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Southern Compounding


New member
Nov 3, 2018
Reaction score
3 days TA from time of order to arrival, he forgot a couple of items in my order, which I cant understand how because we spent all day talking about them prior to my order, I give him an 8/10 1 point missing for each item I was missing which I feel is fair. The 2 missing items were a filet of fish and hashbrowns. Hopefully he makes it up to me in my next order.

No really though, solid 10/10 from this dude, his website was stupid easy to order and pay from, shows you current stock levels and check out is literally seconds. I’ve ordered off quite a few websites and this one is by far the easiest and I didnt have to wait around for an email of where to send funds or wait on funds being confirmed in a few days by email.

If you haven’t used SoCo I cant tell you how badly you’re fucking up.

I need to place a test order of test e in M840 so I can find out how my body reacts before placing a larger order of stuff.

Thank you @Southerncompounding for making shit so easy and being a pleasure to work with!
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