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Active member
started aztecas test c and tren e last week well ive been on test c but at a trt dose went up to 650 per week and starting out slow with tren at 250 per week. no pip at all.
i know its early on but im already feeling differences strength is going up things are starting to just feel way lighter, tren is like steroids on steroids it feel like its giving me superpowers. 310 on incline felt light for 12 reps but stopped at 9 because something in chest got sore, did 225 for 25 reps other sets and just other things feeling lighter like db shrugs just now went with 105s and they usually feel a bit heavy because of grip they felt like 70s today they werent going anywhere.

just concerned about sleep, sleeping like 4-5 hrs a night but can still function good throughout the day and i feel more alert than ever but i know this cant be great for me and its annoying just laying there all night trying to sleep. i tried melatonin, ksm66, l theanine, small amounts of nyquil doesnt seem to do much. high doses of test mess with my sleep but i dont remember it being this bad. any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.

this stuff def works . go get some. every man should try tren atleast once.


Active member
Tren messed me up with jealousy , like BAD. Wasn’t worth the risk of going to jail. Haven’t used it in a long time and don’t think I will again. More test yes I will lol


Well-known member
Tren messed me up with jealousy , like BAD. Wasn’t worth the risk of going to jail. Haven’t used it in a long time and don’t think I will again. More test yes I will lol
Tren makes me too Fuken crazy , angry , ass hole and homicidal hahahaah not good but it makes one look so incredible


Well-known member
started aztecas test c and tren e last week well ive been on test c but at a trt dose went up to 650 per week and starting out slow with tren at 250 per week. no pip at all.
i know its early on but im already feeling differences strength is going up things are starting to just feel way lighter, tren is like steroids on steroids it feel like its giving me superpowers. 310 on incline felt light for 12 reps but stopped at 9 because something in chest got sore, did 225 for 25 reps other sets and just other things feeling lighter like db shrugs just now went with 105s and they usually feel a bit heavy because of grip they felt like 70s today they werent going anywhere.

just concerned about sleep, sleeping like 4-5 hrs a night but can still function good throughout the day and i feel more alert than ever but i know this cant be great for me and its annoying just laying there all night trying to sleep. i tried melatonin, ksm66, l theanine, small amounts of nyquil doesnt seem to do much. high doses of test mess with my sleep but i dont remember it being this bad. any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.

this stuff def works . go get some. every man should try tren atleast once.
Yes it’s the androgenic aspect of tren … it’s so androgenic that it creates insomnia for sure the same as trestolone or high dosed testosterone.


Well-known member
Verified Source
started aztecas test c and tren e last week well ive been on test c but at a trt dose went up to 650 per week and starting out slow with tren at 250 per week. no pip at all.
i know its early on but im already feeling differences strength is going up things are starting to just feel way lighter, tren is like steroids on steroids it feel like its giving me superpowers. 310 on incline felt light for 12 reps but stopped at 9 because something in chest got sore, did 225 for 25 reps other sets and just other things feeling lighter like db shrugs just now went with 105s and they usually feel a bit heavy because of grip they felt like 70s today they werent going anywhere.

just concerned about sleep, sleeping like 4-5 hrs a night but can still function good throughout the day and i feel more alert than ever but i know this cant be great for me and its annoying just laying there all night trying to sleep. i tried melatonin, ksm66, l theanine, small amounts of nyquil doesnt seem to do much. high doses of test mess with my sleep but i dont remember it being this bad. any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.

this stuff def works . go get some. every man should try tren atleast once.
Tren is my go to. Love it thats part of the ride "Trensomnia" you either love or hate it.


Would u guys or which stack would u all rather run ?

Stack 1
Test e 1 g per week
Primobolan 1 g per week
Npp 400 mg per week

100 mg var pre workout only

10 iu gh Ed with 150 igf

Aromasin eod

Stack 2
Test prop 400 mg
Ment ace 400 mg
Mast prop 400 mg
A drol 400 mg weekly
6 iu gh and igf

Stack 3
250 mg test cyp
500 mg primo
250 mg tren e
50 mg winstrol
25 mg ostarine
Gh 5 iu and Mk677 30 mg at night
20 mg nolvadex
Would u guys or which stack would u all rather run ?

Stack 1
Test e 1 g per week
Primobolan 1 g per week
Npp 400 mg per week

100 mg var pre workout only

10 iu gh Ed with 150 igf

Aromasin eod

Stack 2
Test prop 400 mg
Ment ace 400 mg
Mast prop 400 mg
A drol 400 mg weekly
6 iu gh and igf

Stack 3
250 mg test cyp
500 mg primo
250 mg tren e
50 mg winstrol
25 mg ostarine
Gh 5 iu and Mk677 30 mg at night
20 mg nolvadex
What is you goal with your cycle? I'm asking because that would help ME make a better choice between which cycle to pick


Active member
Would u guys or which stack would u all rather run ?

Stack 1
Test e 1 g per week
Primobolan 1 g per week
Npp 400 mg per week

100 mg var pre workout only

10 iu gh Ed with 150 igf

Aromasin eod

Stack 2
Test prop 400 mg
Ment ace 400 mg
Mast prop 400 mg
A drol 400 mg weekly
6 iu gh and igf

Stack 3
250 mg test cyp
500 mg primo
250 mg tren e
50 mg winstrol
25 mg ostarine
Gh 5 iu and Mk677 30 mg at night
20 mg nolvadex
As I have always said test high so that’s good. 1-2g test
The var before training on ont do anything as it’s not androgenic so you won’t get much, rather anadrol 100-150mg before training.
Deca always use half of your test so if test is 2g then use 800-1000mg or EQ don’t use both
The 1 stack is what I like the most but take out the primo and use deca or eq and anadrol before training
No anti E unless needed and then if you do only until the gyno goes away. You need that estrogen to grow


What is you goal with your cycle? I'm asking because that would help ME make a better choice between which cycle to pick
I am currently 216 lbs and I want to get to about 230-235 but lean

The cycle I’m using

Is 600-750 of test e
600-800 of primo e
500-700 of nandrolone (npp)
100 mg of anavar pre workout only

6-10 iu gh Ed with igf

1-3 aromasin if needed
Perhaps 12.5 mg aromasin every third day
Caber for the nandrolone


Active member
I am currently 216 lbs and I want to get to about 230-235 but lean

The cycle I’m using

Is 600-750 of test e
600-800 of primo e
500-700 of nandrolone (npp)
100 mg of anavar pre workout only

6-10 iu gh Ed with igf

1-3 aromasin if needed
Perhaps 12.5 mg aromasin every third day
Caber for the nandrolone

you need to eat more. 10iu hgh is a very high dosage. youre pushing a lot of drugs when. u. should be never skipping meals.
I am currently 216 lbs and I want to get to about 230-235 but lean

The cycle I’m using

Is 600-750 of test e
600-800 of primo e
500-700 of nandrolone (npp)
100 mg of anavar pre workout only

6-10 iu gh Ed with igf

1-3 aromasin if needed
Perhaps 12.5 mg aromasin every third day
Caber for the nandrolone
I like what you're running now for the most part. I would up the test to 1g drop the primo altogether (I'm not a fan of it) and keep the npp at what you have it now. I would drop the var and run 100mg daily of anadrol. I know you said you want to stay lean but, I've always made my best gains when I didn't try to keep my abs tight. I'm not saying let yourself become a fat ass. I'm just saying most people grow the best and most when they let themselves put on a little body fat. With that said how many calories are you taking in a day? I only asking because you said you want to stay lean