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Test C


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Apr 25, 2023
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I started my first run with test C and was hoping to get some input from everybody.

Week 1 and 2 = 100mg test C
Week 3 through 12 = 200mg test C
25iu HCG daily for weeks 6, 10 and 12
Week 12-14 = Clomid 100/50/25mg daily

I'm 34 years old 6 foot and weigh 210. Wondering how long until I am supposed to wait after that to run another cycle. Doing weekly injections of the test right now but might switch to twice a week at 100mg. Thanks for any feedback.


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Feb 28, 2023
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A max dose of 200 mg/week isn't a cycle, it's kinda "generous" TRT. Depending on the person it may just result in a high-normal value, so not even over physiological levels. Many people under physician direction run 200 mg/week indefinitely.

I would pin every other day or M-W-F and just keep at it.


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Apr 25, 2023
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What would you suggest for a first run with cyponiate then?


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Apr 25, 2023
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Looking to build muscle and lose fat body weight of around 200 is ideal. Not really sure how to answer that question without sounding dumb lol


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Feb 28, 2023
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Just to cover all the bases, items number 1-5 on your priority list should be nutrition. You won't lose and weight without having that dialed in, and adding test to that equation won't do anything.

Unless you're hypogonadal (low testosterone), testosterone won't specifically help you lose weight. What it will do is spare muscle tissue as you lose weight from caloric deficit, so that a higher portion of what you lose comes from fat. It's not the best compound for doing that, but it will help. It will also help you recover from serious training while you're in a steep caloric deficit, so that you can keep lifting and hitting the cardio while dieting pretty aggressively, and you won't wake up sore and foggy everyday.

If you're brand new to serious lifting, and you've got a program in place where you're progressively adding weight to the bar or reps at the same weight, you will be able to gain muscle as you lose fat. Adding in extra test will facilitate that even if you're not new, but not as dramatically unless you bump up the dosage.

I tend to favor lower doses than some people, so IMO you might want to try 250-300 mg and see how you feel after eight to ten weeks. If you don't like how you feel, or it's not helping you, you can stop. I see you're thinking about PCT, which is smart, but at that dose for that length of time, you may not even need it. The need for PCT grows as your dose grows and as the length of time you're on gear grows, so a short period at a moderate dose may not shut you down for too long.

You should also get bloodwork done before you start anything. You need to know what your hormones and other blood parameters look like, so that you can get back to that point if anything should go sideways.


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Apr 25, 2023
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I'm glad the post got moved to dumb questions 😉

I wanted to have the pct on hand just in case since I was placing this order as well. I'll go with the 250 a week.

In terms of lifting experience, I've been an avid lifter through all of my 20s and then stopped due to opiate addiction from 30-34 (part of the reason I wanted to reintroduce some test to my body). I know I jumped the gun by starting without getting blood work done but am working on scheduling that asap. I do believe I have a basic understanding and application of sound nutritional principles with no refined sugars in my diet, high protein and healthy fats. If anything I'm concerned I am not eating enough protein/calories in general to put on muscle. Will keep track of my diet for a few days and post if recommended...

Thank you guys for any and all serious feedback. I'm new to this aspect of training but am eager to learn and do it correctly.


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Feb 28, 2023
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Oof, I'm really glad to hear you kicked the opiate addiction. It's something that endocrinologists are seeing more and more. For the longest time, the best information said that opioid induced hypogonadism is temporary; after a few days of cessation, the hypothalamus starts secreting gonadotropin-releasing hormone, and everything turns back on. Turns out, that's only partially accurate and we're learning more about it as a larger pool of patients have to deal with opioid addiction and the consequences. TLDR, you may actually be suffering from hypogonadism, and you'll know after about six weeks.

The general rule for protein is 1g per pound bodyweight, assuming you're not massively overweight. Eating more doesn't hurt, but it won't really help all that much. It's enough to build muscle while in a surplus and preserve it in a deficit. That's sort of a baseline you can just build in to your diet... 200 grams of protein is 800 calories, and you just don't touch that portion of the diet anymore.

That means you would manipulate carbs and fats to get to your calorie goals, and there's no particularly great evidence that one is any better than the other for all people... you can go by feel and how your body and cravings respond. Eating generally healthy foods is good, but testosterone will improve your insulin response, so you get a little more freedom to eat sugary stuff. I've got a weakness for regular-ass, real sugar Coke. After lifting, your body is pretty good at utilizing simple sugars, and they actually tend to be protein-sparing. A can of coke, a modest amount of candy... all that shit can actually work for you as long as you limit it.

If you can fit it into your schedule, some fasted cardio really does help. It can even be taking the dog for a walk. Knock out 200 extra calories that way, cut out 500 from food, and you'll lose ten pounds almost without effort in about six or seven weeks.

Good luck amigo.


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Apr 25, 2023
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Yeah the opiate addiction was actually about 10 years long, those last 4 or 5 being strictly iv heroin use. Went off the deep end, in and out of jail, etc. Long way from the college graduate, competitive jiu jitsu practitioner, etc everybody knew me as.

A friend of mine who also got clean was the one who really got me interested in the test for the opiate aspect of this. I've always wanted to try it out though and was told to wait until I was around 35 so here we are.

Thank you again for the welcoming to a new member of the forums.


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Apr 25, 2023
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Quick update to those who replied. I'm running it at 250/wk and seeing good progress. Lost 8 pounds in last 2 weeks and starting to see some muscle gains too. Energy and endurance are the most noticable gains. The fasted cardio 3 days a week is making a big difference and I don't feel beat up just walking on the treadmill at an incline for 30 mins.

I am scheduled to get blood drawn this coming week. Currently I'm pinning mwf and have blood work on Monday. When should I do my last injection before?