Couple more questions but first of all thanks to everyone for responding. I know all this information is on here and I have read and done research before asking but like I said I just wanna make sure I'm understanding correctly so thanks for taking time to answer. Last couple things I'm confused about is the AI or esto blockers, and post cycle. Are ai taking daily or only when having symptoms of so what would be a correct amount and how often, and what is needed for post cycle and how often. And last question is source. Is every verified source here more or less trustworthy to order from. I noticed a lot of the post on source Paige the dates are from 2021 or 2022. Thanks again guys for everything I appreciate the help
Diet and Training are FAR more important than the drugs. Anyone that tells you otherwise is an idiot. You need to know how to eat and train BEFORE using the steroids. Otherwise you're wasting the drugs and you will look like shit. Drugs don't speed anything up. Get to your natural potential, these are for taking you beyond that (ie you should ALREADY have people commenting that you use even though you are natural).
Assuming that you understand that, and that you have progressed to a real good point in the 4 years of training, here's all you need to know. Make sure to EAT. You need to feed your body to build the new muscle.
1) Are you going to PCT or blast and cruise? If it's PCT get your PCT protocol lined up, including HCG if you will be using that.
2) Get an AI, go with pharmaceutical for this. Some guys prefer Aromasin, some guys prefer Arimidex. They work slightly different so know the difference.
3) Take a "before" picture so you have something to compare progress to.
4) First cycle should be testosterone only. 300-500 mg/week. Testosterone will be the base of every cycle so you will want to know how your body responds to it. Don't run the AI initially, wait until you get mid-cycle bloodwork at 6 weeks (or as soon as 4-weeks if you feel common side effects of high estrogen). Post your bloodwork here and guys will teach you how to read it and use the AI. You might not need AI but have it just in case.
5) Save all of your bloodwork. This is your story and it will be invaluable later on if you should have any issues.
6) Finish out your cycle. Typically 12-weeks but can range from 10-weeks to 16-weeks.
7) Begin PCT protocol or have your post-cycle bloodwork done if you decide to do so (most guys don't unless they run the PCT).
8) Take your "After" picture. The two should be dramatically different. Like mind-blowing. If they aren't, then you fucked up. Do better.