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Staying sober during lockdown :(


New member
Sorry if this post isn’t necessarily fitting for this type of forum but asking out of curiosity. Anyone with “addiction” related issues been struggling to stay clean and off your DOC during the lockdwon? Had a relapse on unnamed drug of choice but luckily have been clean for the past 3 weeks. Cravings are absurd though.
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New member
Tbh I’ve been clean for multiple years and lockdown wasn’t bad. I get cravings regularly but it’s easier to ignore when you have things goin on in your life that are important or that you’re passionate about. Maybe try filling your time with other hobbies like reading or playing video games?
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Former heroin and alcohol addict for 16 years. Been clean from both for 8 years this past May. I pretty much have it down at this point so lockdown was a breeze. But if you need someone to bounce ideas off of or vent to I’m all ears, and perhaps I can even help. Shit’s hard as hell bud. I absolutely get it. From what you’ve told me, the best advice I can give you is the same as when you’ve eaten clean for x amount of weeks and then you fuck up: simply pick right up where you left off as if it never happened. Try not to “count” how many days you’ve been sober. It’s irreverent. This day counts. That is it.
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I had devoloped a borderline alcohol addiction.

I was having 3-4 beers every day. and almost needed it. I havent had a beer in two months. I was worried like you, but honestly had nothing to do all day during so i was able to kick it thru napping and netflix
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New member
I’ve been clean for a little over 6 years. The quarantine hasn’t been an issue for me personally, but has been hard for some in our recovery community. I’m an AA person so meetings are a part of my recovery. During quarantine, all meetings in our area were shut down, some are partially open now. My gf and I started having meetings at our house outside in the yard. Hopefully it has been helpful for some folks. I haven’t tried them out myself, but I do know that meetings are happening on zoom.
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New member
@“Jack78” I love that. This day counts. That’s all the matters. If you fall off don’t sit in your misery. You’re wasting your time. Dust off and get back together. I have 5 and a half years. Staying clean during quarantine wasn’t the issue I wanted to act out and do dumb shit. I do miss my routine that I had built which was workout before work, work then come home and take care of the kids until the wife gets done work. That was a huge part of keeping me on the right track. I’ve been able to go to the gym this whole time because I have a key to my gym. So I’ve been lucky but without going to work I come home and sit around and got super lazy. Having a hard time sleeping at night. It’s almost summer so I’ve found some chores around the house to keep me busy last week. Just gotta stay moving for me.
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After you put together enough time–usually around 5 years, you get used to the idea that you have too much to lose by drinking/using that cravings don’t even matter. And you just develop, by default, coping skills. Statistics back this up too, relapse rates are very low after 5 years.

I was an alcohol/cocaine guy—i’d be lying if I said using gear weren’t a replacement for the thrill seeking behavior I exhibited as a drunk. In any case, life is so much easier and navigable when you aren’t broke/estranged from friends and loved ones/a huge fuck up all the time. When you really don’t want to use anymore, you won’t. Keep at it.
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I had fears that I’ve been an alcoholic for the last few years. I was getting drunk to get to sleep every night for months. I decided to do a super clean diet and sleep 8 hrs during the whole lock down and I was surprised how generally good a felt and the progress in the gym. Addiction I tend to think never goes away you just sub one vice for another.
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New member
Not a hard drug user but I’ve easily doubled my pot smoking and it definitely has had effect on my work (working from home). I used to smoke once daily, now I’m smoking hourly. I attribute it to work related stress and pure boredom. I’ve been trying to just stay productive.
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New member
It’s a difficult time for everyone. I haven’t really had an issue as of lately, but i know exactly where your head is at right now.

My recommendation is to either take yourself out of your environment for a few days and explore a nearby city/state…

or if you need a frame of mind shit, take a moderate dosage of mushrooms. I’ve found that psilocybin isn’t so much recreational as it is medicinal. If you’re being dishonest with yourself and engaging in behaviors that you aren’t content with, a nice dose of psilocybin should force you to take action.

These been times where I wasn’t stepping up to the plate and I had been indulging too deeply. As soon as the trip took off, my mind was instantly bombarded with my missteps and I forced to either:
  • solve the issues and enjoy the rest of the experience
  • push the issues down and spiral into a bad trip.
Treat substances as tools and always respect yourself whilst taking them. They don’t give a damn about you
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