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Clean bulk meal ideas?


New member
Im just about to start my 12 week bulk, just dreading the same 6,000 cals a day of chicken, rice, and sweet potatoes. Im not the most culinary inventive type so any input is appreciated.
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Jesus clean bulking on 6k calories sounds nuts, my last bulk I was at around 4500 cals and near the end I was blending a big chunk of it. Can’t imagine eating that much clean food lmao if I were you I’d just hit up some fast food joint once a day for some extra easy calories.

If you’re really dead set on keeping it 100% clean just add a bunch of healthy fats to all your meals. Extra virgin olive oil and mac nut oil are my favorites, cook with it and pour it on top of your meal when its done
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Yamsan" pid='37298' dateline='1547503476:
Im just about to start my 12 week bulk, just dreading the same 6,000 cals a day of chicken, rice, and sweet potatoes. Im not the most culinary inventive type so any input is appreciated.
I pan sear cod in oil…then when its done, take the fish out and add a little butter to the pan and season with lemon and garlic…drizzle that over the rice and fish. If you wanna get fancy instead of butter use ghee
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New member
Curli" pid='37310' dateline='1547505449:
Jesus clean bulking on 6k calories sounds nuts, my last bulk I was at around 4500 cals and near the end I was blending a big chunk of it. Can’t imagine eating that much clean food lmao if I were you I’d just hit up some fast food joint once a day for some extra easy calories.

If you’re really dead set on keeping it 100% clean just add a bunch of healthy fats to all your meals. Extra virgin olive oil and mac nut oil are my favorites, cook with it and pour it on top of your meal when its done
I did eat some fast food last cycle. I put on 30lbs but my broscience guess is 8 lbs was lbs i didnt want lol. Towards the end I’d eat anything that wasnt a chicken breast…
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New member
My last bulk all my food I put in a blender and drank it. Ground beef and rice and milk blended it and drank it. Fucking gross but I put it down in like 5 mins. Best part it’s already “chewed up” for better absorption in the stomach (maybe idk but makes me feel like it does)

Peanut Butter is a life saver. Need 500 calories? eat 5 spoonfuls.

Nutrient dense food is key. Nuts, olive oil, coconut oil, eggs.

Ik it’s gonna sound counter intuitive but doing some cardio 10-20 mins will really help appetite.

Try and shit as much as possible too. More shit going out means more room for food.

Gummy bears, chocolate milk, right after training (if you take slin really adds calories because you can tank a shit ton of those foods.
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New member
Datree3" pid='37473' dateline='1547601564:
My last bulk all my food I put in a blender and drank it. Ground beef and rice and milk blended it and drank it. Fucking gross but I put it down in like 5 mins. Best part it’s already “chewed up” for better absorption in the stomach (maybe idk but makes me feel like it does)

Peanut Butter is a life saver. Need 500 calories? eat 5 spoonfuls.

Nutrient dense food is key. Nuts, olive oil, coconut oil, eggs.

Ik it’s gonna sound counter intuitive but doing some cardio 10-20 mins will really help appetite.

Try and shit as much as possible too. More shit going out means more room for food.

