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High AST and ALT

A little embarrassed to post these but I feel like it’s educational for lurkers and experienced users.

My AST ( SGOT) is 644 and my ALT (SGPT) is 1155
Normal is 0-44.
Current blast is 350 test e, 500 tren e, 350 mast e, 50 mg anavar. Only been on blast 6 weeks
Lipids are double normal values.
My bloodwork before this blast was a little high but in normal range.

I’m going back to a small cruise but I’ve ran higher dosages and haven’t had that bad of levels before. I’ve always had high ALT and AST during blast but it was usually just 10-20 over, not a 1000. I got an std test during the same blood work and I was negative for everything that would cause high AST or ALT. Is this just a failed blast or should I be concerned of another problem? My diet hasn’t been the cleanest but it’s cleaner than some of my last blasts. I’ve obviously scheduled a day off to see a doctor but im sure he’ll ask questions about the high testosterone. I know the obvious answer is go see a doctor but any of you bros dealt with a similar phenomenon?

Edit: forgot to mention I had a kidney infection a little over a month prior to starting the blast but bloods were good after running antibiotics. I work in a desert so my water intake is probably not optimal which caused the kidney infection.
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New member
Heavyweightmover" pid='19755' dateline='1531344477:
eyetest1" pid='19754' dateline='1531344156:
can you post the actual bloodwork? there are things i wanna see
Ya give me a little bit to remove the personal information

Sweet baby jesus those liver values.

Yeah, go see a Doctor.

If you can’t for whatever reason, I would recommend TUDCA at 1000-1500mg/day for 4-6 weeks which has shown to help liver recovery IIRC. And maybe throw in some NAC (~1g/day).

But really you are going to have to see a doctor.
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New member
Anecdotally - NAC would probably be more helpful than TUDCA in your case; however, neither is likely to be incredibly helpful. You should certainly see your doctor, but given negative HCV, HbSAg and HSV, your typical viral etiologies for a pure hepatocellular transminitis have been ruled out (other than Hep A, which people tend to know if they have - usually), making your steroids (one of them at least) to be the likely offending agent [there are other rare etiologies like autoimmune, iron overload, copper overload, etc, but I’d stick with the clear and likely target of your steroids here). The treatment of that is going to be removal of the offending agent and trending of your liver transaminases. While TUDCA won’t hurt, you have no cholestasis or clear evidence of biliary (extra or intra hepatic biliary) issue given normal Alk phos and bilirubin, so it’s rather unclear that TUDCA would be doing much of anything for you. It, however, won’t hurt. And of course, as mentioned above, benefit of even NAC would be anecdotal as there aren’t many clinical studies on the topic.

TLDR; See your doc. Stop all the roids now.
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kingofcarbz" pid='19764' dateline='1531348735:
You have a UTI?
I have been sexually active and my urine has been a bit burning and heavy but I thought that was from the tren since it’s dark yellow. STD test came back negative. I noticed the moderate bacteria level though. I forgot to mention I had a kidney infection a month before the blast but levels were back to normal after the antibiotics kicked in. I work in a desert doing manual labor now so my water intake is hard to keep at a healthy level. I’ll edit that in to the main post for others to see.

nanidesukedo" pid='19769' dateline='1531350413:
Anecdotally - NAC would probably be more helpful than TUDCA in your case; however, neither is likely to be incredibly helpful. You should certainly see your doctor, but given negative HCV, HbSAg and HSV, your typical viral etiologies for a pure hepatocellular transminitis have been ruled out (other than Hep A, which people tend to know if they have - usually), making your steroids (one of them at least) to be the likely offending agent [there are other rare etiologies like autoimmune, iron overload, copper overload, etc, but I’d stick with the clear and likely target of your steroids here). The treatment of that is going to be removal of the offending agent and trending of your liver transaminases. While TUDCA won’t hurt, you have no cholestasis or clear evidence of biliary (extra or intra hepatic biliary) issue given normal Alk phos and bilirubin, so it’s rather unclear that TUDCA would be doing much of anything for you. It, however, won’t hurt. And of course, as mentioned above, benefit of even NAC would be anecdotal as there aren’t many clinical studies on the topic.

