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Ment vs tren


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Jan 30, 2024
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Ace will be noticed within the first couple weeks since acetate is around 3-4 days 1/2-life. Enanthate and Decanoate take at minimum 4 weeks IMO; I run a tiny 25mg ED dose of ace with the long ester and taper off so the effects overlap.
Thats a pretty solid protocol of the 2 together. I'm kinda leaning toward ACE. Probably do something similar too your schedule of 25mg ED of Ace and try to back it up with a low dose of enanthate/decanoate. I'm leaning towards Decanoate for the long as I see it's a little better bang for buck. How much of Long ester are you running each week with the ace?


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Oct 15, 2021
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Thats a pretty solid protocol of the 2 together. I'm kinda leaning toward ACE. Probably do something similar too your schedule of 25mg ED of Ace and try to back it up with a low dose of enanthate/decanoate. I'm leaning towards Decanoate for the long as I see it's a little better bang for buck. How much of Long ester are you running each week with the ace?
When I switch from short/long I go 3-4 weeks short and add the long in the middle of week 3. I always pin on a Monday-Friday schedule so I can properly track my levels.

Since the decanoate is 150mg, I do .5ml (75mg) Monday/Tuesday-Thursday/Friday with test M/W/F and the ace 25mg ED up until the addition of the long ester.


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Jan 20, 2023
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Is 100 mg everyday really crazy I wonder what pros do because how the fuck are they 300 pounds with abs. Hgh and insulin I get it but how many grams of gear are they on I wish I could see a real cycle of an open pro.


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Jan 30, 2024
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Is 100 mg everyday really crazy I wonder what pros do because how the fuck are they 300 pounds with abs. Hgh and insulin I get it but how many grams of gear are they on I wish I could see a real cycle of an open pro.
They dont and It's called eating. When you eat enough, you'll GROW! Should try it.


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Dec 21, 2020
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I react better to MENT than trenbolone, so it has become sort of a staple in my usage.

I manage estrogen quite well with supps, keep AI close if needed but only treat gyno issues with strong serms (Raloxifene or Ormeloxifene).

I like to run Trestolone Ace 100mg weekly as a trt+, 150mg weekly while cutting and long ester (enanthate or decanoate) at 300mg weekly for bulking.

I have excellent bloodwork on MENT, even showed it off on livestream (I really need to get back on that). Ran Trestolone Enanthate 300mg weekly with no test base, felt fine and was hard and libido wasn't affected. My bioidentical E2 was 3pg, my docs at Marek were concerned but I felt great.
so it's enough for a full blast just low test (if needed) + ment?

What about adding a dht derivative like mast/primo or proviron? I've heard they help counteract some of the mental sides, if any.

I'm seriously considering stop blasting with high t and do something like 100mg test (only because I've tried ment solo and felt a bit off, guess my body likes dht) and 150-200mg ment weekly.

Any input would be much appreciated


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Oct 15, 2021
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so it's enough for a full blast just low test (if needed) + ment?

What about adding a dht derivative like mast/primo or proviron? I've heard they help counteract some of the mental sides, if any.

I'm seriously considering stop blasting with high t and do something like 100mg test (only because I've tried ment solo and felt a bit off, guess my body likes dht) and 150-200mg ment weekly.

Any input would be much appreciated
I say test base is always needed, just being mindful to adjust where it helps or keeps side effects down. My prescribed TRT is 120mg/wk, I rarely deviate from that unless it's a blast and I'm eating quite a bit.

I only got mental sides from the enanthate form, mostly snippy and overly disagreeable. I have used primo with it, stenbolone with trest enanthate was interesting. Proviron made my libido more intense, so many awkward boners.

MENT solo isn't terrible but it's also not for everyone; having ancillary backup for estrogen management and a strong serm (Raloxifene/Ormeloxifene) for gyno if needed would be the way to go.
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Jan 20, 2023
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I say test base is always needed, just being mindful to adjust where it helps or keeps side effects down. My prescribed TRT is 120mg/wk, I rarely deviate from that unless it's a blast and I'm eating quite a bit.

I only got mental sides from the enanthate form, mostly snippy and overly disagreeable. I have used primo with it, stenbolone with trest enanthate was interesting. Proviron made my libido more intense, so many awkward boners.

MENT solo isn't terrible but it's also not for everyone; having ancillary backup for estrogen management and a strong sarm (Raloxifene/Ormeloxifene) for gyno if needed would be the way to go.
Have heard of ace half life being less than a day and it’s better to do twice a day for perfect levels.


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Oct 15, 2021
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Have heard of ace half life being less than a day and it’s better to do twice a day for perfect levels.
Yeah, but acetate begs to differ. Odd how any other hormone attached to an ester will work according to that ester's metabolism, but Trestolone is just different.:sneaky:


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Dec 21, 2020
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I say test base is always needed, just being mindful to adjust where it helps or keeps side effects down. My prescribed TRT is 120mg/wk, I rarely deviate from that unless it's a blast and I'm eating quite a bit.

