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[Source] Hunter Pharm - SOURCE REMOVED


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Nov 14, 2023
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Wife took this on Sunday. Since everyone is so skeptical please reverse search it and look. Its the actual picture.

Damn man. I'm sorry that happened to you. I hate to see any of my fellow steroid brethren go through any health complications. I have a bit to share regarding the topic that I hadn't mentioned prior. When you posted your response from hunter, it had me thinking about the response I received when I reached out to him back in November.

So, much like you, I've been a customer of his for many, many years and had always opted for his test E 300 as well. I had 5 vials that I had purchased earlier in '23 put back. I was cruising on another sources test E, and when I finished with those, I had planned on starting my first blast in a few years, which I started in early November. From the jump, I noticed the pain at the injection site, soreness, redness, and warmness to touch that @TraumaRN described. Like..no joke, the sites I was pinning were literally hot to the touch in the days following each and every injection. The PIP was nearly unbearable, and I'm no newcomer to pinning.

I reached out to Hunter to let him know what was happening and see if he had heard from anyone else having the same issues. This is his response, copied and pasted, which is similar to the response you received.

"Oh yeah! The batch is a bit more yellow than usual and the PIP is mostly from an allergic reaction to the buffering agent the factory used around that time. I can sub the Test E out with the latest current batch or equivalent value of Test Cyp if you'd prefer. For sure the Test Cyp has zero issues."

I had many questions, but I left it alone since he offered to replace it. So this is what kinda pissed me off about the situation. In the following days/weeks, I sent several emails to see where we were at. Did he already send the replacements? Is he going to soon? I wouldn't know, he wouldn't respond back to me. So that kinda put me in a tough spot. I continued to pin the test, and started diluting it with some NPP in grapeseed oil from another supplier. I went through 2/12 vials of it. In hindsight, it was an incredibly dumb decision to keep injecting it. I tend to do knuckleheaded things sometimes. I eventually gave up on him sending replacements and received some new test in from another source. I should of just did that on the onset of problems. It may also may be worth mentioning that while on it, I had an overall shitty feeling, almost like what some I've heard some describe as "test flu". I'm not sure if that's fair though, it could of been unrelated or just placebo. Who knows.

So anyway, I hadn't mentioned any of this before, but considering the position you're in, I can't help but think that this could of been me. I'm not trying to blow things out of proportion and create mass hysteria, I'm just speaking my mind. How would I feel being a grown ass man with a career and a family, laid up in a hospital bed, about to get a chunk cut out of my shoulder, lat, quad or ventro glute? I'd feel terrible. Things like this serve as a reminder that this isn't a game, and there's real life risks we're taking, with real life consequences. So I feel for you man, I really do. But hang tight, things will get better with time and you'll move on.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention that when Hunter just posted an update a few days ago, I reached out to him once more, for one last try as a hail mary. He promptly responded and said he would be immediately sending the replacements out. I haven't received it, but that may have nothing to do with him. The USPS in my area is completely fucked right now, and it's been all over the news. I have several packages that I should have received several weeks ago from other places that I haven't received, so likely nothing to do with him. It could just be sitting in snail mail hell at this defunct sorting center, along with all my other packages.

Good luck, I'm pulling for you friend. I wish you a speedy and healthy recovery.
Aug 12, 2022
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I was disappointed to learn that in stock on the website doesn’t necessarily mean that the product is in stock, so, like me, you may be waiting on him to brew a new batch of something that you thought was in stock when you ordered. I got a, “Should be ready and out ………..day.” But who knows at this point.


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Aug 17, 2022
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I want to preface this by stating that I love hunterpharm. I have been a loyal customer for a long time and referred countless friends to him that also ending up purchasing a ton just as I have since he has been consistently fantastic for years. I am not angry nor do I want to bash hunter since he is the goat and just has a lot going on. I only want this corrected since my order was pretty expensive and I have not received it.

I ordered on 12/20 and sent $920. I have emailed many times but have received no response. Can I expect a reply or my package anytime soon? It’s been so long that I’ve moved locations since then and need to change the shipping address as well. I would include the images that prove I sent the funds but it says the file is too large. I have also included those images in all of my many emails. If the money had not been sent correctly I’m also assuming hunter would have emailed me back informing me of such.


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Feb 22, 2023
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Where is my order? And why are emails not been responded to? I’ve ordered from hunter before and had no problems. Wtf?


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Nov 14, 2023
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I want to preface this by stating that I love hunterpharm. I have been a loyal customer for a long time and referred countless friends to him that also ending up purchasing a ton just as I have since he has been consistently fantastic for years. I am not angry nor do I want to bash hunter since he is the goat and just has a lot going on. I only want this corrected since my order was pretty expensive and I have not received it.

