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Where to start


New member
Jan 4, 2025
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Where is a good place to find out about how to cycle how to post cycle and what to cycle with like amount length all that for someone who hasn't ran a cycle yet but is interested. I've been working out for a long time and am ready to venture into doing cycles but the info online is scattered and hard to put together and I have a home gym and live in secluded area so meeting someone at the gym to kinda "mentor" is out of the option. What would be a good first cycle cycle length and what do I need for a post. I am 33 190lbs and 5' 10. Had blood test and naturally my test levels where right below 900. So any advice please let me know


The Bodybuilding Admin
Staff member
Feb 18, 2018
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Where is a good place to find out about how to cycle how to post cycle and what to cycle with like amount length all that for someone who hasn't ran a cycle yet but is interested. I've been working out for a long time and am ready to venture into doing cycles but the info online is scattered and hard to put together and I have a home gym and live in secluded area so meeting someone at the gym to kinda "mentor" is out of the option. What would be a good first cycle cycle length and what do I need for a post. I am 33 190lbs and 5' 10. Had blood test and naturally my test levels where right below 900. So any advice please let me know
I spent a lot of time writing and linking things in the wiki here. So that might be good


New member
Jan 4, 2025
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One thing I'm confused about is ratio.lets say If I was going to run test at 300mg a week and I ordered a 300mg/ml 10 ml bottle would that bottle be enough for a week or 10 weeks. Hopefully that question makes sense


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2024
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One thing I'm confused about is ratio.lets say If I was going to run test at 300mg a week and I ordered a 300mg/ml 10 ml bottle would that bottle be enough for a week or 10 weeks. Hopefully that question makes sense

But never buy “one” of something. What if you fumble finger the vial and it drops and breaks at week 5. Always have a backup plan. Most UGLs have a minimum or their shipping charge is $15-$20. Make the costs make sense.
Jan 2, 2025
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One thing I'm confused about is ratio.lets say If I was going to run test at 300mg a week and I ordered a 300mg/ml 10 ml bottle would that bottle be enough for a week or 10 weeks. Hopefully that question makes sense

It's just math. 300x10=3000. 3000÷10=300. So yes, you would have enough for 10 weeks exactly. Given that many UGLs give you 12ml per vial, you would actually be good for 12 weeks.

That's until you fumblefuck around and accidentally smash your vial on the bathroom floor. Now you have 0 ml, and everything x0=0. In other words, always order more than you need.
Jan 2, 2025
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But never buy “one” of something. What if you fumble finger the vial and it drops and breaks at week 5. Always have a backup plan. Most UGLs have a minimum or their shipping charge is $15-$20. Make the costs make sense.

I read this after I replied. Great minds...


Well-known member
Verified Source
Oct 29, 2023
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Start as low as possible with independent compounds to see how you, individually, respond to those compounds.


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2024
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Is the info HERE not good? Why a link for MESO?
Cause I ain't typing it up again or copying it over here. That's the whole point of the internet...freedom of information. If the info is good (I wrote it), why does it matter where the info is stored?

I put links from one site to another all the time. Why? Cause I think the info is good and my time is valuable.

Props to your shit stirring abilities though. Hat tip. Real recognizes real.

No worries, before this thread is through I may link to ExcelMale and maybe TNation as well depending on how serious OP is.


New member
Jan 4, 2025
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Couple more questions but first of all thanks to everyone for responding. I know all this information is on here and I have read and done research before asking but like I said I just wanna make sure I'm understanding correctly so thanks for taking time to answer. Last couple things I'm confused about is the AI or esto blockers, and post cycle. Are ai taking daily or only when having symptoms of so what would be a correct amount and how often, and what is needed for post cycle and how often. And last question is source. Is every verified source here more or less trustworthy to order from. I noticed a lot of the post on source Paige the dates are from 2021 or 2022. Thanks again guys for everything I appreciate the help


New member
Jan 4, 2025
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Also readalot I just saw the link you posted and am reading through it now thanks for your time man it's appreciated


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2024
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Cause I ain't typing it up again or copying it over here. That's the whole point of the internet...freedom of information. If the info is good (I wrote it), why does it matter where the info is stored?

I put links from one site to another all the time. Why? Cause I think the info is good and my time is valuable.

Props to your shit stirring abilities though. Hat tip. Real recognizes real.

No worries, before this thread is through I may link to ExcelMale and maybe TNation as well depending on how serious OP is.
@CaptainAmerica spelled it all out the wiki. And told the guy he could fine the answers there. I’m not stirring shit. MESO is a bullshit site and that’s generally why people are here as opposed to there.


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2024
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@CaptainAmerica spelled it all out the wiki. And told the guy he could fine the answers there. I’m not stirring shit. MESO is a bullshit site and that’s generally why people are here as opposed to there.
What I posted there ain't BS. You act like Tim Patterson throwing a hissy cause I linked to other sites on TNation. Well, I packed my shit and moved on. Too bad, now they hold all my stuff over there behind a sign up firewall. BS.

The internet should be free information. Quit all this tribalism. Nice tag BTW. Let's see how this plays out. I'm game.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2024
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Couple more questions but first of all thanks to everyone for responding. I know all this information is on here and I have read and done research before asking but like I said I just wanna make sure I'm understanding correctly so thanks for taking time to answer. Last couple things I'm confused about is the AI or esto blockers, and post cycle. Are ai taking daily or only when having symptoms of so what would be a correct amount and how often, and what is needed for post cycle and how often. And last question is source. Is every verified source here more or less trustworthy to order from. I noticed a lot of the post on source Paige the dates are from 2021 or 2022. Thanks again guys for everything I appreciate the help
Diet and Training are FAR more important than the drugs. Anyone that tells you otherwise is an idiot. You need to know how to eat and train BEFORE using the steroids. Otherwise you're wasting the drugs and you will look like shit. Drugs don't speed anything up. Get to your natural potential, these are for taking you beyond that (ie you should ALREADY have people commenting that you use even though you are natural).

Assuming that you understand that, and that you have progressed to a real good point in the 4 years of training, here's all you need to know. Make sure to EAT. You need to feed your body to build the new muscle.

1) Are you going to PCT or blast and cruise? If it's PCT get your PCT protocol lined up, including HCG if you will be using that.

2) Get an AI, go with pharmaceutical for this. Some guys prefer Aromasin, some guys prefer Arimidex. They work slightly different so know the difference.

3) Take a "before" picture so you have something to compare progress to.

4) First cycle should be testosterone only. 300-500 mg/week. Testosterone will be the base of every cycle so you will want to know how your body responds to it. Don't run the AI initially, wait until you get mid-cycle bloodwork at 6 weeks (or as soon as 4-weeks if you feel common side effects of high estrogen). Post your bloodwork here and guys will teach you how to read it and use the AI. You might not need AI but have it just in case.

5) Save all of your bloodwork. This is your story and it will be invaluable later on if you should have any issues.

6) Finish out your cycle. Typically 12-weeks but can range from 10-weeks to 16-weeks.

7) Begin PCT protocol or have your post-cycle bloodwork done if you decide to do so (most guys don't unless they run the PCT).

8) Take your "After" picture. The two should be dramatically different. Like mind-blowing. If they aren't, then you fucked up. Do better.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2024
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What I posted there ain't BS. You act like Tim Patterson throwing a hissy cause I linked to other sites on TNation. Well, I packed my shit and moved on. Too bad, now they hold all my stuff over there behind a sign up firewall. BS.

The internet should be free information. Quit all this tribalism. Nice tag BTW. Let's see how this plays out. I'm game.
No tag at all. What the fuck with your paranoia bullshit.