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  1. jumdumpster

    Lab Results 2wks off cycle

    looks good to me honestly im sure that alt will come down are you going to cruise? you had so much test in you its been two weeks and theres still enough for those levels god damn
  2. jumdumpster


    yep last game i enjoyed was red dead 2 but you can only replay a game so much. hopefully gta 6 will be solid. i used to love csgo and even rainbow six but playing stuff like that casually just sucks and im not about to get all into it again
  3. jumdumpster


    man i wish i could go back to liking games again. i just cant get into them at all, they all suck ass to me or i lose interest fast. the only show ive seen recently that legitimately was good and id recommend is the penguin, definitely try that one.
  4. jumdumpster


    outside of the gym my only other hobby really would be working on my car i used to be way more into video games etc but i just dont find it fun anymore really need to find more stuff to do
  5. jumdumpster

    Test C cycle took a turn for the worst.

    if you want to visual frontloading or even test p to test c and how your levels would look try a steroid plotter site thatll graph it youd probably want to use test p and test c at the same time then drop the p thats maybe what id do if i were going to
  6. jumdumpster

    Test C cycle took a turn for the worst.

    my advice is dont bother if you want to get your blood levels up quicker you could frontload higher doses of cyp
  7. jumdumpster

    Test C cycle took a turn for the worst.

    you wouldve almost definitely lost weight coming off cycle regardless of going to jail so dont freak out if its been a month since you stopped youre probably feeling pretty shit right now but your natural test will come back i wouldnt bother with taking any kind of pct now just wait it out...
  8. jumdumpster

    High Test vs low test on tren

    tren is going to come with a whole bunch of other sides regardless of whether or not it raises bp more or less than just a high dose of test id personally feel a lot better on a gram of test vs say 500 test and 200 tren ace
  9. jumdumpster

    Only a few injections in and I'm feeling a bit worse than I did before, is this normal?

    thats not what im saying it is thats not what ive ever in any post said it is and i dont even claim to know what exactly causes it immune response to the carrier oil maybe? seems to not happen when i use gso vs mct which is what my coach told me to try. it also happens far too consistently to be...
  10. jumdumpster

    Only a few injections in and I'm feeling a bit worse than I did before, is this normal?

    ive literally had test flu symptoms many different times ive tracked exactly when it happens at the beginning of cycles for years youre the one calling me psychotic lol just because youve never dealt with something doesnt mean its not real i never come on here trying to be a dick, but you...
  11. jumdumpster

    Only a few injections in and I'm feeling a bit worse than I did before, is this normal?

    ohhhh youre just the same guy on a bunch of accounts nevermind lol
  12. jumdumpster

    Only a few injections in and I'm feeling a bit worse than I did before, is this normal?

    sounds like you dont have a lot of experience with gear or users
  13. jumdumpster

    Only a few injections in and I'm feeling a bit worse than I did before, is this normal?

    lol what nothing is lowering your immune system your immune system has a response to the foreign bodies your injecting in your ass
  14. jumdumpster

    Only a few injections in and I'm feeling a bit worse than I did before, is this normal?

    its not the higher or lower level its the sudden spike that fucks you up your body just starts fighting it until it acclimates, it seems like for me it might be the carrier oil that my immune system hates
  15. jumdumpster

    Only a few injections in and I'm feeling a bit worse than I did before, is this normal?

    could be test flu of some kind ive had that a lot of times basically feels like your immune system is fighting something off and is in overdrive
  16. jumdumpster

    Hair is thinning suddenly this week?

    idk whats happening here but i was suddenly losing tons of hair for awhile about 6 months ago, not even sure what was causing it since ive ran test/npp and ment before and didnt have horrible hair loss. only new thing i added then was tbol. wherever it was i guess it was just my time to lose hair
  17. jumdumpster

    How often should I inject primo?

    everyday is definitely best for stuff with short esters like tren ace or npp i do everyday for longer stuff i do atleast 3x a week like test cyp
  18. jumdumpster

    Safest cycle?

    i cruise on 250 test c a week and my bloodwork always comes back good definitely puts you way above natural levels so i guess thats a “safe” way to do things but i mean there cycles and theres literally just trt