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DTLS' Mutation Log

Hey guys! DTLS here!

Just came off a good 6 month hiatus. Did some naughty party drugs and partied away many gains lol.

Did some bodyweight stuff between November and last month, maintained decently but didn't have weights to hit so posterior took a hit.

ran a ten day stack of yk11 and D-Drol. Dieted super hard to prime.my body to grow. Was meh. Hardened up a little.

6 days ago I got some suspected underdosed gear but something in it nonetheless.
Front loaded "1.25g" Sustanon and "1g" tren E. Been popping 200mg anadrol for four days and 100mg for the last two.

I'm noticing effects for sure now. Lol my inpatient ass. For reference I've ran almost everything before and ran many experiments. Comment as you will but if you don't have anything positive to say go kill yourself. Thanks.

Proposed cycle is going to be
250mg Sustanon, 500mg EQ, 500mg tren E, 200mg Tren ace, all weekly, split into two shots.

I'll have some Winstrol tablets and nolvadex and Viagra on hand as well.

Ordered products from @viperflexx don't disappoint now brother!!!

I may or may not half the doses and try to pimp a stack to someone. Who knows. We will see.

Tested some numbers and while I've raw gym totalled near 2k before, I'm currently 224lbs bodyweight, 5'9, and my numbers are around 525/340/545 if I had to guess. Not a bad start. Hoping to push the weight back up, and will happen no doubt.

Let's go!!!!
What is “D-Drol” ?
It's a methylated version of pheraplex, a non aromatizing testosterone derivative similar to Turinabol. Supposed to be fairly strong. Didn't really run it long to enough to see the full effects but that in combination with yk-11 definitely have a hardening effect and helped keep my strength while dieting on extremely low carbs and calories.
Some news for the log, pack has shipped and will touchdown by the end of the week, I predict.

Today was overall okay. Hit a gnarly superset on hammer strength rows and smashed some quad extensions afterwards.

Still dealing with some confusion in my life but I'm atleast hopeful it might get better. Just need to see it through to better days. Hoping to move into my own place soon enough. Or maybe not. Who knows. Either way I guess my gameplay is to just be quiet, work on my gym gains, and stay out of trouble. Absolutely unreal and disgusting what this garbage world has turned into. Better to just stay to myself.
Pinned another 400mg tren E. This makes one week in the good stuff. Popped 100mg anadrol PWO too.

Good stuff. Hit a sick nasty squat shoulder bicep forearm workout. Nothing particular but I went HAM and got a good arm pump. Posterior strength is still lacking because I wasn't able to train posterior chain during my anabolic and weight room hiatus. Only BW movements. I need to pick a belt and some sleeves/wraps up but at the end of the day beltless and bareknee will still suffice. Failed the top set on squat, but I didn't rest long enough to give it a fair try. Not making excuses, I just wasn't strong enough today at that given point in time. We will get there though. It isn't until week 3-4 that stuff gets really juicy anyways.

Stay tuned folks!!! Getting a new job lined up and excited about that. Work, gym, SST log, sleep. Deleted all my social media bullcrap. Poison to my mind. Absolute poison and I'm so glad I deleted it.

Needing some isotretinoin to make sure I don't have any breakouts. My skin is scarred to f*** on my back. People always try and talk smack about it, lol. Whatever. Everyone says it's the worst acne they've seen in their life, but I have no active acne. It's just scars. The same types of people love to sorry about his much weight I'm moving, and speculate incorrectly about my cycle, while clinging to the false idea that someone else's lifts and fake natural status gives them the right to talk disrespectfully about me. It's absolutely unreal.

The tren libido is real. The crazy pumps are shriveling my weenie up mid workout and I'm rocking a little shrivelled gummy work elite!!! Goes from a recessed 2 incher to a healthy 6.5-7.

Speaking of tren libido. I've been watching lots of tranny porn lately. Good stuff. Anyone ever want to power bottom a hot trans? Lol.



Well-known member
Truly a high quality post. We definitely only attract the best and brightest here.
Love how you're E-statting a 2k raw total but currently only move mid 1300s now; Such a joke lmao.
Have fun bud, you're gonna end up another dead idiot that gives gear a bad name.
Truly a high quality post. We definitely only attract the best and brightest here.
Love how you're E-statting a 2k raw total but currently only move mid 1300s now; Such a joke lmao.
Have fun bud, you're gonna end up another dead idiot that gives gear a bad name.
It's called actually being off steroids and put of the gym for seven months.

