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  1. D

    [Source] >>>VIPER FLEX LABS<<<

    Hello I just emailed hopefully you still have items in stock!
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    High progesterone help

    Got my labs back.My test was prolactin was good. My estradiol was actually low out of range. My dr Is putting me on 200mg test and .5mg armidex a week. Two things. My progesterone is out of range high will the armidex help with this or will it just control estradiol? If not what can I get...
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    Hunter T/a

    Payed 3-30 received 4-3 can’t beat that. Perfect packaging and correct order as always. Thanks
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    Resting heart rate?

    Can anyone give input on why my resting heart rate always seems high? I went in for a physical today and it was mid to high 90s. My blood pressure was 117/70 something. And my blood work everything came back in range. I don’t use much other than plain ol test at no more than 250/mg a week. I had...
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    Just a s/o to him. Made a small order and came thru with solid communication and turn around time was like 4 days. Would order again thanks.
  6. D

    Nolvadex sickness ?

    I bought some nolva to combat some gyno I have. Seemed like about 5 or so days after I started taking it I got really sick one night puking my guts out all night and shitting myself to death. It’s been over a week since then and it always kinda like I have some sort of nausea and gas buildup or...
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    Lumps behind nipple while on trt

    Long story short I blasted while on trt. I was using 500mg of test per week and about the time I came off of it and back on my normal trt dose I noticed I started to feel some noticeable lumps. While on trt my e2 was around 30 not sure on blast. I do use a ai occasionally but the damn lumps are...