Gummy bears, chocolate milk, right after training (if you take slin really adds calories because you can tank a shit ton of those foods.
Blender meals is fucking hardcore! Lol.
Did you get used to it after a while? The idea is actually genius if I could stomach it!
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New member
I work as a nutritionist/diet coach and at my off-season peak I needed to eat 8000kcals a day to bulk up any further. I’m a perfectionist about nutrition & bloodwork with myself and my clients, so here are some really nutrient and calorie dense ideas to make your cronometer look like an orthorexics wet dream:
  • sweet potatoes can be made in ~15 minutes in the microwave soft enough to require minimal chewing (chewing initiates satiety just like time spent eating so gotta reduce both). salt liberally to increase taste and appetite
  • add a can of cod liver. no strong taste but the oiliness increases palatability of rice & sweet potatoes by a lot, a 100g can has ~60g fats of which 13g are omega 3’s and cost like 1,50$)
  • add sliced/mashed avocado with salt + pepper
  • drizzle/pour olive oil on top of rice/sweet potatoes. avocado or macadamia oil if you’re wealthy. goat butter if you can find it, grass-fed butter or tallow only if you’re sure about the source quality. For US people, https://epicbar.com/ has expensive but high quality products.
  • walnuts as a snack or add to rice meal. one of the healthiest nuts that requires less chewing than others. macadamia or almond butter if you got an unlimited budget
  • full fat goat or sheep yoghurt/milk/cheese. milk fats are healthy, milk sugars aren’t, goat/sheep dairy are far easier to digest especially for lactose intolerant people. mix yoghurt with whey, blueberries, nuts and raw local honey.
  • fatty cuts of red meat, especially lamb (shown to be better for triglycerides than poultry, which is trash in terms of nutrients anyways). I recommend slow cooked beef/lamb tongue especially.
  • stop eating poultry. it’s far inferior to fish, game, red meat, shellfish in nutrients and the quality from grocery stores is trash, but organic poultry can be as expensive as wild caught fish, not worth it. canned tuna as well, while a better source of lean protein, isn’t worth the mercury content since you’re not getting any omega 3’s from it so you’re better off investing your weekly ‘mercury allowance’ in fatty fish like mackerel, trout, salmon, sardines etc.
  • canned/fresh mackerel - 1/3 of the price of salmon, twice the fats (and thus omega 3’s), just make sure it’s canned in own juices or olive oil, none of the shit high omega 6 seed oils like sunflower, flax etc. canned mackerel/sardines include softened bones which are a great source of calcium if you’re not eating much dairy
  • mobile pasture-raised eggs. google your area and visit the goddamn farm to confirm it’s legit. these eggs have up to triple the nutrients of grocery store trash eggs from sick chickens you wouldn’t dare to touch for fear of contracting something horrible. my local farm has eggs that weigh up to 100g, contain 2 yolks each and taste so much better than grocery stores ones, you can tell the quality of them by how tough their shell is to crack. make an omelette from 5-8 eggs and add to rice/sweet potatoes
  • manipulate your appetite. competitive eaters switch from sweet to salty foods and back, the more hyperpalatable your food is by combining fats+carbs, sweet, salty, sour, savory etc. the higher your appetite will be. explore lots of spices. cinnamon can blunt appetite a bit though.
  • understand and optimize your digestion. efferdings vertical diet touches upon this, so do all elimination diets. whatever makes you bloat, gassy, lethargic you throw out. look at FODMAP. first thing I toss from peoples diets are all grains, cow dairy, legumes, broccoli and most fruits. spinach & kale cover pretty much all the micronutrients you’re looking for from plants anyways and are way easier to digest and require less chewing.
