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New member
I don’t blast and cruise, I just permablast. Have been since last january.

Most recent compounds I’m switching off from: Test/EQ was bulking on this for about 6 months. Dropping EQ.

compounds I’m introducing:
Test/Tren/Mast (Enanthate)
with Tbol → Winstrol

I’ll be cutting for a period of time, maybe 8 weeks and then I’ll fill back up, probably only changing the test to 600 at that time and maybe adding in Anadrol.

I’m only listing the above stuff because I also want to maybe run GHRP-2 and Mod GRF 1-29 alongside this.

I’m going to supplement Type I & III collagen and fish oil.
Using retin-A and Hyaluronic Acid as well as a cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen.

The goal is to SKINMAXX. Want some smallpore, smooth, clear ass skin that’s VIBRANT.

Anything I’m missing? Thoughts? Opinions? Questions? ?‍♂️
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Nizoral shampoo has helped me with some acne, body wash with salicylic acid also helps a ton.
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New member
Dude, with the kinda of money you are spending on gears, you better off just go to a facial plastic surgeon get a microneeding or laser treatment, better and faster result.

Why asking a bunch of stringer wearing acne popping bros for skin care advice?
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For acne…if u are looking for something for that. I’ve always bought the proactive part 2 lotion. Usually can get it on eBay for pretty cheap. It’s not the new version of it. It’s the last generation I guess you would call it. But if I ever have a break out or razor bumps. 2 days of that and it’s all cleared up. No need for the full system they sell. Just the part 2 is all I’ve ever used and it works great.

If you’ve never done Test Tren Mast combo. You’re going to love it. It’s insane the amount your body changes.
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Grave" pid='40747' dateline='1549656037:
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HGH seemed to help my skin.
What did you notice from it?
I’ve run Mk-677 for the past 3 months and just restocked for the rest of the year purely for the skin/hair benefits.

It’s like pregnancy glow, I look fucking opulent. I had some stretch marks on the inside of my biceps from putting on some decent size a little too quick and they started fading out within the first week.

My hair just has a nice sheen to it, like my wife is intensely jealous and I just use Mane and Tail conditioner on it 3x a week, nothing else.

I’ve been dosing at 10mg daily. 20mg made me absolutely insatiable and interfered with my sleep cycle.

Hope any of that helps brother
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