I started my journey ~5 years ago, was prescribed 200mg test cyp + .25mg anastrozole + 500iu hcg // wk by a clinic. That's crazy they had you dosing test E only every 3 weeks. A lot of ignorance still today with doctors and anabolics, but surely was even more years ago.
Yea, at the time I didn't know anything. Now I look back and just shake my head. I went through a few more doctors after that, and each one had their own (mis)interpretation. I had one doctor ask my why I wanted my estrogen checked and told me that it wasn't necessary.
I have been told that running orals for more than 8 weeks at a time is very deleterious to one's health- in particular the liver- but I have heard from you and other sources that they don't cycle certain orals. Is that untrue that it's a huge health issue to take orals for more than 8 weeks at a time? I find that winstrol is my oral compound of choice and usually run it for 8 weeks during the summer. I have only gotten labs done soon after coming off of it, and my liver specs were elevated but not terribly out of range.
I've only run a few other things like Anadrol and Dianabol very briefly as an experiment. Anadrol was pretty remarkable but made me incredibly stupid and cocky. At that time, I had terrible form with my Deadlift, still having not trained or being able to even recognize engaging/activating my posterior chain, relying mostly on lower back. You can see where this is going. Well one night we were going for 1RM's, and I found mine. Took me close to a year to recover. Years later, and it's still a work in progress, but only when my posterior starts getting fatigued and noodly does stress start dumping into my lower back now. I can't speak to any other orals besides Proviron and Anavar. Proviron I would have zero qualms running year round. Anavar is also very mild with side effects, but it definitely affected my lipids long-term. However, they recovered fairly quickly and very well once I stopped it.
With IM injection of oil(s) daily, do you move to different sites? I have only used the upper outer quadrant of my glute for IM injections, but surely moving around to different sites would make daily pinning less of an issue.
My rotation is as follows: mid-thigh each leg, upper quad each leg (my quad seem much denser in nerves lower parts), VG each side, upper pec each side, front delt each side, and lateral delt each side. Then just repeat the rotation. I have to go real slow with quads. As soon as I feel a tinge of pain, I'll back off and change the angle because I know I'm getting near a nerve. I hate that feeling.
How much primo is the small amount that you take daily? I very much like that compound, but have only cycled it.
Test P, Mast P, and Primo E, all 25mg daily.
What have you found to be the sweet spot for GH dosing? I am at ~4iu/day (5 months in) and feel great (sleep is amazing) and am starting to see some parts of my core that I haven't seen before (believe some of the fat metabolism benefits are starting to be seen), as well as a more mature looking physique overall, and am considering bumping up to 5 or 6/day- going to stay on GH for good this time- have come and off a bit in the past.
I'm not a good one to ask about GH. I never had a good response with it. I took it for extended periods of time (6+ months) multiple times and really only ever had bad side effects. In fact, I feel like it caused growth in things that shouldn't have grown, like the bones in my wrists. I never got any sleep benefit, increase in muscle growth, increase in fat loss... anything. But I'm an apparent corner case. Most everyone has nothing but good results. I even tried "micro" dosing at 1iU (and less) per day... and still ended up getting tired of the sides with no perceivable positives. Multiple brands, even tried pharma... I'm just some kind of mutant.
My main goals are just looking super lean but muscular, and feeling great. The diet and training are 1000% locked in. The last few years I have been basically cruising test at ~200mg Sep-> Feb, and then blasting for 3 months ~500, and then coming down to ~300 during the summer. Ill take Primo for a few months in the spring and then Mast for a few months in the summer; add in the winny during the summer as well. Also as I said, on GH now, and also on Semaglutide or Tirzepatide, started back up hcg (just b/c of the no hang factor). Any thoughts?
What source(s) do you use on sst? I just joined last summer, because I was using an international source and had customs issues, so was looking for a domestic source. I have been using Muscle Candy and have been very satisfied, labs show everything is legit.
You're way ahead of me on this. Someone else is going to have to chime in for this kind of experience. I've actually never even run a cycle, being wholly focused originally on just TRT, and then later adding in some extras for what some now call TRT+. I didn't even start working out until a little over five years ago. I've been using Tirz myself for the past few months, as well. I'm always in deficit and the extra help at reducing food noise and cravings is very welcome, especially at night. However, one estrogen symptom I've noticed is when it gets too high, no matter even with Tirz, I will start having irresistible cravings which just interrupt consistency. I use hCG at 250iU three times a week. Any more than that, and it seems to spike estrogen. Any less than that, and my testicles will start to ache.
I've actually not used any sources here.. yet. I'm coming off a long stint on some private boards where I got tired of the owners' conflicts of interest.