Steroid Source Talk

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Recent content by Animutiddies

  1. A

    Looking for food recipes for coming bulk

    Looking for anything I haven’t tried yet, and I don’t care about the health value, calories or macros in the recipe. If it’s something clean, I’ll work it in on a normal day; If it leans more toward a cheat meal, I’ll work it in on a cheat day.
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    19-nor-5 is bullshit

    Asking this on behalf of a buddy who doesn’t want to take gear but thinks this shit will give him gains. You guys can look into all the different money pit companies shilling this shit, just google 19-nor-5 you’ll find it. Claims of it being more or less oral npp. All I can think of is, just...
  3. A

    Any experiences with high dose Fina/Dura?

    Due to it being massively cheaper I am going to go with raws for either of these (Probably Fina, unless someone has convincing reasons to go Dura) but the doses being .5 - 1mg daily will make dosing it verrryyyyyyy difficult. My scale is quite accurate but it doesn’t begin registering weight...
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    Don't play an instrument while on gear. (Ranting)

    Nothing new as a musician, I always fuck up as soon as the red light is on about a hundred times but lately it’s just so god damn infuriating I accidentally broke one of my guitars. Shit is absurd. Normal musician struggles involve learning something 100% and then only being able to play it...
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    Biomass Asin

    Mind you this is in the ANECDOTAL section for a reason so nobody throw a fit please. Noticed their Asin straight-up does not work for me. 12.5mg did nothing for the past week of trying to combat a bit of nipple soreness + tiny lump beginning to form + emotional whiny bitch fits I have...
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    Any reason not to just buy raws for all orals?

    I have never personally messed with raws other than stuff to mix up homemade Preworkout, but looking at the prices I am just curious if I’m missing something here. Obviously oils need to be prepared so I’m not interested in all that, but orals (dbol, var, Adex, prami etc) you can just weigh on a...
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    Amazon Prime basically. Began communication late in the day, and reached me two days later. Glad to know these guys are still g2g as they were on the Sub days.
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    China intends to crack down legally on PED users (allegedly). Thoughts?

    Here’s a link that you can choose to click or not, I don’t care. Summary: China gonna be putting gear users in jail and it seems like it’s all a big press thing so that, going into the 2022 olympics, nobody suspects their...
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    Think we could convince libs to protest in favor of legalized gear?

    Alright guys so stay with me on this one. I’m pretty deep in a blast currently and it’s really giving me dumbass thoughts but this one seems pretty solid. Okay so we know basically, in the USA, anytime a bigass crowd of left-wing crybabies starts shitting themselves in the streets over a cause...
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    PSA: Texasmass

    Texasmass user account states he was logged in yesterday. Peace out bros.
  11. A

    Cheap protein drinks at big lots bros.

    I would suggest if you live near a Big Lots that you guys check and see if they’ve got the “ISO100 Clear” drinks stocked. Idk how they managed to get them on shelves but I’ve found a couple stores that have these on the shelves for 1 buck apiece (It’s a 3-4 dollar drink normally). 40g protein...
  12. A

    PPL possibly compromised.

    According to a thread on another top forum, a recent bust was made and it turns out the guy is a former (allegedly; Though, the photos show numerous PPL products at the time of bust so possibly he isn’t former at all) associate of PPL for their domestic products. Feds allegedly recovered 1/2 a...
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    BoP forum gone it seems.

    May be nothing, may be something. BOP is one of the bigger ones out there, and I’m kinda shocked that the site is unreachable. Hoping it is just a server issue with wherever they’re hosted, fingers crossed as fuck that it isn’t LEO takedown. Not trying to stir up panic but if BOP got shut down...
  14. A

    Southern Compounding Injectable SDrol & Tren M840

    I’ll come back to this to add more info as it continues at some point but currently on day 5 of each @10mgSdrol/day 50mgTren/day along with a cruising test dose. Going pretty low dose because I’ve never pinned anything with this carrier so I’m assessing PIP tolerance mostly. So far, no...
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    AAS and postural correction work

    I’ve been powerlifting for a few years, and over the course of a few recent blasts (I BnC) I have gotten progressively tighter and tighter hamstrings and my lower back (QL muscles and slightly lower, toward sacrum) has been getting thrashed with soreness/aching, tightness, etc. Been popping my...