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appropionate" pid='37501' dateline='1547632124:
I work as a nutritionist/diet coach and at my off-season peak I needed to eat 8000kcals a day to bulk up any further. I’m a perfectionist about nutrition & bloodwork with myself and my clients, so here are some really nutrient and calorie dense ideas to make your cronometer look like an orthorexics wet dream:
  • sweet potatoes can be made in ~15 minutes in the microwave soft enough to require minimal chewing (chewing initiates satiety just like time spent eating so gotta reduce both). salt liberally to increase taste and appetite
  • add a can of cod liver. no strong taste but the oiliness increases palatability of rice & sweet potatoes by a lot, a 100g can has ~60g fats of which 13g are omega 3’s and cost like 1,50$)
  • add sliced/mashed avocado with salt + pepper
  • drizzle/pour olive oil on top of rice/sweet potatoes. avocado or macadamia oil if you’re wealthy. goat butter if you can find it, grass-fed butter or tallow only if you’re sure about the source quality. For US people, https://epicbar.com/ has expensive but high quality products.
  • walnuts as a snack or add to rice meal. one of the healthiest nuts that requires less chewing than others. macadamia or almond butter if you got an unlimited budget
  • full fat goat or sheep yoghurt/milk/cheese. milk fats are healthy, milk sugars aren’t, goat/sheep dairy are far easier to digest especially for lactose intolerant people. mix yoghurt with whey, blueberries, nuts and raw local honey.
  • fatty cuts of red meat, especially lamb (shown to be better for triglycerides than poultry, which is trash in terms of nutrients anyways). I recommend slow cooked beef/lamb tongue especially.
  • stop eating poultry. it’s far inferior to fish, game, red meat, shellfish in nutrients and the quality from grocery stores is trash, but organic poultry can be as expensive as wild caught fish, not worth it. canned tuna as well, while a better source of lean protein, isn’t worth the mercury content since you’re not getting any omega 3’s from it so you’re better off investing your weekly ‘mercury allowance’ in fatty fish like mackerel, trout, salmon, sardines etc.
  • canned/fresh mackerel - 1/3 of the price of salmon, twice the fats (and thus omega 3’s), just make sure it’s canned in own juices or olive oil, none of the shit high omega 6 seed oils like sunflower, flax etc. canned mackerel/sardines include softened bones which are a great source of calcium if you’re not eating much dairy
  • mobile pasture-raised eggs. google your area and visit the goddamn farm to confirm it’s legit. these eggs have up to triple the nutrients of grocery store trash eggs from sick chickens you wouldn’t dare to touch for fear of contracting something horrible. my local farm has eggs that weigh up to 100g, contain 2 yolks each and taste so much better than grocery stores ones, you can tell the quality of them by how tough their shell is to crack. make an omelette from 5-8 eggs and add to rice/sweet potatoes
  • manipulate your appetite. competitive eaters switch from sweet to salty foods and back, the more hyperpalatable your food is by combining fats+carbs, sweet, salty, sour, savory etc. the higher your appetite will be. explore lots of spices. cinnamon can blunt appetite a bit though.
  • understand and optimize your digestion. efferdings vertical diet touches upon this, so do all elimination diets. whatever makes you bloat, gassy, lethargic you throw out. look at FODMAP. first thing I toss from peoples diets are all grains, cow dairy, legumes, broccoli and most fruits. spinach & kale cover pretty much all the micronutrients you’re looking for from plants anyways and are way easier to digest and require less chewing.
Dude, this was great! Thanks a ton! 2 questions:

What is your take on coconut oil?

Also do you have any vegan clients or certain practices you recommend to vegans? I’ve been nuking my sweet potatoes for years and use a lot of walnuts (mixed raw nuts). So much of your post hit home for me.
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New member
occular-pat-down" pid='37517' dateline='1547652228:
Dude, this was great! Thanks a ton! 2 questions:

What is your take on coconut oil?

Also do you have any vegan clients or certain practices you recommend to vegans? I’ve been nuking my sweet potatoes for years and use a lot of walnuts (mixed raw nuts). So much of your post hit home for me.
My current stance is that coconut fat won’t affect health markers positively or negatively. from a purely nutritional standpoint, I’d prefer adding fat sources like extra virgin olive oil, avocado or nuts that have been shown to have a positive impact on health markers since coconut oil isn’t exactly cheap. MCT may have niche uses for keto diets but not worth the money in my opinion.

I used to take vegan clients but have, in agreement with my colleagues, shunned them. It’s not worth the time or effort to argue about their plant-based gods when 90% of them are too cheap & lazy to prepare proper and diverse plant-based meals that compensate for the exclusion of animal products. the smart/educated ones don’t require my services to begin with tbh.
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New member
appropionate" pid='37501' dateline='1547632124:
I work as a nutritionist/diet coach and at my off-season peak I needed to eat 8000kcals a day to bulk up any further. I’m a perfectionist about nutrition & bloodwork with myself and my clients, so here are some really nutrient and calorie dense ideas to make your cronometer look like an orthorexics wet dream:
  • sweet potatoes can be made in ~15 minutes in the microwave soft enough to require minimal chewing (chewing initiates satiety just like time spent eating so gotta reduce both). salt liberally to increase taste and appetite
  • add a can of cod liver. no strong taste but the oiliness increases palatability of rice & sweet potatoes by a lot, a 100g can has ~60g fats of which 13g are omega 3’s and cost like 1,50$)
  • add sliced/mashed avocado with salt + pepper
  • drizzle/pour olive oil on top of rice/sweet potatoes. avocado or macadamia oil if you’re wealthy. goat butter if you can find it, grass-fed butter or tallow only if you’re sure about the source quality. For US people, https://epicbar.com/ has expensive but high quality products.
  • walnuts as a snack or add to rice meal. one of the healthiest nuts that requires less chewing than others. macadamia or almond butter if you got an unlimited budget
  • full fat goat or sheep yoghurt/milk/cheese. milk fats are healthy, milk sugars aren’t, goat/sheep dairy are far easier to digest especially for lactose intolerant people. mix yoghurt with whey, blueberries, nuts and raw local honey.
  • fatty cuts of red meat, especially lamb (shown to be better for triglycerides than poultry, which is trash in terms of nutrients anyways). I recommend slow cooked beef/lamb tongue especially.
  • stop eating poultry. it’s far inferior to fish, game, red meat, shellfish in nutrients and the quality from grocery stores is trash, but organic poultry can be as expensive as wild caught fish, not worth it. canned tuna as well, while a better source of lean protein, isn’t worth the mercury content since you’re not getting any omega 3’s from it so you’re better off investing your weekly ‘mercury allowance’ in fatty fish like mackerel, trout, salmon, sardines etc.
  • canned/fresh mackerel - 1/3 of the price of salmon, twice the fats (and thus omega 3’s), just make sure it’s canned in own juices or olive oil, none of the shit high omega 6 seed oils like sunflower, flax etc. canned mackerel/sardines include softened bones which are a great source of calcium if you’re not eating much dairy
  • mobile pasture-raised eggs. google your area and visit the goddamn farm to confirm it’s legit. these eggs have up to triple the nutrients of grocery store trash eggs from sick chickens you wouldn’t dare to touch for fear of contracting something horrible. my local farm has eggs that weigh up to 100g, contain 2 yolks each and taste so much better than grocery stores ones, you can tell the quality of them by how tough their shell is to crack. make an omelette from 5-8 eggs and add to rice/sweet potatoes
  • manipulate your appetite. competitive eaters switch from sweet to salty foods and back, the more hyperpalatable your food is by combining fats+carbs, sweet, salty, sour, savory etc. the higher your appetite will be. explore lots of spices. cinnamon can blunt appetite a bit though.
  • understand and optimize your digestion. efferdings vertical diet touches upon this, so do all elimination diets. whatever makes you bloat, gassy, lethargic you throw out. look at FODMAP. first thing I toss from peoples diets are all grains, cow dairy, legumes, broccoli and most fruits. spinach & kale cover pretty much all the micronutrients you’re looking for from plants anyways and are way easier to digest and require less chewing.
Great info! Thanks
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appropionate" pid='37539' dateline='1547658168:
occular-pat-down" pid='37517' dateline='1547652228:
Dude, this was great! Thanks a ton! 2 questions:

What is your take on coconut oil?

Also do you have any vegan clients or certain practices you recommend to vegans? I’ve been nuking my sweet potatoes for years and use a lot of walnuts (mixed raw nuts). So much of your post hit home for me.
My current stance is that coconut fat won’t affect health markers positively or negatively. from a purely nutritional standpoint, I’d prefer adding fat sources like extra virgin olive oil, avocado or nuts that have been shown to have a positive impact on health markers since coconut oil isn’t exactly cheap. MCT may have niche uses for keto diets but not worth the money in my opinion.