I only got mental sides from the enanthate form, mostly snippy and overly disagreeable. I have used primo with it, stenbolone with trest enanthate was interesting. Proviron made my libido more intense, so many awkward boners.

MENT solo isn't terrible but it's also not for everyone; having ancillary backup for estrogen management and a strong sarm (Raloxifene/Ormeloxifene) for gyno if needed would be the way to go.
Thanks for replying. How do you calculate the proportions of primo/mast to use alongside ment? Let's put an example, 100mg test/150mg ment/ xxx primo/mast


Ancillaries I have for blood presure / high rhr telmisartan and nebivolol. For estrogen management aromasin and raloxifene.


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Oct 15, 2021
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Thanks for replying. How do you calculate the proportions of primo/mast to use alongside ment? Let's put an example, 100mg test/150mg ment/ xxx primo/mast


Ancillaries I have for blood presure / high rhr telmisartan and nebivolol. For estrogen management aromasin and raloxifene.
You could go 1:1 test/MENT and match either primo or masteron in the mix. I did last summer 120mg test cyp/120mg MENT ace/ 120mg primo per week and it hardened me up while giving me the libido of a cracked-out bull!

I'm a fan of lower doses most times (not that noticeable with how much MENT I blast), but at times a little goes a long way.

So to answer your hypothetical; 100 test/150 MENT/ 120 primo or masteron (mast might dry your joints but the 7aME2 from MENT could help).

If you get unlucky with gyno symptoms, ralox would be plenty as many feel AIs don't touch synthetic MethylEstradiol (I did feel worse on low dosed Aromasin, better once I stopped using it).

For blood pressure and overall health, add in 2-4g Taurine and be sure you get in your electrolytes.


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Dec 21, 2020
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You could go 1:1 test/MENT and match either primo or masteron in the mix. I did last summer 120mg test cyp/120mg MENT ace/ 120mg primo per week and it hardened me up while giving me the libido of a cracked-out bull!

I'm a fan of lower doses most times (not that noticeable with how much MENT I blast), but at times a little goes a long way.

So to answer your hypothetical; 100 test/150 MENT/ 120 primo or masteron (mast might dry your joints but the 7aME2 from MENT could help).

If you get unlucky with gyno symptoms, ralox would be plenty as many feel AIs don't touch synthetic MethylEstradiol (I did feel worse on low dosed Aromasin, better once I stopped using it).

For blood pressure and overall health, add in 2-4g Taurine and be sure you get in your electrolytes.
Great, I'm inclined to mast since primo actually lowers e2 while mast mask it. I don't wanna lose the little "real" e2 i'll have.

I thought much more mast will be needed since I've read ment is about 10x more potent than test. But I'll start at that dosage and adjust according to how I feel. The idea is not using AI since as you well said, they have little use again sinthetic e2 from ment.

Speaking of mental sides, did you felt any different when a dht derivative is in the mix vs ment alone?

Oh and almost forgot, what about proviron instead of mast?

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Active member
Oct 15, 2021
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Great, I'm inclined to mast since primo actually lowers e2 while mast mask it. I don't wanna lose the little "real" e2 i'll have.

I thought much more mast will be needed since I've read ment is about 10x more potent than test. But I'll start at that dosage and adjust according to how I feel. The idea is not using AI since as you well said, they have little use again sinthetic e2 from ment.

Speaking of mental sides, did you felt any different when a dht derivative is in the mix vs ment alone?

Oh and almost forgot, what about proviron instead of mast?

Proviron works, but if your libido is high it'll make things hard :)sneaky:) to focus on in daily life.

Mental sides are not there, I feel good on MENT ace and with a DHT it gives a more confident (yet horny) demeanor.

I wouldn't hold any stock on that 10x test idea; sounds good but feels about the same maybe if I had to compare I feel more on 120mg MENT than I do my TRT at the same dose. Strength and endurance not to mention MENT has a similar nutrient partitioning effect to Trenbolone.


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Dec 21, 2020
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Proviron works, but if your libido is high it'll make things hard :)sneaky:) to focus on in daily life.

Mental sides are not there, I feel good on MENT ace and with a DHT it gives a more confident (yet horny) demeanor.

I wouldn't hold any stock on that 10x test idea; sounds good but feels about the same maybe if I had to compare I feel more on 120mg MENT than I do my TRT at the same dose. Strength and endurance not to mention MENT has a similar nutrient partitioning effect to Trenbolone.
To me there's no comparison, I feel way more at 5mg daily. Only went to 10 and libido was out of whack, but got some back acne and some mental sides. Made me a jealous asshole with my girlfriend lol. That's why I want to try it with a dht derivative since some people says it helps with those mental issues of 19 nors


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Aug 25, 2023
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On tren ace, I get horrible brain fog & lethargy even with a very low dose.

Wondering of I would experience the same from MENT.