Kill yourself. I already stated that I don't need negative posts in my thread. You're probably just pissy that I'm significantly stronger than you. 8 days in and I'm already pushing back close to 1500 total. U mad salty phaggot? Yeah you mad, stay mad.
Yesterday's workout was super taxing, but we're in here to finish the leggies off BABY

Ran out of Anadrol today, wishing I'd had kept the other half of the packet I gave away, but I'm sure my liver is thanking me anyways LMAO. Smashed some McDonald's brekky preworkout and headed up to the gymski BRUH

Started with seated hammy curls, rest as needed


Giant dropsets last three sets

Definitely my biggest weakness. Besides the six month break off anabolics, hamstrings was another body part I couldn't really train being outside the weight room. Pushups, dips, pullups, calf raises and lunges kept everything else decently well maintained though. My posterior chain and hamstrings took the biggest hit. Time to get that back!!!

Note: tren sweats are hitting me hard lol. Hamstrings have a decent pump nothing crazy though.

Barbell calf raises on Smith machine
Bar x 8
1pps x8

*Cue old cuckolds talking shit LMFAO, just ignoring it at this point*

Giant dropset

Adductor Machine

Abductor Machine

Another note; weights are heavier in the Midwest unless you're at a "powerlifting gym" where everything is light. Down south the weights are significantly lighter. Also their measurements are smaller. Not conspiracy. First noticed this on my spring break in 2016. 225x16 went to 225x25 and all it took was a drive to Florida. Ever wondered why all the big powerlifters are usually from the coast? As soon as the weights are equalized, all my lifts will be up 20%+

That's a wrap for today though. Good workout. Going to pick up some cereal for my post workout. I'm thinking something chocolate.


Well-known member
It's called actually being off steroids and put of the gym for seven months.

Kill yourself. I already stated that I don't need negative posts in my thread. You're probably just pissy that I'm significantly stronger than you. 8 days in and I'm already pushing back close to 1500 total. U mad salty phaggot? Yeah you mad, stay mad.

Head on back to /r9k/ bud.
Hey guys. Makes day what, 9? I don't know. The rest of my stack should.be arriving Monday. Today I feel like shit haha. Super tired, and I've had a headache since last night. Burning up everytime I eat or move, the tren E is definitely real. Should start seeing daily changes soon, and be unrecognizable in another month.

Excited AF!!!

Back and shoulders this morning! Stay tuned for the log..
Had a nasty workout.

Did shoulder press,
Smith Shoulder press (to mouth level)
2pps+a quarter each side x6
1ppsx14 (full stretch)
Quarter x AMRAP working the bottom

My shoulder rotate differently out of the very bottom and out of the other 4/5 ROM so I train comfortably. I'll be the one laughing when everyone else has janky fucked shoulders and I'm still pressing heavy weight making gains.

Not worried what hater phaggots say lmao. I've done reps with 315 axle bar cleaned from the ground. Stay pissy cucks, inb4 "estats" lmfao of course weak cuckolds cling to any delusional cope they can

Pullups on rock climber attachment
20 reps, shit puts hella strain on the fingers lol, not bad, haven't been prioritizing my pullups so I'll take it, should be back to sets of 30+ next month...

The tren is seriously such a a double negative here lol. On one end it's great and doing it's job and on the other you can't get a decent wet pump because it literally just burns through everything lmao. Adding in some EQ will help with that for sure. Excited as fuck to mutate BABY

Lat pulldown with V bar attachment
(Surprised the gym I go to even goes this heavy, whatever though good room for progress)

(Another note; as soon as I joined the gym switched the pulley systems on the smith machines so they are WAY harder LMFAO. Wonder what kind of jelly phaggot cuckold made that decision. Whatever, like I said all it takes is a drive to a "powerlifting gym" or a different location and all the weights will feel way lighter... Because they are.)

Got home and my gear pack arrived.

Pinned 450mg EQ, 125mg Sustanon, 100mg Tren Ace
Popped 50mg Winstrol, 50mg Viagra and 20mg Tamoxifen

Good stuff guys. Feel the warm rush from the tren ace and the Viagra is definitely real, rocking a solid 11/10 boner and it always sticks another half inch - inch length out of me. Good stuff.


Active member
this dude said ""Speaking of tren libido, Anyone ever want to power bottom a hot trans? Lol.""

broooo whaaaaaaaat? :ROFLMAO: u might wanna get bloods and check the estrogen levels homie........ no disrespect, to each is own, but dang bro ur wild! lol those compounds should be making u feel MORE masculine.
this dude said ""Speaking of tren libido, Anyone ever want to power bottom a hot trans? Lol.""

broooo whaaaaaaaat? :ROFLMAO: u might wanna get bloods and check the estrogen levels homie........ no disrespect, to each is own, but dang bro ur wild! lol those compounds should be making u feel MORE masculine.
What's more masculine than holding a tranny down and massaging your prostate?


I slammed meth for years. Been clean for 8. Lovin' life

Best sex drug though. Even better than ecstacy in my opinion