Steroid Source Talk

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Recent content by Wgc1594

  1. W

    [Source] BioPharmaUSA (Testosterone Giveaway and Sale)

    First off, wanna gas up BioPharma, these guys are the best. Super fast, great response times, great quality. General question for the forum, has anyone tried their Semaglutide? Just ordered some and excited to try… the vial seemed almost empty tho with how light of a dusting the medicine was...
  2. W

    Biopharma Test E 500mg per week

    2000ng/dl total T is a bit underwhelming for 500mg/week right?
  3. W

    BioPharmaUSA - The Good/Bad

    Hahaha I’ve had the same thing with their Test E but thought I was just being a pussy since it’s my first time on gear. Glad to know it wasn’t just me. You feel the stuff is dosed well though right? I can deal with some PIP if the stuff is legit.
  4. W

    Fertility Concerns?

    Hey brotha, is your HCG source on this site?
  5. W

    [Source] BioPharmaUSA (Testosterone Giveaway and Sale)

    Hey man, question about the HCG. Is that 5000iu per ML or for all 3ML?
  6. W

    [Source] BioPharmaUSA (Testosterone Giveaway and Sale)

    How was the quality on these? Bout to use their test e and var
  7. W

    [Source] BioPharmaUSA (Testosterone Giveaway and Sale)

    Ordered second order from these guys during the “holiday rush”. Payment, shipping, and tracking process as well as communication was smooth as always. Biopharma has been great.
  8. W

    [Source] BioPharmaUSA (Testosterone Giveaway and Sale)

    Do you have Janoshik or any other third party testing your products? Going to start using my order soon. Can’t speak to product quality yet but customer service and responsiveness has been A+