TLDR; See your doc. Stop all the roids now.
Would using pct drugs right now be healthy? Or should I just not inject for 1-2 weeks and then start 80mg test/week to maintain some function? Or just avoid all drugs do no pct or cruise and see how my body recovers? I’ve already ordered another bloodwork to monitor the levels in a few weeks. I’m hoping I can recover. If not I’ll be an educational example of the dangers of steroid use. Anecdotally I feel a little unhealthy but I don’t know if it’s placebo from seeing my blood work. (Maybe placebo is the wrong word because I am in fact unhealthy)
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Khanfasa" pid='19777' dateline='1531355162:
are your eyes yellow?
No not yet. I’ve ran 700 mg trenA/week with moderate liver values after 4 months so I don’t know why 500 mg tren e would have such a drastic change in blood levels after 6 weeks. Unless the brewer messed up and vastly overdosed the vial. The tren is from a reputable source here so I know it’s probably not that. I’ve got the money to get blood work regularly so I’m going to check every two weeks and I’ll make a new post to update y’all. I’ve had shit bloods before from a wreckless blast and recovered about 3 years ago so I have hope. Although I thought 300 was a high liver value back then.
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Hate to ask, but did you drink alcohol during your blast or within the few days up until getting your liver values checked? Just a few drinks can make liver enzyme values out of whack, even if only short term. Additionally, any use of NSAIDs (Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Toradol) or prescription medications (especially cholesterol statin drugs) can elevate them too. Other than that, could be a viral response as well. But those are still some pretty crazy high levels. I have recklessly used about 6 orals at once before and luckily I only had slightly above average numbers. Definitely follow up with a doctor with those kind of numbers. You don’t want to falsely assume it’s a result of the gear when it could very well be another underlying problem.
Good luck man. Keep us posted!
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Khanfasa" pid='19777' dateline='1531355162:
are your eyes yellow?
In the setting of a normal bilirubin, they wouldn’t be. You don’t expect scleral icterus until at least a bilirubin of 2.

Frankly I’d stop all injectables and PCT. Maybe you could get away with a cruise and blast again shortly, but why risk your liver?

And PCT drugs should be fine (per LiverTox, clomid is clear and tamoxifen has had rare instances of liver injury). Still. I would really consider monitoring via your primary care doc and not just self monitoring…
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Did you take augmentin for your kidney infection? Because augmentin is one of the top causes of medicine induced liver failure.
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I can tell you almost exactly what to do.
  1. go to a physician and show your lab results
  2. you have a UTI. you need antibiotics. we cannot see which drugs this infection is sensitive to or resistant to. go to a physician to get his/her recommendation for antibiotics. pyridium 100 mg 3x per day for 3 days for burning.
  3. drug induced liver injury, or hepatitis. obstruction is extremely unlikely in your case. ischemia is pretty much 100% certain.
you are Hep C negative, but we don’t know about hep A, B, and E. D comes with B.
  1. for people saying does he have jaundice-- unlikely but possible. jaundice either happens from blood cell breakdown (unconjugated) or from obstruction in the liver/gallbladder ducts (usually conjugated but cancer/congenital disease has both unconjugated and conjugated)
  2. if you value your health, cease all drug use and cruise on 100-150 mg of only testosterone. go to a physician to get antibiotics and possibly and ultrasound of your liver/abdomen while you’re at it.
i’ve seen a lot of patients with ALT levels over 1000 and it is reversible almost always (cancer patients different story).

take antibiotics. drink water. stop drug use. don’t listen to advice like tudca or nac or home remedies-- or any advice without research.

go to a physician
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Ok guys thanks for all the advice. My primary doctor can’t see me until later next week. He is the only doctor I trust confidentially with my steroid use. I went to an urgent care today and told them I had taken an std test that showed I may have a possible UTI. The test results today came back NEGATIVE for a UTI? If I don’t have a UTI what is the high bacteria? The urgent care doctor asked if I wanted to retest for std so I did. I will get those test results back tomorrow. He went ahead and prescribed me antibiotics to be safe. Do you think my blood work sample could of been contaminated somehow and showing false readings? I was going to wait 2 weeks to do blood work again but if I get off early tomorrow I’ll go in again and retest to see if the numbers are the same. It takes my private lab about 5 business days to get results back.
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New member
Thanks for posting man. Take care of yourself and keep us updated! Id be VERY curious to know what the bacteria in urine is, as I have had the same WITHOUT a UTI. Id also be curious to see why your AST and ALT are going ballistic.
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New member
What all were your symtoms while you had the kidney infection if you dont mind me asking
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New member
I’m no health professional but is it possible the antibiotics taken for you kidney dealio affect liver values? Hope everything works out for ya. Definitely see your doctor. I’ve used NAC/TUDCA and LIV52 before. Cant pinpoint if it helped my ALT/AST cause the liver naturally recovers on its own after I cease orals. Best of luck broski
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New member
Hi Heavyweightmover, I am having the same problem as you did with high ALT/AST levels, mine are 748 ALT and 213 AST, bilirubin and GGT within normal range. I got these results from taking what I thought was LGD(pretty sure it was something else or contaminated). I wanted to ask if you recovered ok and what did you take to recover and how long it took?

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