I ordered on 12/20 and sent $920. I have emailed many times but have received no response. Can I expect a reply or my package anytime soon? It’s been so long that I’ve moved locations since then and need to change the shipping address as well. I would include the images that prove I sent the funds but it says the file is too large. I have also included those images in all of my many emails. If the money had not been sent correctly I’m also assuming hunter would have emailed me back informing me of such.

I would send the moderator team an email

[email protected]

They can help you get it sorted. Good luck.


Apr 1, 2022
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Damn this is all crazy. Noticing a trend he disappears for a while. Theirs a bunch of complaints. He comes back with an apology and excuse everything goes back to normal then the cycle repeats.


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May 5, 2022
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The issue is your claims have to be backed by clear cut evidence. It’s hard to prove whether his Test was the result of the abscess or just some bacteria getting into the injection site.
Ok so this isn’t my business but since I DO buy from Hunter I’m gonna reply to this bc I buy the test 300 from him and I have had went through 4 bottles from his last batch and it’s just fine. I’m still using it and I have another shot in the morning. Please note that this is my own opinion based on topic “HUNTER/Test300”. Idk what’s going on with his emails being unanswered but reply’s to me just fine. Guys I would have to agree to do a lil more research before Atari g anything like this bc it can potentially hurt a man’s pockets in the worst way along with his reputation. Hunter had worked very hard on just being clean and maintaining complete sterile environments while prepping and bottling. Brand new equipment and I’ve also been buying from him for the past 3 years. Just my opinion


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May 5, 2022
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Wife took this on Sunday. Since everyone is so skeptical please reverse search it and look. Its the actual picture.
question about this picture and I mean no disrespect AT ALL, but looks to me as if it’s pinning a wrong location. I’m not sure so I can’t say for sure but this looks a lil bit different than an abscessed.


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May 5, 2022
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You can’t get an abscess without bacteria present. He did have a bad batch, related to pip and there were multiple reports.

But in order for a “batch” to be bad, I, and the board, need more than one account and not “oh my friend also, yada yada.” You don’t find it strange that of all the vials sold ONLY yours causes an abscess? He makes only 10ml at a time and you just happen to get the contaminated one? Again, also going against the fact that there’s antiseptic in the oil…

We are not friends, no. And others have been banned for less? When? DO and Dash had many, many service issues before their ban, a source might have a bad batch (pip, underdosed) on occasion and weren’t banned. He’s having some trouble right now responding to emails but that’s all and we are in constant communication about it.

Again, I empathize that you have an abscess. I’ve never had one. I’m sure it sucks to have to go and get it drained. But as for a burden of proof, we need more than this to make the claim that an entire batch was bad.
I wanna make this clear to you @CaptainAmerica THANK YOU for reaching out to him about this. I do know that y’all stay in contact bc ur the one that helped me get my last order from him bc of the email situation and I have to say that I ordered a lot of that batch and it’s just fine. Idk what this guys issue is but again I’m not calling him a liar either but the batch is just fine bro. We all know hunters hard work and he doesn’t deserve this crap to keep going on from people who looks like doesn’t even work on his glutes and if it’s just a fat ass cheek he had maybe it just interrupted a fat pocket or something bc I’ve hit ligaments, tendons, arteries, bone, and all other sorts of crazy spots, and never have. I had an issue from hunters supplies, but what I was saying about the glutes, I meant no disrespect at all, but in my own opinion, looks like he shouldn’t even be on gear at this moment anyways. Gear is to push boundaries higher limits and my comment about the glutes. Just the fact that they can’t be seen makes me feel like he shouldn’t even be using but I’m dropping conversation.


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Oct 9, 2020
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Wife took this on Sunday. Since everyone is so skeptical please reverse search it and look. Its the actual picture.
So, a couple things...
A) you waited WAY too long to have that remedied. I know, hindsight is 20/20, but just to help others stay out of the hospital here's a couple tips...
1. We all may feel a little PIP here and there, but as soon as something starts turning red, or feels hot, get your ass to the Dr. This could have been remedied by a 10-day course of Ciprofloxacin. No hospital time or surgery needed.
2. ALWAYS Clean the vial top and injection site with an alcohol swab every time. (obviously if this was a dirty batch, swabs wouldn't help in this case)
3. Not saying this is the case here, but NEVER EVER reuse a needle. No matter how well you clean it, unless you have an industrial strength sterilization system, you WILL introduce bacteria.

B) I understand that infection spreads, so maybe the Pic is just misleading, but where exactly are you injecting? You should be pinning on the upper outer glute, more towards the hip. A lot less nerves and vascular mapping in this region.. More muscle, and less fat, so you're less likely to end up in subcutaneous (fat) tissue, and more likely to hit muscle.