I used to take vegan clients but have, in agreement with my colleagues, shunned them. It’s not worth the time or effort to argue about their plant-based gods when 90% of them are too cheap & lazy to prepare proper and diverse plant-based meals that compensate for the exclusion of animal products. the smart/educated ones don’t require my services to begin with tbh.
I will likely steer more towards olive oil when cooking. Typically I don’t use much oil at all to cook. Like you I prefer avocados and nuts. Maybe even whole olives.

And I am surprised to hear so many vegans are too cheap and lazy to prepare their food, I would have expected the opposite. I have been vegan for greater than 10 years and attempt to eat about as healthy as reasonable. I do cheat once a week on some vegan pizza or something, but 90%+ of my diet is mostly unprocessed whole foods.

According to bloods other than HDL I am in great shape. HDL likes to sit around 40 when cruising (or about 3 on Sdrol) with LDL anywhere from 40 on cruise to 70 on blast.
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New member
appropionate" pid='37501' dateline='1547632124:
I work as a nutritionist/diet coach and at my off-season peak I needed to eat 8000kcals a day to bulk up any further. I’m a perfectionist about nutrition & bloodwork with myself and my clients, so here are some really nutrient and calorie dense ideas to make your cronometer look like an orthorexics wet dream:
  • sweet potatoes can be made in ~15 minutes in the microwave soft enough to require minimal chewing (chewing initiates satiety just like time spent eating so gotta reduce both). salt liberally to increase taste and appetite
  • add a can of cod liver. no strong taste but the oiliness increases palatability of rice & sweet potatoes by a lot, a 100g can has ~60g fats of which 13g are omega 3’s and cost like 1,50$)
  • add sliced/mashed avocado with salt + pepper
  • drizzle/pour olive oil on top of rice/sweet potatoes. avocado or macadamia oil if you’re wealthy. goat butter if you can find it, grass-fed butter or tallow only if you’re sure about the source quality. For US people, https://epicbar.com/ has expensive but high quality products.
  • walnuts as a snack or add to rice meal. one of the healthiest nuts that requires less chewing than others. macadamia or almond butter if you got an unlimited budget
  • full fat goat or sheep yoghurt/milk/cheese. milk fats are healthy, milk sugars aren’t, goat/sheep dairy are far easier to digest especially for lactose intolerant people. mix yoghurt with whey, blueberries, nuts and raw local honey.
  • fatty cuts of red meat, especially lamb (shown to be better for triglycerides than poultry, which is trash in terms of nutrients anyways). I recommend slow cooked beef/lamb tongue especially.
  • stop eating poultry. it’s far inferior to fish, game, red meat, shellfish in nutrients and the quality from grocery stores is trash, but organic poultry can be as expensive as wild caught fish, not worth it. canned tuna as well, while a better source of lean protein, isn’t worth the mercury content since you’re not getting any omega 3’s from it so you’re better off investing your weekly ‘mercury allowance’ in fatty fish like mackerel, trout, salmon, sardines etc.
  • canned/fresh mackerel - 1/3 of the price of salmon, twice the fats (and thus omega 3’s), just make sure it’s canned in own juices or olive oil, none of the shit high omega 6 seed oils like sunflower, flax etc. canned mackerel/sardines include softened bones which are a great source of calcium if you’re not eating much dairy
  • mobile pasture-raised eggs. google your area and visit the goddamn farm to confirm it’s legit. these eggs have up to triple the nutrients of grocery store trash eggs from sick chickens you wouldn’t dare to touch for fear of contracting something horrible. my local farm has eggs that weigh up to 100g, contain 2 yolks each and taste so much better than grocery stores ones, you can tell the quality of them by how tough their shell is to crack. make an omelette from 5-8 eggs and add to rice/sweet potatoes
  • manipulate your appetite. competitive eaters switch from sweet to salty foods and back, the more hyperpalatable your food is by combining fats+carbs, sweet, salty, sour, savory etc. the higher your appetite will be. explore lots of spices. cinnamon can blunt appetite a bit though.
  • understand and optimize your digestion. efferdings vertical diet touches upon this, so do all elimination diets. whatever makes you bloat, gassy, lethargic you throw out. look at FODMAP. first thing I toss from peoples diets are all grains, cow dairy, legumes, broccoli and most fruits. spinach & kale cover pretty much all the micronutrients you’re looking for from plants anyways and are way easier to digest and require less chewing.
Thank you! This is great info. I’ve got a question if you have the time…
What’s your stance on COOKING with Olive Oil? I hear that once it smokes it becomes ‘rancid’ … so Ive recently switched to cooking with Coconut Oil but still use EVOO for dressing etc… So is baking / cooking with EVOO at too high of a temp a negative?
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New member
timmyxxx187" pid='41986' dateline='1550531597:
Thank you! This is great info. I’ve got a question if you have the time…
What’s your stance on COOKING with Olive Oil? I hear that once it smokes it becomes ‘rancid’ … so Ive recently switched to cooking with Coconut Oil but still use EVOO for dressing etc… So is baking / cooking with EVOO at too high of a temp a negative?
I agree with this article: https://chriskresser.com/is-it-safe-to-cook-with-olive-oil/
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New member
appropionate" pid='41987' dateline='1550532346:
timmyxxx187" pid='41986' dateline='1550531597:
Thank you! This is great info. I’ve got a question if you have the time…
What’s your stance on COOKING with Olive Oil? I hear that once it smokes it becomes ‘rancid’ … so Ive recently switched to cooking with Coconut Oil but still use EVOO for dressing etc… So is baking / cooking with EVOO at too high of a temp a negative?
I agree with this article: https://chriskresser.com/is-it-safe-to-cook-with-olive-oil/
Awesome thanks man, the monounsaturated fats being more stable than the poly makes perfect sense. And they were heating that oil for literally days lol, my 15 minutes should be good to go… gonna see if I can find some published papers on this now… just out of curiosity
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New member
timmyxxx187" pid='42024' dateline='1550546865:
appropionate" pid='41987' dateline='1550532346:
timmyxxx187" pid='41986' dateline='1550531597:
Thank you! This is great info. I’ve got a question if you have the time…
What’s your stance on COOKING with Olive Oil? I hear that once it smokes it becomes ‘rancid’ … so Ive recently switched to cooking with Coconut Oil but still use EVOO for dressing etc… So is baking / cooking with EVOO at too high of a temp a negative?
I agree with this article: https://chriskresser.com/is-it-safe-to-cook-with-olive-oil/
Awesome thanks man, the monounsaturated fats being more stable than the poly makes perfect sense. And they were heating that oil for literally days lol, my 15 minutes should be good to go… gonna see if I can find some published papers on this now… just out of curiosity
read up on quality & storage of EVOO though to prevent any oxidation, and then join my nutrition ocd/orthorexia group 😛

