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  1. M

    [Source] Mint Anabolics - 15% OFF ALL OILS -- 25% OFF TrAmp Blend, Deca, EQ250 and Mast P

    Guys, just posted bloods from Mintys test c. Clearly the real deal, thanks Minty for always coming through with quality stuff!!
  2. M

    Mint Anabolics - 400mg Test Cyp/wk - 2377 ng/dl - 5.9x

    I guess primo really works to control e2 for me. I’m a bit surprised it was that low, since I can’t get rid of this damn chest acne. I was going to up the primo a bit more to see if it made an impact, but I might risk crashing e2. With my rbc count above range, should I consider blood...
  3. M

    Mint Anabolics - 400mg Test Cyp/wk - 2377 ng/dl - 5.9x

    Link to Bloodwork Insert Image Link Here Source Mint Anabolics Test Ester Running Cypionate Weekly Testosterone Dose (mg) 400Mg Other Compounds in Cycle Primo, Anavar Weekly Dose Other Compunds (mg) 175mg/wk, 40mg per day Weeks Run 8 Draw Time from Last Pin 26, pin daily Blood...
  4. M

    [OFFICIAL] Old Guys Thread

    I’m still confused on the bpc157, and the dosing and reconstituting. How many 5mg vials would I need to heal this thing up? Any advice would be amazing.
  5. M

    [OFFICIAL] Old Guys Thread

    I’m in a forced week off now. I’m trying to rest this tennis elbow issue that’s persisted for the last few weeks, and I got a bad cold and can barely breathe out of my nose. My body is telling me to back off. Unfortunately, I’m mid-blast and in my last week of var. I decided to cut the var...
  6. M

    [OFFICIAL] Old Guys Thread

    It’s been harder and harder to get good advice, especially if it’s not directly related to a source. If I need any help, I post in here first. I know I can count on my fellow 40 and overs to help a brother out.
  7. M

    [OFFICIAL] Old Guys Thread

    Yeah, I’ve eased back on pull movements but this latest quad thing was a real kick in the ass. If I have to back off on lower body work plus pull, that really fucks up my routine. While I wait for bloodwork, I’ll see if upping the test a bit and dropping the primo a bit makes a difference...
  8. M

    [OFFICIAL] Old Guys Thread

    I I know ratios are different from person to person, but could all these random strains and elbow pain be a result of low (or high) e2?
  9. M

    [OFFICIAL] Old Guys Thread

    Hey guys!! Gotta bump this thread back up. So I’m in week 7, been running 50mg var, and about 5 weeks with primo at 200mg per week with test cyp at 350mg per week. I feel like my e2 may be low. No problems down below, but I’ve been getting strains left and right lately. First I had a...
  10. M

    Nutrition Advice

    Hey Guys, This is always the area I struggle the most. Very consistent with training, former CrossFitter for 12 years, but after 40 focused on more bodybuilding/strength training. I train 6 days a week, P/P/L split with a running only day between. I’m 5’6” 161lbs, around 14-15% BF. I’m up...
  11. M

    [OFFICIAL] Old Guys Thread

    honestly, I’m only taking it to manage e2 while I up my test. Any anabolic effect is icing on the cake. Nothing crazy so far, but my chest acne is subsiding a bit, so that’s worth it for me. Modest gains so far, I’m definitely leaning out a lot. I need to eat more to gain anything, working...
  12. M

    When is the best time to get bloodwork?

    Any advice guys?
  13. M

    When is the best time to get bloodwork?

    I pin daily TRT normally, and currently in week 5 of a 10 week blast. I’d like to see where my lipids are at, as well as e2 now that I’m running primo for a few weeks. With that said, since I inject daily, do I have to skip injections to get accurate bloodwork done? How many days? What’s...
  14. M

    Cholesterol issues during Prep (test, mast, primo)

    Thanks guys, just got some fiberlyze. Running primo to manage e2, don’t want drop it until I’m done with this blast, or at least want to run it for the majority. Plus var for 3 more weeks, my lipids are probably pretty out of wack right now. They’ll come back down during a quick cut as I...
  15. M

    Test-C Subcutaneous Injections?

    No issues here, good results, no real PIP other than when I run primo.
  16. M

    Test-C Subcutaneous Injections?

    Not sure if it’s more effective or not, but I’ve been doing this for almost a year, daily sub-q injections, though I often feel that my 1/2” needle is getting muscle now.
  17. M

    Blast vs "on steroids" vs cruise/trt

    Family history of cancer, and tested positive for the gene that my family has, causing numerous people to have and pass from cancer. Very hesitant to go in that direction.
  18. M

    [OFFICIAL] Old Guys Thread

    Everybody in here enjoys this part of it. I started trt because I was constantly tired, and busting my ass in the gym for minimal gains and lots of aches and pains. Now, at least the gains are real and so is the confidence that comes with it, which carries over into my work life.
  19. M

    [OFFICIAL] Old Guys Thread

    Mine is, but I have no desire to compete or be so big I can’t function. I play baseball, I love lifting, and I like looking better than the other dads lol. That’s all I need these days…
  20. M

    [OFFICIAL] Old Guys Thread

    Exactly. I couldn’t do that when I was younger without all these obligations, much less in my 40’s with kids and work being busier than ever.