Steroid Source Talk

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  1. GoatedGoat

    First Cycle Finalizing

    Been reading up and etc. Here is what my first cycle should look like if anyone thinks any alterations should be given then please give them. Taking any and all advice, thank you. Bloods Timing: Pre, 4Weeks In, Post-2 Weeks Length: 16 weeks 375 Test C per week E3D 20mg Tamoxifen ED...
  2. GoatedGoat

    First Cycle Help

    I will take any and all suggestions, thank you for your help this is what I am planning on doing. Would like to know if this is a good first cycle. Planning in using Goodlyfe as a source. If you guys have any other like sort of pdfs or any large chunks of information you could link before a...
  3. J

    What's best for second cycle?

    Sup Yall, i am 27 years old male, 184lbs 6 foot tall. Body fat is 25%, Have been working for 5 years, for the past 2 years have been working out min of 4 times a week! I would like to be start my second cycle and get my body ready for pool party lol :)) I kinda donno what to shoot for my...