I started developing Carpel Tunnel Syndrome last month shortly after starting 2iu of HGH before bed.. I thought I had just pinched a nerve or had some bad inflammation causing it and did not think it was the HGH. I decided to go up to 4iu split pre workout and before bed and my symptoms have exasperated at 4iu.. So clearly I'm lead to believe I'm getting these sides from my GH. The good news it, my GH is great. The bad news is my sleep is being crippled by waking up in the middle of the night in pain from my hands/wrist. The last thing I wanna do is stop, I've been noticing a huge difference since implementing it. I know the obvious answer is lower my dose, but even at 2iu I was still having my sleep get effected from carpel tunnel. I'm curious what you guys have done to mitigate carpel tunnel sides from GH, whether physical therapy or splitting doses EOD.. I'm all ears!!