Steroid Source Talk

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Recent content by grindcorejoe

  1. G

    [Source] >>>VIPER FLEX LABS<<<

    How my Ment are you taking weekly? I have been taking 200mg for last seven weeks plus 200 mg test cyp per week. I’m going to up it to 250mg Ment per week. I’m a powerlifter and my strength has gone up significantly. Next meet shooting for a raw 550lbs bench at under 300lbs body weight. Also...
  2. G

    Bloodwork review

    I I feel fine , no jaundice no nothing.
  3. G

    Bloodwork review

    Last time I had labs done was 6 months ago. Va said they would call me if they were abnormal and they never called. Nope I don’t drink at all , and no nothing new. Got off last cycle about month ago. That one was 150mg Trest ace and 300mg test e per week. For a 9 week cycle. okay an thanks for...
  4. G

    Bloodwork review

    Just got my bloods back, currently on 300mg of test only. Testosterone level is 1117, high AST is 91 ,high ALT is 245 ,high Carbon dioxide is 19 ,low RBC is 6.27, high Doc is going to call me in a week. In meantime what does this mean?
  5. G

    MENT… new fav powerlifting drug!

    I only take the mtren and superdrol on training days amigo. I’m pretty sure if I ran all that everyday I would melt my liver lol
  6. G

    Musclecandy t/a and review

    You could try and add some gso oil to help dilute it but it’s gna suck no matter who you get it from. I can’t run high concentration test , shit fucks me up so bad with pip
  7. G

    MENT… new fav powerlifting drug!

    On week 3 of a 9 week cycle. 150mg of Ment with 450mg of test e. Every mon, weds, and Fri-50mg of Ment and 150mg of test e. On max effort bench days I’m taking 1mg of Mtren pwo and 20mg of superdrol on volume bench days. Leg day no pwo. Week 1 there wasn’t a major increase at all Week2 15lbs...
  8. G

    [Source] ~JuiceApeLabs~ - CLOSED BY MODERATORS

    So I know roid test don’t count for much on here but I did use it on the test e 20ml bottles I got from juice ape. Came back as test on the second test. However first test came back as yellow for test prop.. I think I’m just going to throw the shit out an order other stuff because I don’t know...
  9. G

    [Source] ~JuiceApeLabs~ - CLOSED BY MODERATORS

    Got two 20ml bottles of test e from juice ape . Lot # 32976. I see a lot of wierd shit being posted regarding their gear now. Is the test at least legit?
  10. G

    Strongman Comp Prep Cycle Suggestion

    Strongman competitor and powerlifter here. For me personally I had best luck with 750mg test per week. Then on training days I would take 100mg no ester test and 50mg no ester tren. Comp days still take 100mg test no ester and 100mg tren no ester and 40mg halo. That seemed to work very well...
  11. G

    [Source] >>>VIPER FLEX LABS<<<

    Goods recieved. Ordered on 4th an recieved today.
  12. G

    [Source] >>>VIPER FLEX LABS<<<

    I have a packaged with anticipated delivery tomorrow. Wife said she hasn’t ordered anything so I’m assuming it’s my package from vf even though I haven’t been given a tracking number. So we shall see . Ordered July 4th, per carrier said it was in possession of package July 10th.
  13. G

    Ment for powerlifting

    Been looking to try it but from the online research I have done doses seem to be all over the place from 5-50mg per day. Anyone have any experience with it , with regards to getting stronger?
  14. G

    Car accident

    Not particularly “hurt” , just sore.