if you interested in fat oxidation etc., here’s an unusually critical read on pufas in fish/fish oil supps that made me reevaluate my stance: http://suppversity.blogspot.com/2019/02/high-fish-oil-diet-n3-oxidation-fat.html
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Yamsan" pid='37298' dateline='1547503476:
Im just about to start my 12 week bulk, just dreading the same 6,000 cals a day of chicken, rice, and sweet potatoes. Im not the most culinary inventive type so any input is appreciated.
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New member
appropionate" pid='42027' dateline='1550547909:
timmyxxx187" pid='42024' dateline='1550546865:
appropionate" pid='41987' dateline='1550532346:
timmyxxx187" pid='41986' dateline='1550531597:
Thank you! This is great info. I’ve got a question if you have the time…
What’s your stance on COOKING with Olive Oil? I hear that once it smokes it becomes ‘rancid’ … so Ive recently switched to cooking with Coconut Oil but still use EVOO for dressing etc… So is baking / cooking with EVOO at too high of a temp a negative?
I agree with this article: https://chriskresser.com/is-it-safe-to-cook-with-olive-oil/
Awesome thanks man, the monounsaturated fats being more stable than the poly makes perfect sense. And they were heating that oil for literally days lol, my 15 minutes should be good to go… gonna see if I can find some published papers on this now… just out of curiosity
read up on quality & storage of EVOO though to prevent any oxidation, and then join my nutrition ocd/orthorexia group 😛

