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Hgh bulking dose


New member
Straight to the point, I’ve done so much research, I know everyone is different and the doses vary but is 5iu a day enough paired with slin, test and tren enough to see noticeable mass gains, given the time it takes to “kick in” I’d like to step on stage next year, and I feel Like it’s time to introduce gh
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New member
That should be more than enough to put on some serious size. Not sure on ur experience level with slin but please just be careful. It’s very easy to go hypoglycemic so make sure u have the proper amounts of carbs for the slin dolse n keep some fast acting carbs nearby just in case. Remember diet is key to putting on lean mass. When adding slin u can gain fat quickly.

If this is ur first run with GH I really recommend with starting at a much lower dose at the beginning. I know a few guys that have tried starting at 5iu n once the sides came on they hit like a mac truck. Start at 2-3 iu n work ur way up over a few weeks. Let ur body adapt. I know some guys that run 10+iu daily. I’ve seen great results at 4iu but everyone is different.
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New member
Jeffg353" pid='6976' dateline='1523436613:
That should be more than enough to put on some serious size. Not sure on ur experience level with slin but please just be careful. It’s very easy to go hypoglycemic so make sure u have the proper amounts of carbs for the slin dolse n keep some fast acting carbs nearby just in case. Remember diet is key to putting on lean mass. When adding slin u can gain fat quickly.

If this is ur first run with GH I really recommend with starting at a much lower dose at the beginning. I know a few guys that have tried starting at 5iu n once the sides came on they hit like a mac truck. Start at 2-3 iu n work ur way up over a few weeks. Let ur body adapt. I know some guys that run 10+iu daily. I’ve seen great results at 4iu but everyone is different.
Yeah I have a few years experience with slin, humalog and novolin r, I dont actually put on a whole lot of fat so I’m not to worried about that, last year I bulked on 1250mg test e a week and about 20iu if humalog a day/ 800-1k carbs a day and my body weight went up about 25lbs in a month, and my bf percentage only jumped up 1 percent to 13%, I know that’s not completely accurate but yeah sounds good I’ll start at 2 and work my way up to what seems comfortable to me, the main reason I’m asking is because people say you won’t see growth off of 2-4ius a day, but I’m taking that with a grain of salt and also asking for myself because I’ve never taken it, anyways thanks!
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New member
I hate some people (for their bodies) lol. I can be on a gram of test, a gram of tren And 5iu HGH, in the gym lifting my ass off and still gain fat eating at 3100. If I ever used slin I’d turn into the fattest man in the gym.

For reference I’m 5’8" 190 @10% 31 years old.
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New member
dianabolman" pid='6993' dateline='1523445808:
Jeffg353" pid='6976' dateline='1523436613:
That should be more than enough to put on some serious size. Not sure on ur experience level with slin but please just be careful. It’s very easy to go hypoglycemic so make sure u have the proper amounts of carbs for the slin dolse n keep some fast acting carbs nearby just in case. Remember diet is key to putting on lean mass. When adding slin u can gain fat quickly.

If this is ur first run with GH I really recommend with starting at a much lower dose at the beginning. I know a few guys that have tried starting at 5iu n once the sides came on they hit like a mac truck. Start at 2-3 iu n work ur way up over a few weeks. Let ur body adapt. I know some guys that run 10+iu daily. I’ve seen great results at 4iu but everyone is different.
Yeah I have a few years experience with slin, humalog and novolin r, I dont actually put on a whole lot of fat so I’m not to worried about that, last year I bulked on 1250mg test e a week and about 20iu if humalog a day/ 800-1k carbs a day and my body weight went up about 25lbs in a month, and my bf percentage only jumped up 1 percent to 13%, I know that’s not completely accurate but yeah sounds good I’ll start at 2 and work my way up to what seems comfortable to me, the main reason I’m asking is because people say you won’t see growth off of 2-4ius a day, but I’m taking that with a grain of salt and also asking for myself because I’ve never taken it, anyways thanks!
They say that with GH
1-2iu = anti-aging dose
2-4iu = fat loss
5+iu = muscle building

These r just like general guidelines. I was running it at 4iu split (2iu am n 2iu pm) n was the leanest I’ve ever been. It was crazy how the fat just melted away. I was running a log on ProM that covered my 1st 200+ days on Gh


If ur not a member can see the 1st 5-6 pages. If u want to get an idea of what to expect.

I never went above 4iu since it was my 1st run. The sides can be a real bitch. Numbness in ur hands or feet. Made holding onto weights difficult. Also would simetimes hit me at night n wake me up. My ankles swelled up like a pregnant women for a few weeks. Also got moon face for a week or so. U tend to hold a lot of excess water. I’ve heard supplementing with potassium is supposed to help counteract it or can use a diuretic have been recommend MHP EXPEL by a few guys…its an herbal diuretic.
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New member
trenbolgona" pid='7313' dateline='1523562050:

Gh15 approved.

