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Working out 5 AM

Sup Guys.

Due to a fucked up daily schedule, I can only lift before I go to work - which starts at 7 AM. So I have to get up like 4.30 AM (and go to sleep around 21 PM the day before).

It is winter and it is a really wet winter this year, meaning it is really fucking cold in the morning. And when the alarm beeps at 4.30, the warm bed with comfy sheets and blankets are a lot more tempting than the fucking cold and dark home gym of mine (in my basement).

Besides some strong coffee, what do you fellow early-bird lifters take/do for getting ready? It is a fight every morning, not gonna lie… (In summer it is easy since it is too warm anyway, and the sun is up early).

Any meds/drugs/aas that would fit the bill ;)?!
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juicyfatpowerlifter" pid='36281' dateline='1546803351:
Sup Guys.

Due to a fucked up daily schedule, I can only lift before I go to work - which starts at 7 AM. So I have to get up like 4.30 AM (and go to sleep around 21 PM the day before).

It is winter and it is a really wet winter this year, meaning it is really fucking cold in the morning. And when the alarm beeps at 4.30, the warm bed with comfy sheets and blankets are a lot more tempting than the fucking cold and dark home gym of mine (in my basement).

Besides some strong coffee, what do you fellow early-bird lifters take/do for getting ready? It is a fight every morning, not gonna lie… (In summer it is easy since it is too warm anyway, and the sun is up early).

Any meds/drugs/aas that would fit the bill ;)?!
I usually just look in the mirror at my small muscles and lingering fat and that’s enough motivation. When I use to lift in the morning I had some luck with the top preworkouts like C4 or Mr Hyde. It’s been a while since I’ve used them so idk which ones are the best nowadays.
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I workout 6am every day and found for me the most important part is making sure I get enough sleep the night before. I don’t use any kind of preworkout or coffee before hand. Just saying don’t underestimate the importance of just getting enough sleep. At least for me that always gives me a better workout than 6 hours of sleep and a preworkout
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New member
juicyfatpowerlifter" pid='36281' dateline='1546803351:
Sup Guys.

Due to a fucked up daily schedule, I can only lift before I go to work - which starts at 7 AM. So I have to get up like 4.30 AM (and go to sleep around 21 PM the day before).

It is winter and it is a really wet winter this year, meaning it is really fucking cold in the morning. And when the alarm beeps at 4.30, the warm bed with comfy sheets and blankets are a lot more tempting than the fucking cold and dark home gym of mine (in my basement).

Besides some strong coffee, what do you fellow early-bird lifters take/do for getting ready? It is a fight every morning, not gonna lie… (In summer it is easy since it is too warm anyway, and the sun is up early).

Any meds/drugs/aas that would fit the bill ;)?!
If you fall back to sleep really easily and don’t mind amphetamines, set an alarm 30-45 min before you need to wake up, pop an oral amp like adderall or preferably dexedrine (dextroamphetamine) and go back to sleep. You’ll wake up with no alarm after 25-40 min and you’ll fucking fly out of bed guaranteed.

Uppers can be a very dangerous road if you don’t have self control, stay safe.

Did this before an 8am final exam back in undergrad and it worked like a charm, got what felt like 20+ hours worth of studying between 3:30am and the final, felt like I had cheated it was so effective lol
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New member
Dude I wake up at 4:00 everyday to go workout. And have been doing it for at least 8 years. It is the best. Fuck all that post work workout shit. Fuck dealing with the huge post work rush of people. When I get done with work I can just go home. If I was younger and dating, working out early would free me up for happy hour and dating.

You don’t need drugs, just a cup of coffee. Over time your body will adjust, then you can never go back.

Welcome to the 4:00 a m. Club mfer
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Well-known member
I lift around 5:30-6am absolute latest. I take preworkouts too much but they do wake me up.my alarms set for 4:15 and I eat my first meal at 4:30, try to get out my door and heading to the gym around 5:20-5:30. Just go to sleep early, I sleep at 9 pm and feel great in the morning, also I’m way more productive if I lift early and wake up early.
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Burning" pid='36336' dateline='1546827635:
Dude I wake up at 4:00 everyday to go workout. And have been doing it for at least 8 years. It is the best. Fuck all that post work workout shit. Fuck dealing with the huge post work rush of people. When I get done with work I can just go home. If I was younger and dating, working out early would free me up for happy hour and dating.

You don’t need drugs, just a cup of coffee. Over time your body will adjust, then you can never go back.

Welcome to the 4:00 a m. Club mfer
The time saved is really awesome. It is an exclusive club to be in, finally I made it lol!

Thanks for the advice/ sharing experience guys, every bit helps.
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Something small I added was as soon as my alarm would go off was to turn on my phone music and play something to pump me up and remind me that it is time to go to work or forever stay small.
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New member
The adderall/stimulant is a horrible idea. Once u get used to it you will love it. When I had a different schedule I would wake up @ 4 and do 1-1.5 hr. Of fasted cardio, shower and shit, go to work, get off and lift. The energy you are gonna have…
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New member
Up at 3:30 5 days a week to hit the gym. I use a caffeine/synephrine stack and it works well for me.
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New member
  1. ALARMY.
This app was a game changer for me. Set your phone away from your bed, so you have to get up to turn it off. Set the ALARMY settings to either a math game or puzzle, so you gotta work to turn that loud beeping alarm off.
4am is a fucking beautiful time to wake up, in my opinion. Look forward to the streets empty, finishing your workout just as the sun begins to shine. Gainz

Adderall is a fucking horrible idea. Jesus Christ. Please don’t listen to that guy.
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Skipping coffee makes me feel like I need to work out to get anything done, so you could try that.

The mentality goes “well, I’m groggy as shit, and I certainly won’t be un-groggy if I don’t lift, so I’d better go do that now.”
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