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  • There are no rules in life; You can blend up a pound of bacon and drink it. Nobody can stop you.
    I've blended steak & potatoes before... Not bad actually so long as you aren't a texture freak
    Might end up in a gym fail video soon; Dumped 495 on bench, wife is a shithead and submitted the video to one of the Youtubers who does these compilations lol.
    Forearm is shitty again, byebye 2024 comp goals. Pivoting to full SSB squat work, gonna aim for 900 on a lift that doesn't matter lol
    Took forearm for a big test today, worked with some monsters that had me try 675 with a bench board. Moved it about 2 inches but if the bones handle that then mid 400s to low 500s are good to go again!
    Started up blending a container of greek yogurt daily to add to diet and see if I can push myself t the 250ish range. The farts are INCREDIBLE.
    Since the forearm is still LOLNOPE I've begun chasing dumb lifts. 675lb barbell glute bridge lol, think I can hit 800 in a month or so working the technique out.
    It's been almost a month into this cut and I hate this choice and I miss food. Please send help. I need pizza.
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    Reactions: Shaquille.Oatmeal
    Just add some Tren and have your pizza :) /s
    I actually gave in and went to CiCis (pizza buffet in case they're not a thing in your area) the other day and binged hard. Woke up a pound lighter the next morning, so all is good :D
    My cut is ending next week 6 pack achieved. I have faith in you, you can do this haha. Stay strong
    Sitting on a 1970 total @ 226lbs. If I cut 6lbs and compete again I'll rank #59 worldwide in the -220, or compete in the 242s and rank #167 which puts me 1 above Ed fucking Coan. Decisions decisions.
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