Lmao bruh if i could afford it i would be on 15 a day, making some huge ass gains

Jeffg353" pid='7215' dateline='1523537113:
dianabolman" pid='6993' dateline='1523445808:
Jeffg353" pid='6976' dateline='1523436613:
That should be more than enough to put on some serious size. Not sure on ur experience level with slin but please just be careful. It’s very easy to go hypoglycemic so make sure u have the proper amounts of carbs for the slin dolse n keep some fast acting carbs nearby just in case. Remember diet is key to putting on lean mass. When adding slin u can gain fat quickly.

If this is ur first run with GH I really recommend with starting at a much lower dose at the beginning. I know a few guys that have tried starting at 5iu n once the sides came on they hit like a mac truck. Start at 2-3 iu n work ur way up over a few weeks. Let ur body adapt. I know some guys that run 10+iu daily. I’ve seen great results at 4iu but everyone is different.
Yeah I have a few years experience with slin, humalog and novolin r, I dont actually put on a whole lot of fat so I’m not to worried about that, last year I bulked on 1250mg test e a week and about 20iu if humalog a day/ 800-1k carbs a day and my body weight went up about 25lbs in a month, and my bf percentage only jumped up 1 percent to 13%, I know that’s not completely accurate but yeah sounds good I’ll start at 2 and work my way up to what seems comfortable to me, the main reason I’m asking is because people say you won’t see growth off of 2-4ius a day, but I’m taking that with a grain of salt and also asking for myself because I’ve never taken it, anyways thanks!
They say that with GH
1-2iu = anti-aging dose
2-4iu = fat loss
5+iu = muscle building

These r just like general guidelines. I was running it at 4iu split (2iu am n 2iu pm) n was the leanest I’ve ever been. It was crazy how the fat just melted away. I was running a log on ProM that covered my 1st 200+ days on Gh


If ur not a member can see the 1st 5-6 pages. If u want to get an idea of what to expect.

I never went above 4iu since it was my 1st run. The sides can be a real bitch. Numbness in ur hands or feet. Made holding onto weights difficult. Also would simetimes hit me at night n wake me up. My ankles swelled up like a pregnant women for a few weeks. Also got moon face for a week or so. U tend to hold a lot of excess water. I’ve heard supplementing with potassium is supposed to help counteract it or can use a diuretic have been recommend MHP EXPEL by a few guys…its an herbal diuretic.
On your PM hgh log what did your supertropin IGF levels come out to? i know that the igf is where the growth comes from, and im actually going to purchase supertropin in the next couple of days
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New member
I would like to know as well. The price on supertropin is really damn good and it has tons of good bloodwork done… It is domestic as well I think. Sounds too good to be true lol.

Its like $150 a kit yeah?
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New member
scrapiron__" pid='7331' dateline='1523566880:
I would like to know as well. The price on supertropin is really damn good and it has tons of good bloodwork done… It is domestic as well I think. Sounds too good to be true lol.

Its like $150 a kit yeah?
Yeah 140 if you pay with btc, so far it’s an unbeatable price for US domestic, and the blood work all looks great
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New member
IGF on supertropin was in the shitter. It came back at like 190. I just remember it was below my baseline
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New member
Jeffg353" pid='7334' dateline='1523568475:
IGF on supertropin was in the shitter. It came back at like 190. I just remember it was below my baseline
What the fuck, were you taking AIs? Would you take it again? I’m curious if there were other factors involved as to why it was so low
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New member
dianabolman" pid='7336' dateline='1523568830:
Jeffg353" pid='7334' dateline='1523568475:
IGF on supertropin was in the shitter. It came back at like 190. I just remember it was below my baseline
What the fuck, were you taking AIs? Would you take it again? I’m curious if there were other factors involved as to why it was so low
I’m not sure if it had anything to do with my cycle I was running…Test A, Mast P, NPP. Also was taking Adex before the Supertropin but switched to Aromasin. The last couple of kits I ran my igf-1 levels were starting to decline.

These were different brands I wasn’t very familiar with also. I probably should’ve switched back to the blacks/greys n seen what my igf-1 levels were then. Would at least have some solid numbers to compare it to but also didn’t want to take the chance of running it n wasting it if they continued to fall.

They seemed legit. I was getting a few sides when first starting but my body was pretty much adapted to it by then. I was still seeing the fat loss, was sleeping great, skin was amazing. All good signs but the numbers say otherwise.
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New member
Hate you all. If I could afford to run any GH I would. Two kids under 10 and a wife in nursing school means I homebrew my own gear and pay for it by capping orals and selling those to fuckboiz at the gym lol
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New member
strongfat619" pid='8513' dateline='1524093607:
Hate you all. If I could afford to run any GH I would. Two kids under 10 and a wife in nursing school means I homebrew my own gear and pay for it by capping orals and selling those to fuckboiz at the gym lol
Sell them the brew as well… I can sell test for 50-80 bucks a vial depending on who I’m talking to. And you know the raws are cheap.
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New member
scrapiron__" pid='8517' dateline='1524094956:
strongfat619" pid='8513' dateline='1524093607:
Hate you all. If I could afford to run any GH I would. Two kids under 10 and a wife in nursing school means I homebrew my own gear and pay for it by capping orals and selling those to fuckboiz at the gym lol
Sell them the brew as well… I can sell test for 50-80 bucks a vial depending on who I’m talking to. And you know the raws are cheap.
Yea I might, I just haven’t really gotten around to wanting to fuck with crimpers and sterilizing the vials and stoppers and shit…once you hit that level it gets a lot more complicated.

