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Lock and Load Labs Test E underdosed.


New member
The test e I ordered a while back was very underdosed and I can tell by the taste when injected. I pinned 500mg a week for 2 months and got hardly any gains. I emailed her directly before I got on here and said anything and she was extremely rude and told me I have no proof. Lady…I know what test e does to my body after 5 years of using it. It has a very distinctive taste when dosed right. She wouldn’t replace my pack. Ended up using another verified source and it was top notch. I’m not telling people to not use LnL just giving a heads up. What is the point of only being able to leave positive reviews? I would want to hear raw and honest product reviews about a source if I was a new customer. So if this review goes against your community guidelines @CaptainAmerica ,then please tell me and I will take it down.
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The Bodybuilding Admin
Staff member
@abstractnoodle unfortunately it does. Taste as a measure of dosage? I won’t be able to accept that for follow up with the source.

In order to have any valid claim here on SST we need empirical evidence such as bloodwork or HPLC testing. This has always been the standard.
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Active member
Were you blast and cruise or just coming off a PCT? 8 weeks fresh into a new cycle would have 2 maybe 3 weeks of full saturation and effects.
And if it was what you are saying, why would you want a reship?
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New member
@abstractnoodle wtf dude… this is the silliest shit I’ve read in awhile!!! You shouldn’t taste test period… your obviously hitting a vein or something and getting it your bloodstream…that is the only way you would taste it…
Your the first person to make any claim against l and l… and ots a ridiculous one at that!!! Go lift some more and eat your test!!
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New member
No clue what you’re talking about with ‘taste,’ but have you had bloodwork done to confirm? I recently got labs done 4 weeks into cycle and it is definitely good to go… unless you somehow got a ‘bad’ batch, I don’t really know what can be taken from this.
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Active member
@abstractnoodle blood work is less than $100, would have been super easy to actually test if the dosing was correct vs eating it or whatever. Hall of shame.

Do you do this with all your products? Do you taste your laundry detergent and leave a bad review for tide saying it’s under dosed?
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New member
@abstractnoodle never said you eat it… and yes it’s slowly absorbed into the blood stream… SLOWLY… not enough concentration to give a taste… I inject 6ml a week no taste ever except one time I hit a vein… that was 1.5 years ago…
So these sources live and die by these reviews and word of mouth right? So when someone claims a lab has underdosed gear based off of taste… yea ima call bullshit!! Your making a serious claim about the quality of a long standing lab woth zero proof… taste feels and gains are not proof … they vary to much!! You need hplc…period… the right way to do this here… is you send it out…blind test … and most sources will give you your money back and more beciase that test is adding to their great reputation…
I do not approve of baseless claims by anyone anywhere!! If it’s out at tje grocery store or on a forum!! I see/hear a baseless claim I’m going to call you/then out!! Take responsibility for spreading false info with out any real proof!! I’m not picking on you or sticking up for lock and load… I never even used love and load… I’m sticking up for other honest men like myself… when younsee someone out of line or innthe wrong…I will take the opportunity to point out where their wrong and try to teach them what I believe to be the responsible way to act!!.. To many people are aloud to say/do as they please and cause harm and not habe to take responsibility for it… lol now go habe a nice day and keep tasting your injections …your a free man… bit your not free to make a claim based on nonsense and not be held responsible and get clowned online. If I ever posted something like you did I would pray to God a couple good guys would show me my wrongs call me a dummy and teach me how things work the responsible honest way…
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New member
@abstractnoodle I’m not attacking “you”… I’m not attacking anything…
I’m simply saying that it is wrong to say a vial of test is underdosed by taste!!! Calling something undetdosed is a serious fucking claim… your saying a lab either had a bad brew or is intentionally shorting gear!!! Do you see that side of the coin??
That to me is like how some people call you a racist by how you look… wtf?? Really.thats a pretty serious claim with no material evidence…
If someone were to make a crazy claim against you I would act the same… for this to be fair for all parties I believe in having real proof before you claim something…
I kinda see your point of view… but i can’t also beciase I believe I’m facts… hplc testing before you claim something bunk or underdosed… if I was a lab I would be fucking pissed if I seen that post… and I honestly would be asking you to send ot off woth my full guarantee to reimburse or even front the coin… not store credit to prove this claim false… I’ve had people make false claims against me and it fucking sucks… hard to correct it fast enough before it spreads far…
I’m done here… we will now send you our gear for taste testing so we know if it’s dosed properly… sounds fucking retarded… have a good one brother… it’s the internet…😁
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New member
@abstractnoodle it’s not the complaint… I was more like wtf with your saying it was underdosed and.you know this by taste… you can voice concerns all you want but if they seem ridiculous to someone they.can.csll bullshit as well…goes both ways… if I had test I bought and a handful of my friends bought and we were all having issues I would be on tje source… to prove me wrong or right… maybe get blood work ors not definite like hplc but it’s a start I suppose? … Goodluck hope l and l help you with your concerns
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Active member
@abstractnoodle only thing that ever left a taste for me was NPP. This is completely subjective. Get bloodwork next time like a not autistic person? Lab testing? Something real and objective? and yea if somebody posts something honestly idiotic I will make fun of you for it. Because you deserve it. Dumbass.
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@abstractnoodle said in /404:
@forthewin1123 when did I say anything about eating testosterone oil?? You sound bitter. Yes you can taste it when you inject anything into your muscle. It’s a metallic taste. Google a forum on it and I bet you that many other people can taste it. Definitely didn’t hit a vein directly because I aspirated the syringe. Where do you think the test goes when you inject into your muscle? Your capillaries. (Those are tiny veins that spread throughout your muscles) so yes. I can taste how potent a batch is. Not saying I know the exact mg per ml dude. Chill out. Just leaving a review.
You have to be trolling or very inexperienced. I’m
Not being mean brother but theirs no way you can tell how potent test is by the taste.
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Staff member
@abstractnoodle I am curious, when you “taste” Test E, how do you know you’re tasting the Test E versus the carrier oil or solvents? Have you ever injected straight oil, or benzyl benzoate, or benzyl alcohol? Is it possible that your experience tasting something when you inject it is a result of the solvents rather than amount of Test E?
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Staff member
@abstractnoodle said in /404:
You’ve never tasted a flu shot after injection?
You didn’t ask me, but no, I haven’t. My question would be, if you can taste a flu shot after injection, why do you think that taste is a good measure of the potency of Test E? How much Test E would you say was in the flu shot you were given? You could taste it, right?
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Active member
I’m a bit new around here… but why not just go get bloods? Like I said… new hear, but legit source complaints seem to be taken very seriously both by the sources and those on the site.
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New member
@abstractnoodle the reason we don’t take you serious is because you say you can measure the mg per ml by the taste of the juice… that is why we all call bullshit… and to claim bad gear just.off your taste is shitty… get vlood work or send it out… until then.ypur spreading bs…
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