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Small arms


Hey guys, I’ve always been on a push pull legs program with an arm day before leg day (push, pull, arms, legs). Still progressing in everything, but arms are lagging hard. I’ve tried hitting high volume low weight arms on push and pull days to increase volume but nothing works. At this point I look like a goddamn chicken because my chest is so big but arms are tiny in comparison. What do?
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Active member
Ok I will take a stab at this. I always struggled with arms as well. As far as working arms… the only thing I saw that really changed me was switching up to almost all of my work being done on a preacher bench… when I supported the elbows AND then increased weight…it is very hard to recruit any other muscles when the elbow is supported and strict form is used. As far as tris… same idea… almost all sets are done above the head with cables making sure not to activate lats .
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@Jy10871 Not trying to troll or anything but Lee Priest said it best. If you got big arms you got em. If you don’t you don’t.

You can get them bigger, but they will always look small compared to your other body parts because that your genetic structure. It sucks, I’m in the same boat man.
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Active member
@Jy10871 yeah genetics and muscle insertions is the corner stone of arms. There’s honestly too many ways you can go about this to type up.

Mind muscle connection. Posing in a mirror is super beneficial if you have the time. Doing half reps can also help.

Shocking the muscles. An example Arnold thought breaking routine and hitting 1 rep max and drop setting 10 pounds incrementally till you can’t even crank out 5s worked. Of course this is highly debated if “shocking” does anything for growth.

Arms are like calves you could hit them everyday if you chose too. Force those puppies to grow. Just let em rest if they get sore so you don’t injure yourself.
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New member
Same problem, i agree shocking the muscle doesn’t do anything more, but for me, going through a normal workout increasing weight to a 6-8 rep max, then shocking at the end of the workout, works for me. Seems the extra blood flow at the end to failure helps. Just my experience though.
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Thanks for the suggestions guys. I mean the arms do grow but just slower than the rest of muscle groups. I guess it is what it is. Hate genetics
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Active member
I’ve only just now really started to bring up my arms and what really seemed to help was adding in an arm day and adding frequency.
Wasn’t doing a shit ton of volume because the frequency was high but it definitely helped bring up arms and calves. Diet and recovery really need to be dialed in too.

In my case it was this:

Chest triceps and calves
Complete back and biceps
Shoulders triceps and calves
Quads hams and calves
Arms, including forearm work
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