I have a handful of dudes I sell to that I know well enough I don’t have a problem handing them a pre-sterilized vial with the flip top taken off and a hole in it from filling.

The caps are quick and easy and profitable enough so far…may change tho
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New member
Speaking of the Supertropin a buddy just pulled like a 185 igf-1 level on them. So it looks like it’s not just me. The thing I don’t like is the lie about them being the same thing as the Grey Tops n Ansomone that their rep has been spouting on BOP. TP even said it was bullshit.
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New member
scrapiron__" pid='7331' dateline='1523566880:
I would like to know as well. The price on supertropin is really damn good and it has tons of good bloodwork done… It is domestic as well I think. Sounds too good to be true lol.

Its like $150 a kit yeah?
Hey whose the source you have for it???
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New member
Juicy juice" pid='8632' dateline='1524165339:
scrapiron__" pid='7331' dateline='1523566880:
I would like to know as well. The price on supertropin is really damn good and it has tons of good bloodwork done… It is domestic as well I think. Sounds too good to be true lol.

Its like $150 a kit yeah?
Hey whose the source you have for it???
Just head over to brotherhood of pain and ask squid or whatever to pm you and then he’ll email you. I just Placed an order and I’m receiving it today

Jeffg353" pid='8581' dateline='1524144042:
Speaking of the Supertropin a buddy just pulled like a 185 igf-1 level on them. So it looks like it’s not just me. The thing I don’t like is the lie about them being the same thing as the Grey Tops n Ansomone that their rep has been spouting on BOP. TP even said it was bullshit.
Well fuck, alright I already Ordered so I’ll just take it, how should I get Bloods done for it? What’s the protocol and what’s a good online site to get the bloods
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New member
dianabolman" pid='8635' dateline='1524165691:
Juicy juice" pid='8632' dateline='1524165339:
scrapiron__" pid='7331' dateline='1523566880:
I would like to know as well. The price on supertropin is really damn good and it has tons of good bloodwork done… It is domestic as well I think. Sounds too good to be true lol.

Its like $150 a kit yeah?
Hey whose the source you have for it???
Just head over to brotherhood of pain and ask squid or whatever to pm you and then he’ll email you. I just Placed an order and I’m receiving it today

Jeffg353" pid='8581' dateline='1524144042:
Speaking of the Supertropin a buddy just pulled like a 185 igf-1 level on them. So it looks like it’s not just me. The thing I don’t like is the lie about them being the same thing as the Grey Tops n Ansomone that their rep has been spouting on BOP. TP even said it was bullshit.
Well fuck, alright I already Ordered so I’ll just take it, how should I get Bloods done for it? What’s the protocol and what’s a good online site to get the bloods

Privatemdlabs.com is where I order the bloodwork. Print out requisition form n head to my local Labcorp.
15% off promo code…APR2018

Depends on what ur getting tested for the protocols

Igf-1 is just do ur normal dose n get bloodwork at any time during the day. Need to be running it for 2-3 weeks minimum before going for test.

GH Serum test: Pin 10iu (entire vial) IM in delt 3 hrs before blood draw. I’ll reconstitute with only .5mL when doing this test so I’m not pinning a whole mL in my delt. Won’t effect results.

Personally feel like Igf-1 is the more important test.
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New member
Jeffg353" pid='8645' dateline='1524170733:
dianabolman" pid='8635' dateline='1524165691:
Juicy juice" pid='8632' dateline='1524165339:
scrapiron__" pid='7331' dateline='1523566880:
I would like to know as well. The price on supertropin is really damn good and it has tons of good bloodwork done… It is domestic as well I think. Sounds too good to be true lol.

Its like $150 a kit yeah?
Hey whose the source you have for it???
Just head over to brotherhood of pain and ask squid or whatever to pm you and then he’ll email you. I just Placed an order and I’m receiving it today

Jeffg353" pid='8581' dateline='1524144042:
Speaking of the Supertropin a buddy just pulled like a 185 igf-1 level on them. So it looks like it’s not just me. The thing I don’t like is the lie about them being the same thing as the Grey Tops n Ansomone that their rep has been spouting on BOP. TP even said it was bullshit.
Well fuck, alright I already Ordered so I’ll just take it, how should I get Bloods done for it? What’s the protocol and what’s a good online site to get the bloods

Privatemdlabs.com is where I order the bloodwork. Print out requisition form n head to my local Labcorp.
15% off promo code…APR2018

Depends on what ur getting tested for the protocols

Igf-1 is just do ur normal dose n get bloodwork at any time during the day. Need to be running it for 2-3 weeks minimum before going for test.

GH Serum test: Pin 10iu (entire vial) IM in delt 3 hrs before blood draw. I’ll reconstitute with only .5mL when doing this test so I’m not pinning a whole mL in my delt. Won’t effect results.

Personally feel like Igf-1 is the more important test.

Yeah tbh all I care About is the igf, just because that’s where your size is gonna come from
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