if you interested in fat oxidation etc., here’s an unusually critical read on pufas in fish/fish oil supps that made me reevaluate my stance: http://suppversity.blogspot.com/2019/02/high-fish-oil-diet-n3-oxidation-fat.html
So here is what I’m getting from this …

Fish oil capsules are essentially shit and may be doing more harm than good, especially for the training athlete. Keeping them in the correct storage (before and after you buy them) is paramount. You arent totally sure of of the quality of your supps (I use Labdoor to at least have some research to base my purchase off of).

I fuckin hate fish. I can handle tuna in water on the occasion.

I feel like I should trash the fish oil… My main goal with the fish oil is improved lipid profile, CholestOff (plant sterols) and Aged Garlic seem to really be doing the trick (along with cardio, relatively clean diet etc).

Random side note… should I be keeping my EVOO in the fridge?
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New member
timmyxxx187" pid='42848' dateline='1551111622:
So here is what I’m getting from this …

Fish oil capsules are essentially shit and may be doing more harm than good, especially for the training athlete. Keeping them in the correct storage (before and after you buy them) is paramount. You arent totally sure of of the quality of your supps (I use Labdoor to at least have some research to base my purchase off of).

I fuckin hate fish. I can handle tuna in water on the occasion.

I feel like I should trash the fish oil… My main goal with the fish oil is improved lipid profile, CholestOff (plant sterols) and Aged Garlic seem to really be doing the trick (along with cardio, relatively clean diet etc).

Random side note… should I be keeping my EVOO in the fridge?
I wouldn’t put too much trust into Labdoor, they’ve been under fire so much in recent times.

tuna in water hasn’t any fat and thus no o3, it’s gotta be mackerel, salmon, trout or sardines/anchovies for a good amount at a reasonable price.

not sure about evoo storage actually, depending on the temperature in your home storing it in a cabinet drawer should be fine, especially if you buy it as fresh as possible and not in containers that take half a year or more to use up. I prefer beef tallow, goat butter or avocado oil but all of them require a reasonably priced source.
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New member
appropionate" pid='42854' dateline='1551116256:
timmyxxx187" pid='42848' dateline='1551111622:
So here is what I’m getting from this …

Fish oil capsules are essentially shit and may be doing more harm than good, especially for the training athlete. Keeping them in the correct storage (before and after you buy them) is paramount. You arent totally sure of of the quality of your supps (I use Labdoor to at least have some research to base my purchase off of).

I fuckin hate fish. I can handle tuna in water on the occasion.

I feel like I should trash the fish oil… My main goal with the fish oil is improved lipid profile, CholestOff (plant sterols) and Aged Garlic seem to really be doing the trick (along with cardio, relatively clean diet etc).

Random side note… should I be keeping my EVOO in the fridge?
I wouldn’t put too much trust into Labdoor, they’ve been under fire so much in recent times.

tuna in water hasn’t any fat and thus no o3, it’s gotta be mackerel, salmon, trout or sardines/anchovies for a good amount at a reasonable price.

not sure about evoo storage actually, depending on the temperature in your home storing it in a cabinet drawer should be fine, especially if you buy it as fresh as possible and not in containers that take half a year or more to use up. I prefer beef tallow, goat butter or avocado oil but all of them require a reasonably priced source.
Awesome info, thank you!
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