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Oct 9, 2020
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It's rather unfortunate that this is the way things have gone for @HunterPharm . He's been a great source for many years, and seems to be a stand up guy. I've been buying from him for almost 8 years and have never had a problem.
I'm not that active on this board but come on a couple times a year to check status and buy gear. I was about to make my largest purchase yet (over $2k), but glad I checked on here first. If this were just an isolated incident, then I could just chalk it up as "shit happens" and continue with my order. But with this many people saying they're having problems not only with communication and shipping times, but also with the gear itself, I'm gonna have to look at different routes. Disappointing to say the least.


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May 5, 2022
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Look bro all this is a lie!!!! All of it. They been tryna ban him from the forum as a source bc he’s going through some shit. I mean as a man on gear I kno it’s given me the results that I’ve wanted my entire life but I’m telling you this CANT YOU ALLOW HIM TO HAVE A BAD MOMENT?? I won’t buy from anyone else and this pisses me the fuck off bad and I swear if I find this fucking meezle that’s lied like this ima give him worse than a fucking abscess. That’s not a fucking threat. He’s mad bc he currently was complaining first about money and shipment issues for not responding. I ordered weeks ago and EVERYBODY WAS TALKING THIS SHIT and I still trusted my guy and he came through for me. I ordered the same gear this faggit is complaining about and it’s a fucking lie. Show ur face you fucking bumb. Set location and ima fuck ur ass up bc now ur messing with a mans money you no glutes having faggit. Tell ur man to fuck you harder and leave ur love handles alone and maybe ur fat wouldn’t separate from ur hip whore. Now I’m fucking mad. Forgive me to all other set users and members but this guy with the no glutes having shouldn’t even be using gear. It’s prolly his baby rejecting any type of MALE hormones bc he’s a lil girl that’s apparently dirty in the locker room sucking cock. This forum will lose me as a member if somebody else says something about hunter bro. !!!!!!!


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Active member
Nov 14, 2023
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Look bro all this is a lie!!!! All of it. They been tryna ban him from the forum as a source bc he’s going through some shit. I mean as a man on gear I kno it’s given me the results that I’ve wanted my entire life but I’m telling you this CANT YOU ALLOW HIM TO HAVE A BAD MOMENT?? I won’t buy from anyone else and this pisses me the fuck off bad and I swear if I find this fucking meezle that’s lied like this ima give him worse than a fucking abscess. That’s not a fucking threat. He’s mad bc he currently was complaining first about money and shipment issues for not responding. I ordered weeks ago and EVERYBODY WAS TALKING THIS SHIT and I still trusted my guy and he came through for me. I ordered the same gear this faggit is complaining about and it’s a fucking lie. Show ur face you fucking bumb. Set location and ima fuck ur ass up bc now ur messing with a mans money you no glutes having faggit. Tell ur man to fuck you harder and leave ur love handles alone and maybe ur fat wouldn’t separate from ur hip whore. Now I’m fucking mad. Forgive me to all other set users and members but this guy with the no glutes having shouldn’t even be using gear. It’s prolly his baby rejecting any type of MALE hormones bc he’s a lil girl that’s apparently dirty in the locker room sucking cock. This forum will lose me as a member if somebody else says something about hunter bro. !!!!!!!



Active member
Dec 18, 2023
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Look bro all this is a lie!!!! All of it. They been tryna ban him from the forum as a source bc he’s going through some shit. I mean as a man on gear I kno it’s given me the results that I’ve wanted my entire life but I’m telling you this CANT YOU ALLOW HIM TO HAVE A BAD MOMENT?? I won’t buy from anyone else and this pisses me the fuck off bad and I swear if I find this fucking meezle that’s lied like this ima give him worse than a fucking abscess. That’s not a fucking threat. He’s mad bc he currently was complaining first about money and shipment issues for not responding. I ordered weeks ago and EVERYBODY WAS TALKING THIS SHIT and I still trusted my guy and he came through for me. I ordered the same gear this faggit is complaining about and it’s a fucking lie. Show ur face you fucking bumb. Set location and ima fuck ur ass up bc now ur messing with a mans money you no glutes having faggit. Tell ur man to fuck you harder and leave ur love handles alone and maybe ur fat wouldn’t separate from ur hip whore. Now I’m fucking mad. Forgive me to all other set users and members but this guy with the no glutes having shouldn’t even be using gear. It’s prolly his baby rejecting any type of MALE hormones bc he’s a lil girl that’s apparently dirty in the locker room sucking cock. This forum will lose me as a member if somebody else says something about hunter bro. !!!!!!!
And this…is your brain on Tren.