10lbs in all which I kept all so far. But I did lose a little strength though. If this wasnt such a toxic drug I would run it every cycle for sure.


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2018
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Tren is probably the one compound I've never used but find reading about the most interesting. It stands apart from every other injectable by far. I have considered trying it at 10mg a dat Ace to limit the sides, which are the biggest turn off.

I have massive sleep issues, last thing I need is worse sleep. But I so want to experience this God like feeling, just to see if the claims are real. The reflux sounds bad too.