To answer your question Superdrol is hepatotoxic and at 50mg Ed would definitely give you problems, however, that dose of superdrol is fucking ridiculous. You only need 10-20mg of it Ed. The higher the dose the higher the side effects. Most people experience, the same sides from sdrol which is mainly lethargy. Some say the injectable version helps to overcome this. However, I disagree. It's still a 17aa, the only difference between the injectable version and oral is that inj. Bypasses the liver on the first round, after that, it's still the same. Anadrol isn't very hepatotoxic, medicinally it's used in doses up to 200mg daily, for long periods. Winstrol, Halo, sdrol, and methyltestosterone are orals that really tend to be harsh on the liver. don't get this shit twisted, anytime you abuse something there is going to be consequence. The best way to look at it is, "Is the juice worth the squeeze ?" Tbh if you are gonna run superdrol, unless you have a pre-existing hepatic condition, just make sure you are taking care of yourself with a liver aid. NAC, milk thistle and 3 grams of vitamin C, is my go to for protecting my liver. I don't think tudca or Udca are necessary and expensive, and tbh the results are about the same as NAC.