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Questions About Dallas McCarver's Drug Selection



So we know that when Dallas died he was 3 weeks out from the O. This is when most would typically be using a wide variety of drugs, but from the reports it appears he was only using high test, tren, insulin and growth. No orals at all, no nandrolone metabolites either. Further, no major sleep aids or heart/bp meds. What do you guys make of this? Don’t get me wrong, obviously he was using massive doses of the drugs he was using, but from random gym guys to recreational bbers to amateurs and even pros we’ve heard time and time again that they are using a far greater variety, and even more so at the level Dallas is at. When you look at alleged “cycles” from X pro before X show it’s 10 different drugs, but does this tell us that sticking to the basics could really be a feasible option? Obviously during the off season the tren would get swapped for a mass builder (or just dropped entirely?) but it wouldn’t make sense for him to be using far less drugs during the time where he needs to look his absolute best. I’m blown away by no orals at all. Just looking for some thoughts and discussion, hope y’all have some good insight!


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Feb 23, 2018
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If I recall correctly, he was not doing the 2017 Olympia, so his off season stack was massive amounts of test and tren. I assume that he would add more if he was preparing for a contest.
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Feb 18, 2018
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sticking to the basics
Even with just test, if you’re on lantus hitting humalog at meals, and blasting GH eating all day you’ve gotta grow. And apparently he was on a fuckload of test anyway.
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Feb 19, 2018
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kingofcarbz" pid='18608' dateline='1530435273:
So we know that when Dallas died he was 3 weeks out from the O. This is when most would typically be using a wide variety of drugs, but from the reports it appears he was only using high test, tren, insulin and growth. No orals at all, no nandrolone metabolites either. Further, no major sleep aids or heart/bp meds. What do you guys make of this? Don’t get me wrong, obviously he was using massive doses of the drugs he was using, but from random gym guys to recreational bbers to amateurs and even pros we’ve heard time and time again that they are using a far greater variety, and even more so at the level Dallas is at. When you look at alleged “cycles” from X pro before X show it’s 10 different drugs, but does this tell us that sticking to the basics could really be a feasible option? Obviously during the off season the tren would get swapped for a mass builder (or just dropped entirely?) but it wouldn’t make sense for him to be using far less drugs during the time where he needs to look his absolute best. I’m blown away by no orals at all. Just looking for some thoughts and discussion, hope y’all have some good insight!
Have you got the list of shit he was on? Qauntities? Amounts? Mgs?
What would the pin schedule be…
what would the pin site location rotation be like…
do you count the calories in the oil towards your macros?
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Feb 28, 2018
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kingofcarbz" pid='18608' dateline='1530435273:
So we know that when Dallas died he was 3 weeks out from the O. This is when most would typically be using a wide variety of drugs, but from the reports it appears he was only using high test, tren, insulin and growth. No orals at all, no nandrolone metabolites either. Further, no major sleep aids or heart/bp meds. What do you guys make of this? Don’t get me wrong, obviously he was using massive doses of the drugs he was using, but from random gym guys to recreational bbers to amateurs and even pros we’ve heard time and time again that they are using a far greater variety, and even more so at the level Dallas is at. When you look at alleged “cycles” from X pro before X show it’s 10 different drugs, but does this tell us that sticking to the basics could really be a feasible option? Obviously during the off season the tren would get swapped for a mass builder (or just dropped entirely?) but it wouldn’t make sense for him to be using far less drugs during the time where he needs to look his absolute best. I’m blown away by no orals at all. Just looking for some thoughts and discussion, hope y’all have some good insight!
out of all the x pro cycles I’ve read on the internet however true they are i don’t ever recall sdrol, mtren, dhb, even bold cyp or npp being on there(not saying they don’t use it who could ever know). i think sticking to the basics is a very feasible option although the basics to me are test deca eq tren mast npp drol dbol win var and halo(which seems like a lot all typed out to be basics)

i saw on rxmuscle vid they talked about andreas munzer’s death cycle it was fucking outrageous amount of orals

Weeks 1-10
captagon-- scheduled 1 drug in the US, meaning no legitimate medical use-- it is an amphetamine-type stimulant–

Weeks 1-5
500mg daily of test enanthate
152mg daily of parabolan
150mg daily of dianabol
150mg daily of halotestin
20 IU daily of HGH
20 IU daily of Insulin

Weeks 6-8
300mg daily of masteron
152mg daily of parabolan
250mg daily of winstrol tabs
150mg daily of halotestin
50mg daily of winstrol inj
24 IU daily of HGH

Weeks 9-10
200mg daily of masteron
100mg daily of winny inj
200mg daily of halotestin
400mg daily of winny tabs
24 IU daily of HGH
Insulin daily
IGF-1 daily

Days 1-3 leading up to show
aldactone, lasix
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New member
Feb 18, 2018
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One thing to consider is how well he responds to gear. I don’t know much about him other than he had some obscene test levels and an extremely enlarged heart. He quite possibly could get away with using less compounds because of how well he responded to them compared to others.
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