Would u say The 2 g of mast is really stronger than a gram of test tho
Stronger in what way?
Stronger as in more negative sides? No.
Ability to increase strength? Most likely. Strength isn't tissue.
As in the ability to increase mps and nitrogen retention? Arguably the same.
Superdrol is "Stronger" than almost any aas. Does it make it better? I guess that's subjective isn't it.
I'd say 2g of mast is better as long as you're e2 is in a healthy range which is all i use testosterone for.
My goal is retaining and building as much muscle as possible while staying as healthy as I can in the process because this is a marathon and not a sprint.
Tren, methyl 1 test, mtren, halotestin, trestolone are all much much stronger. Again, are they better?
What kind of stupid short sighted question is this?