Steroid Source Talk

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Recent content by ThinBulk

  1. T

    Is a 750mg - 1g test e only cycle worth it?

    Monthly bloods has the opportunity for a great learning experience. You might be off the accutane by now, but why not start at 300 or so and bump based on good blood tests. They're mainly looking at your liver results in the monthly testing.
  2. T

    Melanotan I & II

    My experience is with Melanotan 1. It's supposed to be much safer than 2, and the only time i need a huge libido is on vacation where i can't bring it anyways. From what i hear Melanotan 1 works about half as well for tanning, but people can also use huge doses with very little side effects...
  3. T

    What advancements have been in PED in the last 20 years?

    AAS hasn't made any leaps at all that i know of. There are newer compounds, but not really in use. In 20 years the amount of shared knowledge is much higher, and their price is 25% of what it used to be. I see this making cycles a lot more effective. The biggest advancement is definitely...
  4. T

    Recent Semen Analysis Test Results IN

    I've seen a bunch of guys who cruise very high like you have a LOT of ED issues. I've never found any info on why the change happens, but it seems universal. There's a study showing that guys that don't lift can maintain over 1million sperm count even on 200+mg/week (131% of base test levels)...
  5. T

    Recent Semen Analysis Test Results IN

    I'm interested in how this works out. Is there a reason doctors wont prescribe you HCG or HMG? How long have you been blasting, cruising, etc?
  6. T

    Low Concentration Test

    Have you tried a new source? From making my own, there's a world of difference with 4% BA vs 2% BA when using more than 1ml.
  7. T

    HMG vs HCG

    I haven't seen anyone here carry HMG. Is there a local source for it?
  8. T

    Wanting to run Eq

    Ive done a 600 test/ 600 eq that was front loaded at 1200 way back in the day when it was recommended. I would never run eq higher (or that high) than test again. It gives weird anxiety that i cant fully describe because i never got it off anything else. It's not like work/life anxiety. Like i...
  9. T

    Primo & Blood Work Question...

    This is what I'd do as a non pro. Anavar is known for destroying lipids worse than much stronger steroids. Drop it, because injectables do less damage for the amount of growth. Just run TRT before your blood test and get a baseline. If your panels are still terrible, i'd change up lifestyle...
  10. T

    Increase cum shot size

    I've heard HCG can do this. No study links, just remembering old posts.
  11. T

    Cycling off HGH for longevity?

    Are there any benefits to cycling off HGH to create a low GH environment every so often? What are some protocols for this? It's seen in studies (link at the bottom) that continuously high HGH causes worse senescence. Some of the pathways cells are able to repair dna, and the ability to...
  12. T

    PT-141 Daily use?

    Be careful here. There are a LOT of anecdotal reports of people permanently losing sexual desire by using Pt-141 more than recommended. I'm more afraid of pt-141 than anything here.
  13. T

    Sorry nipple

    I dk if hearing this will help, but your test isn't worth gyno.
  14. T


    As someone worried about tendon injuries from things outside lifting, I also think this is a terrible idea. If you want to cycle, and still build tendon/ligament strength, my recommendation would be a low test/eq, or test/primo. Stack that with an hgh kit, and bpc-157. These are both proven to...
  15. T

    Does HGH affect my bloodwork for TRT

    I'd love to hear back from you after blood work about the hgh, tb, and bpc. Anavar will kill your lipid profile while on, and also probably ALT because that's liver function testing. Like pete said, ALT can also be from muscle breakdown.