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I think Clen fucked me up bad


Active member
Oct 29, 2022
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I started clenbuterol last Sunday. Started at low doses 30mcg and tapered up to 100mcg 6 days in. Well last Friday when I was about to leave work I got super dizzy and lightheaded. I could barely make it out. I dropped the Clen right away after that. And the following days I was having pounding headaches throughout the day. All week it’s been that way. 2 days ago I had another episode of lightheadedness, dizziness, and sweating. I’m surprised I’ve been getting through the work week with how I’ve felt. I feel better today but I’m still off and not 100% has Clen done this to any of you guys?

My BP has been around 120-130s/80-88s HR - 70-80s resting

I was supplementing taurine 5-10g per day and eating bananas and drinking lots of water.


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Oct 29, 2022
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30mcgs-100mcgs in 6 days is not a great idea. Usually the Increase should be 20mcgs every 2-3days DEPENDING on sides. Also, you need to double your current water intake, that is a non negotiable. Start drinking 2 gallons a day. Should be fine.
Yeah if there ever is a next time I’ll ramp up much much slower next time. Not sure if I ever want to touch that shit again lol I’ll up my water to 2g as well. Thanks


Active member
Sep 14, 2023
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For what it's worth, I only increase clen 20mcg every WEEK to give myself time to adjust. Take it slow, it doesn't work overnight.

It's fat burning effects don't down regulate like people used to think. Just take the clean 20mcg week 1, 40mcg week 2, etc until you reach a dose that's effective and tolerable. I usually only use 60mcg during a contest prep.


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Oct 29, 2022
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For what it's worth, I only increase clen 20mcg every WEEK to give myself time to adjust. Take it slow, it doesn't work overnight.

It's fat burning effects don't down regulate like people used to think. Just take the clean 20mcg week 1, 40mcg week 2, etc until you reach a dose that's effective and tolerable. I usually only use 60mcg during a contest prep.
How many weeks do you go for with that kind of regimen? I know a lot of people used to do 2 weeks on 2 weeks off to give the receptors a break.


Active member
Sep 14, 2023
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For what it's worth, I only increase clen 20mcg every WEEK to give myself time to adjust. Take it slow, it doesn't work overnight.

It's fat burning effects don't down regulate like people used to think. Just take the clean 20mcg week 1, 40mcg week 2, etc until you reach a dose that's effective and tolerable. I usually only use 60mcg during a contest prep.

How many weeks do you go for with that kind of regimen? I know a lot of people used to do 2 weeks on 2 weeks off to give the receptors a break.
I ran it for the last ten weeks of my last contest prep. There is no reason to "cycle" clen, that's old school broscience.
The fat burning effects don't downregulate, the increase in your BMR stay consistent.