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Heard this at the pool the other day...


Went to a rooftop pool birthday party last weekend and there was a handful of ripped dudes there. A guy standing next to me goes, “These guys are all on steroids. The reason they look like that is because they’re taking Winstrol. That’s why they have 18 abs. But steroids will castrate you. If I didn’t care about that I’d look like them too.”

I just looked over and said yeah bro that’s why I’m on them because I don’t care about my nuts! Also that’s not how it works but alright! He looked at me and laughed because I guess he thought I was joking with him…

Then another dude comes up to me and tells me he’s doing keto because he’s gained like 75 pounds over the past year. He says he gained all the weight because his wife was pregnant so he got fat too! But he used to be an athlete and ripped.

Lmao… I’m always just thinking I DON’T KNOW YOU WHY ARE YOU TELLING ME THIS SHIT. Cool bro!!! 😃
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New member
This is why I just don’t talk about it. If/when someone accuses me of using steroids, I laugh it off, slight deny, and change the subject. If they really push it, I deny AAS and claim that I am on some medication from my doctor for condition X, which I am also vague about (the medication and the condition).

I know educating people is really the correct solution, but I know it would do damage to my relationship with many family members if it came out, as well as a few.

Tbf to the guy with the pregnant wife, I have seen similar situations in the past, so I do believe it. The amount of stress and time you have to put into taking care of a pregnant wife can often cut into your gym time; as well as the large amount of food she consumes impacting their ability to manage their diet. It’s doable, but at the same time, their are a lot of wives that when they get pregnant they think their husband needs to stop with their immature obsession with their appearance and mature into a father.
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New member
DNPstoney" pid='56816' dateline='1560356997:
This is why I just don’t talk about it. If/when someone accuses me of using steroids, I laugh it off, slight deny, and change the subject. If they really push it, I deny AAS and claim that I am on some medication from my doctor for condition X, which I am also vague about (the medication and the condition).

I know educating people is really the correct solution, but I know it would do damage to my relationship with many family members if it came out, as well as a few.

Tbf to the guy with the pregnant wife, I have seen similar situations in the past, so I do believe it. The amount of stress and time you have to put into taking care of a pregnant wife can often cut into your gym time; as well as the large amount of food she consumes impacting their ability to manage their diet. It’s doable, but at the same time, their are a lot of wives that when they get pregnant they think their husband needs to stop with their immature obsession with their appearance and mature into a father.
Fuck that last paragraph spoke to my soul.
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word!!! these were all strangers so i wasn’t about to educate or talk to them about anything. i was just trying to soak up some sun and have a good afternoon. i’m more cracking up that random people feel the need to find someone who is in shape and randomly say shit like that.

my own personal opinion though on “growing up” is fuck that! but then again i’m divorced and don’t want kids. different strokes for different folks!
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New member
It has nothing to do with you at all actually.

Tt’s just peoples insecurity. When you’re out of shape and you see someone really fit and you’re making small talk, maybe they feel the need to explain or justify or make excuses why they are not in as good of shape. Let you know they are not a piece of shit, because they are afraid you are judging them.

When I got sober, if I was at a party or bar, lots of people start explaining how they don’t do THAT MUCH drugs, or only drink sometimes… they are insecure about their own problems, I couldn’t care less what others do with their health but they must have thought I was some authority over it.
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unclecurley" pid='56866' dateline='1560374032:
It has nothing to do with you at all actually.

Tt’s just peoples insecurity. When you’re out of shape and you see someone really fit and you’re making small talk, maybe they feel the need to explain or justify or make excuses why they are not in as good of shape. Let you know they are not a piece of shit, because they are afraid you are judging them.

When I got sober, if I was at a party or bar, lots of people start explaining how they don’t do THAT MUCH drugs, or only drink sometimes… they are insecure about their own problems, I couldn’t care less what others do with their health but they must have thought I was some authority over it.
Ur prob right! I wasn’t drinking either because I’m running some orals and some of them were like man ur making me uncomfortable with you not drinking! I’m like I couldn’t care less what you do I would usually be drinking too lol! IDGAF what anyone else does. I just said I’m not drinking because I’m on a health kick lmao!
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I get comments, probably because of my age. I am not super ripped (background is in powerlifting) but do have veins protruding. I’ve had people say “you’re not built like other men your age, are you on steroids?” I say no and brush it off. It isn’t worth discussing with anyone other than fellow users in my view.
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New member
During my last blast I went for a shirtless walk in the park to get some sun. A couple approached walking the in my direction and the dude points at me and starts walking around in circles imitating a gorilla. Best compliment I ever got.
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New member
Boogieorbust" pid='58609' dateline='1561456982:
During my last blast I went for a shirtless walk in the park to get some sun. A couple approached walking the in my direction and the dude points at me and starts walking around in circles imitating a gorilla. Best compliment I ever got.
That’s pretty damn annoying though and disrespectful.
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Boogieorbust" pid='58609' dateline='1561456982:
During my last blast I went for a shirtless walk in the park to get some sun. A couple approached walking the in my direction and the dude points at me and starts walking around in circles imitating a gorilla. Best compliment I ever got.
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New member
Boogieorbust" pid='58609' dateline='1561456982:
During my last blast I went for a shirtless walk in the park to get some sun. A couple approached walking the in my direction and the dude points at me and starts walking around in circles imitating a gorilla. Best compliment I ever got.
Dude got all insecure when he saw his wife eye fucking you.
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New member
Lol I just read this and I can totally relate to the pregnant wife guy…I’ve gained about 10-15 lbs in the past 7 months that my wife has been pregnant - I only have myself to blame, but it doesn’t help when you have someone co sign your horrible late night cravings for fat/sugar haha. I’m also 3 days into my gyno surgery recovery and since I can’t work out for a minute, I’m using the time to grocery shop, meal prep and get my diet back on point.
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packbackb23" pid='59934' dateline='1562521346:
Lol I just read this and I can totally relate to the pregnant wife guy…I’ve gained about 10-15 lbs in the past 7 months that my wife has been pregnant - I only have myself to blame, but it doesn’t help when you have someone co sign your horrible late night cravings for fat/sugar haha. I’m also 3 days into my gyno surgery recovery and since I can’t work out for a minute, I’m using the time to grocery shop, meal prep and get my diet back on point.
Bro 10-15 pounds over 7 months is nothing. You can drop that easy. The guy that was talking to me at the pool said he gained like 70 pounds during his wife’s pregnancy haha… A bit different!
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I purposely avoid the HUGE look. Not wanting the are you on roids question popping up constantly. When I hit my first pinning cycle 500mg Test/wk it was obvious. Guys would come up to me and talk about their workout routine or their past workout experiences or their “when i get time i’m going to do this” routine hahaha

I’m usually on a TRT dose of test and come spring/summer time 300-400mg Tren E for cutting purposes along with var. So my size hasn’t increased much since I cant even eat that much when on tren. (dont know how you guys bulk on it)
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