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feedback request -> not seeing great results


Deleted member 21405

Been a long time lurker and never really posted until now. I'm looking for some feedback on my program because I'm not seeing great results yet. I'm wondering if I should change dosage or look into something else or relax and keep it up.

I'm also kind of rookie at this, so take it easy on me. Just about 40, 6'1, 240 at the moment. I had about two years off after a lower back injury (L5 fx), gained some weight, lost some strength and endurance. I've lost about 20 lbs in the last 9 months by changing diet, treadmill and occasional lift. I have also been taking maintenance test-e for a few years - 100mg/week. I've had an opportunity come up for work and I need to be in good shape, lean and strong. I decided to read Anabolics 11 to get more info and came up with a program.

diet: almost no carbs (i have an atkin chocolate bar at night and a 12oz lemonade with creatine hcl), strictly meat & vegetables, one meal a day. stevia in coffee.
exercise: 3 mile daily run (2-3 miles cuz some days I'm gassed after 2). lift every other day alternating muscle groups, medium weight, 15 reps for most things.
gear: 150mg test-e, 200mg deca, 200mg eq every 3 days. also take a variety of vitamins and creatine hcl. i've been taking an arimidex every other day too but I understand with eq, that's not necessary. nips aren't sore though and I had some left over.

I've lost about 5 lbs so far with this in the last month but like I said, seems like I should be losing faster. Thanks for any feedback/suggestions.
You're not really taking anything for weight loss. Deca and EQ aren't exactly cutting agents. Drop the EQ and Deca, and creatine retains water which makes you heavier.

Just take your test because you probably fried your balls at this point and focus on your diet and cardio.


As the previous user stated, anabolics aren't weight loss drugs. With the small exception of Anavar, and even then it's very mild. They can help you retain muscle mass while you're in a deficit however. The drugs you have currently picked may not be the best suited for your goal. Although most anabolics on a mg vs mg tend to have the same "muscle building" potential, it is the drugs other effects that should be considered when choosing your anabolics. These other effects can sometimes greatly increase the muscle building potential. Learn what those effects are and if they are something that you need.

What is your thought process with removing carbs from your diet?

I would drop the creatine hcl and replace it with creatine monohydrate. Save your money.

Also not sure your thought process behind the one meal a day. Can you elaborate?

I'm also not sure what's going on with your training, but there's so much going on with regards to diet and supplements that it's hard to offer advice on that without addressing the other things.

If you can provide some more clarity I'll take a look and see what we can do to fix some things for you. 20lbs in 9 months is certainly on the slow end. Do you have any health issues or injuries?



Deleted member 21405

I read that deca had some androgenic properties and was for lean mass. I made a list in my notes for lean mass: Equipoise, Primobolin, Deca Durabolin, Anavar & DHT. I'd rather inject, so I picked eq and deca because Primo is kind of expensive. Page 98 of Anabolics 11 suggested Primo, EQ, Test stack for lean mass, Anabolic-Androgenic Bi-Phasic Stack. Maybe not a good idea to get deca instead of primo?

Not too worried about the balls. Already have 3 kids and I'm cut. And I keep reading about the benefits of creatine hcl taken daily (in the morning on non lift days and 30 mins prior to lift on lift days). I realize it makes you retain some water but your muscles need it right?

Do you suggest Anavar or DHT or maybe something else? I took Anavar many years ago and I remember it working ok but I think I also read it is kind of weak. Wish I had a couple of more months to prepare but it is what it is. There's going to be a lot of younger guys to keep up with, so I kind of need an edge.

Thanks for your reply. I appreciate it.
Diet and exercise. Ditch the water retaining stuff even though you have an overstock of it. Playing games with different compounds isn't gonna do the trick and the number on your scale will likely increase. Your body doesn't care that you spent the money already so you might as well use it.

I've been lean eating carbs. From my experience these caveman one meal a day type diets will just leave you skinny fat. I don't think a fad diet and a bunch of water retention is going to help you. Watch your calories, drink water, maybe 8-10 rep range and throw in 45 - 60 minutes cardio daily and you'll be fine.
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Deleted member 21405

Thanks, up the cardio and water and maybe hold off on the eq and deca? I can cycle them in later.

Sometimes when I get hungry midmorning I'll do some cheese, scrambled eggs and a few pieces of bacon. That'll carry me until dinner.

Thanks for the input.
You're overcomplicating things immensely. The weird diet and drug combo will ultimately fail you. But you know better apparently.


New member
horrible diet, horrible cycle, your basically starving yourself and trying to let gear do all the work, your drug combo of choice is not the greatest, your test should be the highest in your cycle but its the lowest of the 3, plus your only a month in, for me I dont see anything results regarding deca/eq after the 6 week mark.. next time do yourself a favor and go a real diet, better yet get someone who knows what they are doing to write one up for you, find out your BMR, find out the number of calories you need to maintain, loose or gain.. do this for your next cycle and see results.

Do your shots daily, pain in the ass I know but if you do this correctly you will be very thakful, this will keep your blood levels in check and you dont have to worry about doing the yoyo on the scale every day, this will allow you to maintain the same look daily, I would also wait and save a bit, you will have to invest in some GH since you say your 40 and have had injuries in the past..

Diet for example- 5 meals is enough for me plus 1 shake post workout

the biggest mistake people make is believe it or not, take/eat too much protein and do not hydrate enough, that said.. my go to diet has always been 40/50/10 40%protein 50%carbs 10%fats, just make sure the calories add up at the end, a simple go to meal, i can eat almost every meal is chicken/rice and veggies. option out the proteins/carbs if you want but mind the calories..

cycle. take some time to save a few dollars, with todays prices you can get away with doing HGH @4iu/day which would cost you approx $200 every 25 days, i prefer 5-6iu/day but if your new to this, start even lower, 1 vial/10iu/split into 3 shots, this is a good starting point, then up from their if you wan or need, if your GH is good, you will see your belly fat fall off rather quickly, dont get scared if you carry a bit of water with HGH, thats rather normal in most cases, do you daily shot first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, dont have anything to eat at night or the time you are supposed to be sleeping.. make sure you get your 8 hours of sleep a day..

full cycle option (only my opinion) fool proof cycle

Test, tren and GH.. if you want to add in a oral, i just go with proviron pre-workout, any oral anabolic will due, if you have a solid connection and they have real anavar (go with that) if your need to tren I would suggest doing tren ace, since you can come off quickly if you dont like the side effect or you cant find way to manage them properly... night sweats, trouble sleeping, aggression.

not sure on your experience with drugs, but this combo has never failed me! invest in some letrozole and dostinex(caber) if you want to, this will help with the prolactin that comes along with nandrolone ex. tren/deca. I find letro works well with tren, never had a need for caber, but for deca I need caber about .5mg twice a week or so.. cheers..
Having read all your responses, and assuming you’re in a caloric deficit (I can’t imagine you’re not at a single daily meal), I think you should get some blood work and test for any metabolic issues. We grow, we change, our bodies get older.

Other than that, 100mg of test-e is pretty low for HRT. Does that get you in range? Have you even tested? If not, get on it. Better yet, drop it for a couple weeks, get a physician to test you, and get an Rx for HRT with proper monitoring.

I’m not a keto fan, barring a medical reason requiring glucose control. Hate IF too, but there are some documented benefits. The second law of thermodynamics is infallible. I suggest weighing and tracking calories to ensure you’re under your TDEE. If you do this honestly and consistently and still not losing weight, we’re back to getting tested for metabolic issues like hypothyroidism.

I’d figure all this out first before muddying the waters further with a cycle.